Chapter 306, Yuze Island

It cannot be said that there are countless people who can escape and fall from the sky.

But at least within sight, it happens from time to time.

Xu Fei also flew directly to the town after seeing such a situation.

I looked up at the sky and saw that it was almost midnight.

But Raoshui Town is still quite lively.

After all, monks have a rather weak sense of time.

There are quite a few monks who go out for a walk at night.

This also makes most of the shops related to monks in Raoshui Town open around the clock.

But after Xu Fei looked around, he found an inn to rest.

Although it is located in Raoshui Town, a place with many monks, the price of inn accommodation is not expensive.

The one-room monastery is quite neat and well-furnished.

It's only one or two and a half pieces of silver per night.

Come on, come on, it feels like one thousand and fifty.

Immediately, Xu Fei was stunned. Has he become a person who thinks that staying in a room worth 1,500 yuan a night is not expensive?

This made Xu Fei shake his head, smile, and go to rest.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early.

Then we walked around Raoshui Town.

After half a day, Xu Fei learned more about Raoshui Town.

Among them, the northern part of the town is mostly lived and used by monks.

In the south of the town are flower houses and gambling houses.

The west part of the town is occupied by ordinary people who serve the monks. The east part of the town is surrounded by large areas of fertile land, so there are farmers who grow and supply the town's daily meals.

Overall it's quite orderly.

In addition, the number of wealthy families in Tianxingze is much smaller than that in Lanling Mountain.

There are only four in Tianxingze.

Mi family, Yan family, Wu family and Ning family.

They built towns separately and occupied an area in Tianxingze.

As for Raoshui Town, it is not included in the sphere of influence of the four families.

Instead, it is jointly managed by several guilds in the town.

Among them are the Medicine Guild that specializes in elixirs, the Weapon Guild that refines weapons, and several other large or small guilds.

The situation over there in Lanling Mountain is completely different.

And because Tianxingze has a vast area.

The monks have free access, so there is no possibility of exploitation.

The overall environment is okay.

In addition, Tianxingze produces water marrow, and there are quite a lot of casual cultivators gathered here.

However, after visiting a few stores, Xu Fei inquired but was quite disappointed.

Because in Raoshui Town, there are very few high-quality water marrows produced.

The last time it appeared was decades ago.

Since then, Raoshui Town, a town located south of Tianxingze, has never had a high-quality water essence.

Of course, it may have appeared before, but it was not known to the general public.

Only on some special islands in Tianxingze will high-quality water essences be sold from time to time.

After hearing the news, he stayed in Raoshui Town for another two days, went to the black market in Raoshui Town, and bought some high-quality elixirs at low prices, before Xu Fei headed to Yuze Island.

And this Yuze Island is one of the islands where fine water marrow is produced more frequently.

Through the map, Xu Fei spent some time finding Yuze Island.

The island is more than ten miles from east to west and three miles from north to south. It is also quite lively.

In other words, as long as spiritual materials are produced, there is no place that is not bustling.

After all, this is just like the surrounding gold mines.

As long as there is no ban, the people of Wuyang Wuyang will shout loudly.

After landing on Yuze Island, Xu Fei walked around for a few times.

Got some bad news.

Because there are "four" shops on Yuze Island, it is expressly forbidden to sell high-quality water essence privately.

It can only be sold to them.

Although the prices offered by the four companies are not bad, they are only one-fifth of their selling prices.

In other words, the water marrow purchased for one thousand spirit stones per pound was sold for five thousand spirit stones per pound.

This made Xu Fei feel dizzy.

He would need almost ten kilograms of fine water marrow to refine the green sword again.

If you buy it at one of the four shops, you will need to spend 50,000 spirit stones...

Even if Xu Fei still has some money, he can't make it like this.

But even if he buys high-quality water essence privately through the black market, Xu Fei feels that the price will not be very low.

After all, the purchase prices of the four companies were as high as one thousand spirit stones per pound.

This made Xu Fei sigh.

Want to buy some high-quality spiritual materials, why is it so troublesome!

Is it really necessary for him to return to Linglong Immortal Sect, work hard to improve his status in the sect, and then purchase various high-quality spiritual materials through Tianwu Pavilion? !

Shaking his head helplessly, Xu Fei thought he would stay for a few days and try his luck.

If you meet a suitable candidate and help them establish a force, you can leave with nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei simply relaxed his mind and started to play on Yuze Island to feel the customs.

Tianxingze is very vast.

Like the sea or the abyss.

It is said that the deepest point is more than 10,000 feet.

If converted, that's 40,000 or 50,000 meters.

And since it is so deep, there are naturally big fish.

So the next day Xu Fei followed a fishing boat out for fishing and went deep into Tianxing Ze.

Get ready to catch some big fish.

If you catch a few big fish weighing 180 kilograms, it would be a good idea to take them back and give them to your parents, wives and children to taste.

But with the help of the old fisherman, Xu Fei's harvest turned out to be pretty good.

I reeled in my rod one after another and caught seven or eight big fish weighing 20 or 30 kilograms.

Xu Fei, who rarely fished before, experienced a lot of fun.

"Thank you, old sir." Xu Fei thanked the old fisherman on the side.

This is the owner and captain of the fishing boat.

He has been fishing in Tianxingze for many years and has rich experience. For some reason, he is called the old fisherman.

As for his real name, few people mention it.

"Hahaha, as long as you are happy, sir." the old fisherman said with a smile.

The old fisherman didn't welcome Xu Fei's intention to go fishing on their fishing boat.

But he didn't dare to refuse.

After all, the other party is a monk.

Fortunately, the other party is more easy-going.

A lot less twists and turns.

After fishing for a while, although he failed to catch a fish weighing more than 100 kilograms, Xu Fei did not disturb the old fisherman and the others from fishing again.

They make a living by fishing.

Just help him experience the fun of fishing.

As for directly supplementing the harvest of the old fisherman and his party, asking them to help will definitely catch big fish...

You can do this, but it's not necessary.

After all, Xu Fei didn't like fishing either.

Just throw two rods and experience the fun of fishing.

At most, after landing, you can find a fish shop to buy a few big fish and take them back.

Xu Fei has no obsession with whether the fish he caught by himself is for his family to taste.

Is there any difference in the taste between fish caught by hand and fish bought after cooking?

If it were different, then Xu Fei would naturally not give up so easily, and would definitely persist.

The old fisherman led his nephews to cast a net for fishing, and soon they caught a lot of fish.

Xu Fei looked at it with relish.

And when they see something exciting, they will applaud.

What a spectator.

When the old fisherman and his nephews saw the monk Xu Fei cheering for them, they even worked harder to perform fishing.

Try to make the monk happy.

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