Chapter 289, Gold Ingot

Xu Fei chuckled upon seeing this.

The little girls are so cute.

I asked them their names one by one.

Before, they had only opened the branches and scattered the leaves, so Xu Fei didn't ask any more questions.

Now that I intend to bring them to my side, I can't be so casual.

Although these girls are not very beautiful, they are basically delicate and pretty, like the girl next door, but they are better in numbers.

A total of twenty-six.

This is also Xu Fei’s previous ‘record’ in the Pig Trotter Collection...

In addition, Xu Fei didn't just ask for names dryly. Every time he asked for a girl's name, Xu Fei would hold her hand and chat for a few words, and would also give out a gold ingot.

Not big, just a pound.

Not to mention, the golden ingot looks great in the little hands of girls.

And this also made several girls from poor family backgrounds suddenly become more and more devoted to Xu Fei.

Loving money is not wrong, but loving money alone is not.

Said hello to the girls.

Xu Fei asked them to go back to sleep.

After all, it's still early in the day.

However, the girls, led by Wu Min and Wen Xia, were busy preparing breakfast.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply let them do it.

Soon, a breakfast of various flavors was prepared.

It can be seen that the girls worked hard to show off their skills.

But in the eyes of the chef Xu Fei, it was just a home-cooked meal.

But that's fine.

Xu Fei's requirements are not high either.

These girls just need to be obedient and sensible.

After breakfast, Xu Fei went to practice.

Because he no longer took various spiritual pills, Xu Fei's improvement in cultivation suddenly slowed down.

Never again as fast as before.

However, Master Yan mentioned several times that it was not good to increase your cultivation too quickly, and Xu Fei did learn a lot of relevant information.

Although his situation is different from that of ordinary monks, there is no harm in taking a moment to stabilize his current cultivation level.

After the practice, Xu Fei went to rest.

As his practice became more and more profound, Xu Fei's body was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he could gradually survive without eating or resting.

But the subtle things in the daily diet, that is, various nutrients, are still needed by the monk's body.

If you don't eat for a long time, you can survive, but in practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort, or even make no progress.

Unless the practice of Taoism is special or something special.

Otherwise, daily diet is very important for monks.

Rest is about the same.

You don’t have to take a break, but it’s best to maintain a normal schedule.

There are benefits.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei woke up, stretched and got up.

But I found that the girls were very cautious.

For fear of disturbing his rest.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

After thinking about it, he called Wu Min and Wen Xia.

I told them that I had some practice and didn't need to worry about it.

As long as it is not too noisy, there will be no problem in normal life.

Although Wu Min and Wen Xia agreed very neatly, according to Xu Fei's observation, they may have to get along with each other again before these girls can be more relaxed in front of him.

Xu Fei didn't say much, just let nature take its course.

I pondered over my various skills for a while.

Xu Fei cooked some food himself.

The portions are big enough for all the girls to eat.

After eating this delicious meal made by Xu Fei, the girls really felt more relaxed in front of Xu Fei.

Xu Fei's busy schedule was not in vain.

Of course, at night, it's Xu Fei's time to enjoy.

It was very satisfying.

At midnight, when the girls were all resting, Xu Fei went to the black market in another market again.

There are six lively markets in Lanling Mountain and six black markets.

But in Xu Feilai's black market today, no one even charged an entrance fee.

This gave Xu Fei a bad feeling.

After all, the black market for pig trotters charges an admission fee of two taels for broken souls. The black market is a mess and fakes are everywhere.

At Sanxingji, there is an admission fee of three taels of broken spirits, but there are no fakes in the black market.

This is probably due to the restrictions imposed by the organizers of the black market.

But this third black market doesn't even charge an entrance fee.

So Xu Fei was really not sure what was going on.

But after all that, Xu Fei still entered the black market.

To Xu Fei's expectation, although the black market was not lively, there was no bloodshed.

But behind each stall, there was not one stall owner, but several people.

Even those who came to buy things were not just one person or two people. Almost always in groups.

It's rare to be alone like Xu Fei.

Seeing this, Xu Fei almost understood the situation here.

Obviously, although there is no manager in this black market, everyone forms a team with people they know well to build momentum.

Avoid the risk of prying eyes.

In terms of east and west, the situation is actually not much different from the other two black markets.

Some are good, some are bad.

It all depends on personal vision.

After walking around for a while, Xu Fei discovered that several groups of people looked at him in a strange way.

It was as if he was being treated as a fat sheep.

"Mr. Han!"

Just when Xu Fei thought he should leave first to avoid trouble, he heard someone calling him.

Turning around, he saw the rather warm-hearted Yang Xun, the previous owner of the golden-eyed eagle.

"Oh, Brother Yang." Xu Fei chuckled and cupped his hands. The other party will call him 'Mr. Han', which is why he borrowed the name Han Tianzun and assumed the pseudonym Han Li during this trip.

Seeing that Xu Fei and Yang Xun knew each other, their prying eyes couldn't help but shrink.

After all, Yang Xun has more than ten companions.

You can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with.

Yang Xun originally wanted to ask why his husband was alone.

However, thinking of the other party's superb sword control skills, he didn't say much.

With this person's strength, why does he need a companion?

Xu Fei looked at the items sold by Yang Xun and his companions.

Most of them contain various spiritual materials and elixirs.

But the quality is not very good.

Spiritual materials are common, and elixirs are mostly cultivated. The best ones only have medicinal properties for a few years.

Obviously, life for Yang Xun and his companions was not good.

"Sir..." Yang Xun said a little embarrassed.

After all, his embarrassment was inevitably embarrassing when the powerful 'Mr. Han' saw it.

Xu Fei didn't mind.

He also spent a lot of time in Lanling Mountain.

But I have never been able to find high-quality blue fluorite.

Although it can be purchased from six families and eight surnames later, tens of thousands of spiritual stones are not money, right?

Save if you can.

So Xu Fei thinks, can he run some small forces for himself?

He doesn't need to be very powerful, as long as he can help him collect some spiritual materials and elixirs.

Just make some money.

And the Yang Xun in front of him is a good candidate.

It’s just the handling of things before and after that requires attention.

Otherwise, it is not helping, but harming others.

After looking at the stalls of Yang Xun and his companions, there was actually nothing worth selling.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he invited Yang Xun to go aside.

Take out some wine and food from the storage bag.

While drinking and drinking, we ate and drank for a while.

Xu Fei put forward his idea.

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