Chapter 290, cramped

When he heard that Xu Fei could provide some elixirs for him to sell, Yang Xun's expression suddenly became excited.

A panacea.

Relying on the blessing of his skills, Xu Fei learned various pill-making methods and refined the elixir without any difficulty.

But if refining the elixir was easy, then there wouldn't be several times the profit margin.

"First of all, sir, are you serious about what you said?" Yang Xun even trembled a little.

He was really scared of poverty.

"Of course it's true, but you..." Xu Fei didn't finish his words.

But Yang Xun also understood the meaning.

Money moves people's hearts.

It is applicable to both ordinary people and monks.

After all, although monks study Taoism and practice diligently, they are still in the category of 'human beings' in the final analysis.

As long as we are human, we have seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow, greed, jealousy, hatred and laughter.

Therefore, if Yang Xun can sell Xu Fei's elixirs in a good manner in the future, he will inevitably attract prying eyes and even outright coercion and robbery.

Both Xu Fei and Yang Xun can think of this.

So after thinking about this problem, Yang Xun's originally excited expression suddenly became helpless.

"I really don't deserve your trust, sir." Yang Xun said guiltily.

I felt guilty for not being able to respond to the trust of 'Mr. Han', and I also felt regretful for not being able to seize the opportunity when I encountered it.

Xu Fei was not bored when he saw this.

Doesn't he want an 'agent' like 'Yang Xun'?

With certain strength, the dozen or so monks who had just set up a stall with Yang Xun were vaguely headed by Yang Xun.

It shows that Yang Xun should be the 'leader' and 'boss' among them.

But it is not strong enough.

If Yang Xun can afford to sell Xu Fei's pills, it may cause problems.

Then Xu Fei and Yang Xun have a cooperative relationship, not a master-slave relationship.

Although cooperation is not impossible, for Xu Fei, the master-slave relationship is undoubtedly more beneficial.

But how to help Yang Xun stabilize his business without getting into trouble requires some consideration.

But things always need to be done first.

So the next day, Xu Fei took Yang Xun to the Che family, the strongest among the six families with eight surnames.

The reason for looking for the Che family is that the Che family has the best reputation among the six families with eight surnames.

But the identity of Linglong Immortal Sect disciple is still very useful.

After some negotiation, they finally exchanged 10% of their income for the car's maintenance.

Of course, this 10% of the income is sales, that is, if you sell ten spirit stone elixirs, you have to hand over one spirit stone to the Che family.

And Xu Fei felt that if the business here was better, the Che family would most likely take action and take the business away from Yang Xun.

But compared to other stores that often give 30% of their income to six families and eight surnames, his side is already doing well.

"Sir, is he actually a disciple of the Immortal Sect?" Yang Xun couldn't help but be surprised when he came out of Che's house.

The golden signboard of Linglong Immortal Sect is still very shining.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

His status as a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect made his cultivation path quite smooth.

After all, after becoming a disciple of the Immortal Sect, he could live in the Immortal City, obtain the Five Aggregates Dharma, the Cave Spirit Dharma, and the Zhengzhen Dharma, which seemed a bit mediocre now, and start practicing.

Later, he practiced carefully for two and a half years and entered the Immortal Sect, taking the opportunity to learn weapon refining. After becoming a disciple of Master Lu, both his cultivation and weapon refining skills improved by leaps and bounds.

This allowed him to achieve the "exaggerated speed" in which his magic power improved to more than 4,000 pots in just a few years.

But in fact, there are many people who have improved faster than Xu Fei.

At least there are figures in Linglong Immortal Sect.

It's just that most of their cultivations fell into a bottleneck that was difficult to break through after rapid progress.

This is also the fundamental reason why Master Yan would advise Xu Feier to control the speed of his cultivation.

There are many aspects of practice here that require attention.

You cannot slow down your cultivation. If you do, you will face more and more bottlenecks and make your cultivation difficult.

But it can’t be fast. It would be great if it could always be fast, but it’s almost impossible.

Because after practicing diligently for a period of time, you will always hit a bottleneck.

The faster the previous improvement in cultivation, the more difficult it was to break through the bottlenecks encountered.

This is the limit of heaven and earth.

It is beyond human reach.

Even a monk cannot reverse God's will.

The word "defying heaven" sounds very majestic.

But it is only a limited ups and downs within the scope created by heaven and earth.

After all, if there is no inspiration in heaven and earth, how can we practice?

Just eradicate everything.

And respecting heaven and earth is not a bad thing.

Because only after respecting one can we make better use of the laws of heaven and earth.

Shaking his head, Xu Fei stopped his divergent thoughts.

Work with Yang Xun to find a suitable place to open an elixir shop.

Xu Fei initially planned to provide Yang Xun with 300 pills every month.

Calculated based on the selling price of Tianwu Pavilion, the total value is almost 1,500 spirit stones.

Xu Fei will take 70%, which is one thousand and fifty coins.

Of the remaining four hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty were 'protection fees' for the Che family, and only the last three hundred were received by Yang Xun.

As for how Yang Xun distributes this part, that is Yang Xun's business.

Xu Fei will not ask again.

In addition, only 20% of the elixirs sold by Yang Xun were of the type to enhance cultivation, while the remaining 80% were elixirs with auxiliary effects such as nourishing the body, treating injuries, detoxifying, etc.

After all, although Lanling Mountain is lively, has many monks, and has the unique resource of blue fluorite, its consumption power cannot be compared to that of Immortal City.

Most monks will spend high prices to buy elixirs. Basically, they are injured or poisoned, and it must be a more serious situation that cannot heal itself.

Otherwise, how many casual cultivators can afford to use elixirs during their daily practice?

Busy and busy, a few days passed.

The elixir shop was finally opened.

There are Yang Xun and his companions, plus the protection of the Che family.

The operation was smooth.

I can sell five or eight pills a day and earn dozens of spiritual stones.

To Xu Fei, it was nothing more than an ant's legs, but to casual cultivators like Yang Xun, it was like nectar falling from the sky and springing up from the ground.

Even with such a small amount of income, only 20% belongs to them.

After handling these trivial matters, Xu Fei did not stay in Lanling Mountain any longer.

In addition to not being able to buy high-quality blue fluorite this time, Xu Fei gained more knowledge and gained an income of tens of thousands of spiritual stones, as well as setting up a pill shop.

Overall, it's so-so and acceptable.

Actuating the small boat, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect in a few hours at a super high speed of more than 8,000 miles an hour.

Xianmen's rule is 130,000 miles, which sounds very vast.

But for Xu Fei, whose cultivation is getting better and better, it is already a bit too cramped.

It is inevitable that people will have the feeling of being curled up and inadequate when sleeping on a 'small bed'.

But Xu Fei quickly calmed down this emotion.

After all, you’ve just been there, but you still feel that Thirteen Thousand Miles is too small and not enough to perform?

This is too frivolous.

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