Mo Shuang looked at the junior brother in front of him.

She knew that Master intended to bring her and the other party together.

But looking at Xu Fei, she didn't like him at all.

Moreover, Xu Fei already had many wives, concubines, and children.

This also made Mo Shuang even more repelled.

After all, in her expectation, she would be the only Taoist companion in the future.

Xu Fei didn't know the inside story.

It was only because of the close relationship between Master Lu Qishi and his uncle that he was quite respectful to the sixth uncle in front of him.

"Uncle and senior sister, how about having dinner here in the evening? You can also try my cooking." Xu Fei said.

Yu Shu chuckled when she heard this: "I have long heard from my junior brother that you are a superb cook. I am sure you will be able to enjoy your meal today."

"I will not let my uncle down." Xu Fei chuckled.

Then go to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Soon, sumptuous dinners were served one after another.

Mo Shuang was inevitably surprised when she looked at the delicious food in front of her.

However, there was an unavoidable suspicion that Fei had invited the chef to help.

After all, how could the other party have such powerful skills?

But after taking it into his mouth, Mo Shuang lost all these distracting thoughts.

Isn’t this delicious? !

Because Master is relatively pure in heart and has few desires, his daily diet is quite ordinary.

Cabbage, radish, rice and tofu.

Mo Shuang was so angry that he dared not speak.

Yu Shu felt somewhat guilty when she saw this.

Because of her special constitution, she could not eat meat, which caused her apprentices to suffer the consequences.

"Shuang'er, you just stay here for a few days, and you can go with Xu Fei to your master to receive some teachings." Yu Shu said.

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this.

Why does this sound weird?

But Xu Fei didn't think much about it.

These matters were arranged by Master Lu, and it was not his turn yet.

After eating and drinking, Yu Shu said goodbye and left.

"Okay, don't give it away anymore." Yu Shu turned to look at Master Lu who sent it out and chuckled.

"Senior sister, walk slowly." Master Lu said.

He was raised almost single-handedly by Sixth Senior Sister, like a mother and a sister.

Yu Shu glanced at her apprentice again, then flew away directly.

Someone arranged for the senior sister's accommodation.

Xu Fei thought that when his uncle ate today, he only ate the lightest carrots and cabbage.

"Sir, is your uncle feeling unwell?" Xu Fei said.

Master Lu was surprised by his apprentice's keenness.

"Yes, senior sister, she has a special constitution and can only eat some carrots and cabbage." Master Lu said.

But exactly what is special about it, Master Lu is not sure.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this and didn't ask any more questions.

After Xu Fei completed his training the next day, he came to his master with his senior sister Mo Shuang.

Master Yan was not surprised by Mo Shuang's arrival. Master Yu must have already asked for instructions.

After saying hello, when Xu Fei came to Wuzifang, he didn't expect Mo Shuang to follow him.

"Senior sister, what else is there?" Xu Fei asked.

Mo Shuang felt helpless.

On the one hand, there was Master's strict order, and on the other hand, Xu Fei had a delicious meal yesterday, which made some changes.

So Mo Shuang planned to cope with this period of time.

"Well, let me see how your weapon-refining skills are going," Mo Shuang said.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment after hearing this.

He had seen Master Yan take action.

I have also seen Patriarch Yu Wei refining the Divine Light of Ming Ling.

So Xu Fei can make certain judgments.

In the process of refining weapons.

If it is the aspect that Xu Fei currently masters better, he is already more skilled than his master, and even surpasses his master.

Use a lake as an analogy.

Because of the Patriarch Wei and Grandmaster Yan, they are a vast water bank thousands of miles away.

Xu Fei is a small but deep lake with a depth of thousands of meters.

In terms of 'water quantity', Xu Fei is definitely not as good as his master and ancestor. But in some aspects, he is even more powerful.

But this Senior Sister Mo actually looked complacent in pointing out things to him...

However, after Xu Fei thought about it, he did not dampen the senior sister's enthusiasm.

After arriving at Wuzifang with his senior sister, Xu Fei began to hone his spiritual materials.

Mo Shuang didn't pay attention at first, but after checking the spiritual materials that Xu Fei had refined, her expression changed drastically.

Because she has honed such good spiritual materials, not even her master can do it.

But these were all done by the ‘junior brother’ in front of me.

"S-Junior brother..." Mo Shuang stuttered a little.

Xu Fei smiled in his heart, but pretended to be calm: "Senior sister, what's the matter?"

"How can you refine spiritual materials so well?" Mo Shuang said.

"Treat these spiritual materials with care and treat them as your friends." Xu Fei said nonsense.

Mo Shuang was stunned when he heard this.

"Careful?" Mo Shuang's expression became a little confused.

After all, this is completely different from what Master usually teaches.

What the master taught was to control mana, pay attention to the temperature of the fire, distinguish the quality, beat carefully and many other methods to hone the spiritual materials.

Careful? How to be careful?

Xu Fei felt a sudden surprise when he saw this.

This senior sister's attitude towards him has always been somewhat condescending.

Even Xu Fei was a little annoyed, so he thought of teasing her.

But if this woman is deceived into lameness, then Master may not be able to spare him.

"This is my method, it may not be suitable for you." Xu Fei quickly compensated.

Mo Shuang finally recovered from his confusion.

And this also reminded Mo Shuang of what his master said in the past: every skilled weapon master has his own set of experiences.

So to put it this way, my junior brother is already a very powerful weapon master?

Thinking of this, Mo Shuang's eyes moved slightly.

She doesn't like refining magic weapons.

But since she was adopted by her master, she started to get involved in weapon refining.

So weapon refining has become a part of her life.

Just like food, clothing, housing and transportation.

"Junior brother, can I, can I learn these skills from you?" Mo Shuang's pretty face turned red and she said a little embarrassed.

After all, these unique skills are the special skills of every weapon master, and even apprentices will not teach them easily.

As a senior sister, she covets her junior brother's skills...

Xu Fei has nothing wrong with him.

After all, it is not that simple to learn how to refine weapons.

Just like practicing calligraphy, even if there are all kinds of good copybooks in front of them, how many people can practice superb calligraphy?

And even if Mo Shuang really learned his current skills.

So what?

Possessing level 44 weapon refining skills, Xu Fei made rapid progress when learning various weapon refining skills.

Once Mo Shuang has reached his current level of skills, Xu Fei doesn't know how far he has improved.

In fact, after years of use, Xu Fei felt that as the level of each skill increased, it not only enhanced him, but also greatly enhanced his understanding in related aspects.

Just like the art of weapon refining.

When Xu Fei's weapon refining skills improve, he will have more understanding of the skills he currently masters, and when he learns other weapon refining skills in the future, he will learn more quickly and comprehensively.

And this must have the effect that after Xu Fei's weapon refining skills improved, he himself also rose accordingly.

After all, if high school students are asked to solve math problems for elementary school students, even if it is a type of problem they have never seen before, high school students can basically understand and solve it quickly.

Pretty much the same truth.

The height is enough, so you can naturally see farther and more. (End of chapter)

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