Chapter 291, income

Xu Fei went home and had a lot of fun.

Now everyone in the family lives together.

With the surnames Zhang and Xu, there is nothing for adults.

Not so with children.

There are fights between the younger children named Zhang and the older children named Xu almost every day.

On the one hand, the surnames are different, and on the other hand, they may be from the spiritual realm or the spiritual realm, which creates some barriers between the children.

Fortunately, Zhou Yue, Meiniang and the girls restrained them carefully, otherwise it would have been quite lively.

And Xu Fei didn't have any good ideas for this.

We can only have strict requirements and not be ruthless.

As for breaking your nose, punching a panda in the eye, etc...

Xu Fei could only pretend he didn't see it.

In fact, although the youngest children surnamed Zhang are one or two years older, the second daughter named Xu Xinfang, surnamed here, has Taoist roots. She has already worshiped the Immortal Sect to cultivate Immortal seedlings and started practicing. Fundamental Taoism.

Therefore, he can always beat the brothers surnamed Zhang and run away.

Zhang Xian and other older children were asked by Xu Fei not to get involved in the fights between their younger brothers and sisters.

In addition, a fight with these naughty little guys can also arouse their desire to win and make them practice martial arts more seriously.

It's not all bad.

So Xu Fei stopped disciplining him.

And at night, the saying that a little goodbye is better than a wedding is indeed true.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan to say hello.

"Well, what are the gains from this trip?" Master Yan asked.

"It broadens your horizons and increases your knowledge." Xu Fei replied.

Master Yan chuckled and nodded without asking any more questions.

After a round of negotiation with his master, Xu Fei was defeated unexpectedly.

The long years gave Master Yan enough time to study and research these small interests.

In addition, in addition to practicing, Xu Fei usually studies various skills, or refines elixirs, magic weapons, etc.

Regarding Go, apart from some contact with the master, there is no further study.

It is normal for the level to be low.

Afterwards, Xu Fei came to Wuzifang to refine some spiritual materials, preparing to refine a few more magic weapons to increase his income.

Xu Fei has very high requirements for refining the Qingjian again, and all the spiritual materials used need to be of high quality.

However, high-quality spiritual materials are regarded as rare items that can be lived in.

The blue fluorite that was priced at two thousand spiritual stones and one tael in Tianwuge became the price of thirty thousand spiritual stones and one tael in the hands of six families and eight surnames in Lanling Mountain.

Quite troublesome.

Therefore, Xu Fei planned to search by himself first.

If there is not much progress within two or three years, then I am afraid that I will have to ask the master for help.

Return home.

Yu Wei is already waiting.

"Sir." Yu Wei bowed and said.

This one is from the Yu family.

The ancestor of the Yu family had a great time when he was still alive.

Unfortunately, with the emergence of the ancestor of the Yu family, everything dispersed with the wind.

Even the Sky Tower run by his family had no choice but to sell it.

"Well, you and I are a family, don't be so polite, sit down." Xu Fei said.

Yu Wei's aunt, Yu Yixin, is with him now.

So after all, he can be regarded as Yu Wei's uncle.

"Yes." Yu Wei said.

Then he took out an account book and began to report to Xu Fei on the sales of magical instruments during this period.

Although there is no Chongxiao Tower, Yu Wei's ability to sell magical artifacts is impressive.

So Xu Fei still handed over the magical weapons he refined to the other party for sale.

In the end, the score was divided into 70% and 30%.

It sounds like Xu Fei suffered a loss because the other party was just a salesperson and took 30% of the income.

But Yu Wei is responsible for the taxes handed over to the Immortal City Manager and other miscellaneous things.

So Xu Fei is not at a huge loss.

Moreover, selling magic weapons sounds simple, but it is still quite difficult to actually do it.

After all, Xu Fei couldn't just stand on the roadside and hawk.

What's more, even if he really did this, Xu Fei wouldn't be able to sell it for much.

What I got in the end was not even as good as the current ‘70%’.

And I still have to be busy, how can I have peace of mind now.

As for selling the refined magic weapons to various shops, the income will be even less.

At least half off.

Of course, Yu Wei did earn a lot of income by helping Xu Fei sell magic weapons.


After listening to Yu Wei's account report, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad." Xu Fei chuckled.

According to his estimate, the magic weapon he gave to Yu Wei before could be sold for eighty or ninety thousand spirit stones.

But now Yu Wei has sold more than 170,000 spiritual stones.

So even if Xu Fei only takes 70%, it is still more than 110,000.

The price was much higher than his own estimate.

Yu Wei looked at Xu Fei with a pair of wonderful eyes.

If it weren't for the man in front of her, it would be difficult for her to do anything after selling Sky Tower.

"By the way, have you recovered the things your sister took away?" Xu Fei asked.

Previously, Yu Wei's second sister took away all the savings and magical artifacts for sale in Chongxiao Tower, which resulted in the Yu family having no choice but to sell Chongxiao Tower.

The matter has been reported to the Ordination Hall.

Xu Fei returned from an outing, but he still didn't know what the situation was.

So I asked.

Yu Wei smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

"The person has been found, but all the things have been defrauded." Yu Wei said helplessly.

My second sister was coaxed, instigated, and eloped with others.

He even obeyed the other party's words and took away the things from Sky Tower.

But she didn't expect that after the other party succeeded, he directly drugged her second sister to faint, and then stole all the spiritual stones, magic weapons, etc.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

Isn’t this the monk’s version of a pig-killing plate?

"But please don't worry, sir. I will definitely find a way to repay the spiritual stones I owe you in the future." Yu Wei added quickly.

Xu Fei glanced at Yu Wei and saw that he was not so generous as to waste more than 100,000 spirit stones, so he nodded and approved Yu Wei's handling.

After settling the accounts for the sale of magical artifacts, Xu Fei sent Yu Wei away.

But he found that the Sixth Master Yu Shu and her disciple Mo Shuang were chatting with the master.

"Uncle, senior sister." "Sir." Xu Fei bowed and said.

Although Yu Shu is a woman, there is no title like master aunt in Linglong Immortal Sect.

That is to say, the elders of the master's sect, regardless of gender, are uncles and uncles.

As for ordinary people, they are called senior sisters and junior sisters.

Seeing Xu Fei, Yu Shu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

When she saw Xu Fei before, she could still sense his restrained mana, but now she could only sense Xu Fei's own cultivation of more than a hundred pots.

This means that Xu Fei's cultivation level is now similar to hers, or even higher!

"Uncle, sir, I'll see my friend off first." Xu Fei said again.

"Let's go." Master Lu said.

Xu Fei bowed again and sent Yu Wei away.

Although their uncles Yu Shu and Yu Wei both had the surname Yu, they were not related by blood.

After sending Yu Wei away, Xu Fei came back to accompany his master to receive his uncle and senior sister to avoid being rude.

"I knew you were busy, so I didn't ask anyone to call you." Master Lu said, explaining why Yu Shu and Mo Shuang came over but didn't inform Xu Fei.

Xu Fei quickly said some kind words about his uncle and senior sister coming over, no matter how busy they were, they would come over.

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