Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The fishing boat's catch is gratifying.

After asking Xu Fei's permission to return, the old fisherman started shouting a long-sounding chant from low to high.

The nephews of the old fisherman on the boat also began to respond.

And in the sound of this fishing song, which is not melodious but is bold and open-minded, the fishing boat rides on the wind heading back to Yuze Island.

Xu Fei listened to the fishing songs and felt the breeze blowing in front of him. Overall, the fishing experience these days was quite fun.

If you have the opportunity in the future, it would be good to bring the whole family to experience it.

With a smooth journey, it only took most of the day.

The fishing boat returns to Yuze Island.

Xu Fei was ready to say goodbye and leave.

"Mr. Han." The old fisherman suddenly said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this: "What's the matter, old gentleman?"

"I wonder if I have the honor to invite Mr. Han to my home?" the old fisherman said anxiously.

That is to say, Xu Fei's temperament has been relatively gentle in the past few days, so the old fisherman dared to invite him like this.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

What kind of trouble is this? Do you want to take advantage of his status as a monk?

Thinking of the fact that the old fisherman had been very careful and courteous these past few days, he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied at all.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei nodded.

"Since the old gentleman has requested you, I will be disrespectful to you," Xu Fei said.

When he heard 'Mr. Han' agreed, the old fisherman grinned, with a happy smile on his face.

The old fisherman's family is not far from the pier.

It's only a few hundred meters.

Several large tile-roofed houses.

It's quite spacious, but there are a lot of dried fish drying in the courtyard.

You can tell at a glance what this family does.

And several children with pigtails in high braids were playing in the open space in front of the yard.

Two of them ran over happily when they saw the old fisherman and his party coming back.

"Grandpa is back~Grandpa is back~"

When the old fisherman saw the two children, a kind smile appeared on his face, and he touched the heads of his two five- and seven-year-old grandsons.

Then he quickly invited Xu Fei to sit down at home.

Although there was a bit of fishy smell, Xu Fei was almost used to being on a fishing boat these days, so there was nothing strange about it.

Instead, when he saw the old fisherman asking his wife and daughter-in-law to prepare a sumptuous dinner, he stopped him.

"Don't make it so rich, just make some fish." Xu Fei said.

"Yes, yes." The old fisherman agreed quickly.

The old fisherman here is chatting with Xu Fei, talking about the customs of Yuze Island and Tianxingze.

After a while, a pretty-looking woman came back.

The woman looks like she is twenty-three or twenty-four years old.

She is dressed in coarse clothes without any makeup, her hair is simply tied up with a hosta, and her eyes are clear.

The baggy clothes don't reveal your figure, but in terms of appearance, you still have a score of 80 or above.

When the woman saw a guest at home, she had a look of surprise on her face.

He quickly curtsied and bowed.

"This is my eldest daughter Cuiniang." The old fisherman introduced her quickly.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

After all, she is a female member of someone else's family, and he doesn't like to look at her too much. And there is a saying that Xu Fei has eaten and used a lot of them. If he can't score above 90 points, it will be dispensable to him.

Soon, dinner was ready.

The old fisherman and his two sons accompanied him to dinner.

After dinner, Xu Fei looked at the old fisherman.

"What's the matter with the old gentleman?" Xu Fei said.

Since he suspected that the old fisherman had other difficulties, Xu Fei naturally would not turn a blind eye.

Help if you can.

"Thank you for your concern, sir. In fact, the problem has been almost solved since your visit to my home." The old fisherman said quickly.

The thing is simple, that is, someone wants to buy the catch from his fishing boat at a low price.

But this is just a dispute between ordinary people.

So today Xu Fei came to the old fisherman's house as a guest. With just this little prestige, he could basically stop the old fisherman's family from being oppressed.

Xu Fei had some guesses after hearing this.

But he didn't ask any more questions.

Tell the old fisherman where he lives in the inn.

He will be on Yuze Island these days. If there is any trouble, he can take care of it.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!" The old fisherman thanked him again and again.

After all, what he had expected before was just to let this 'Mr. Han' sit at home.

But I didn't expect that 'Mr. Han' was quite enthusiastic and willing to give more help.

How could the old fisherman not be moved by this?

Thinking of this, the old fisherman was thoughtful.

After dinner, Xu Fei was ready to go back.

However, the old fisherman repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay.

Xu Fei thought for a while and didn't refuse.

Lived in the old fisherman's home.

But when it was almost ten o'clock, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment and lit the light with a flick of his finger.

But he saw Cuiniang, the eldest daughter of the old fisherman, standing at the door with her pretty face flushed and at a loss.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

After Cui Niang heard this, she finally made up her mind, walked into the room, then turned around and closed the door again.

Then he came to Xu Fei's bedside and lightly unbuttoned his clothes.

"What is this?" Xu Fei frowned.

But there was some speculation in my mind.

It must be the old fisherman's 'repay' for helping him.

But asking his daughter to come and sacrifice herself directly caught him somewhat off guard.

"The benefactor helped our family escape from danger, and the little girl has nothing to repay..." Cuiniang couldn't continue talking.

Apparently quite shy.

Xu Fei looked at Cui Niang, who was becoming more and more attractive under the light.

Since the other party has good intentions, he might as well not live up to it.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +80’

What surprised Xu Fei was that Cui Niang was still a child.

After the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Cui Niang, with her pretty face and rosy face lying in Xu Fei's arms, whispered: "I was betrothed to someone before, but the other person's family disappeared after they went fishing in the river..."

Although he didn't continue to talk about it, Xu Fei could guess Cui Niang's subsequent experiences.

This also made Xu Fei pity this beautiful fisherman girl even more.

The next day, Xu Fei stood up refreshed.

He kissed Cui Niang, who was awakened by him getting up.

Xu Fei wondered if there was an arrangement for her.

If you are not a child, then be happy and say hello to me and everyone is fine.

But since Cui Niang is still a child, Xu Fei can't be so casual.

"What do you usually do?" Xu Fei said softly.

Cui Niang was stunned when she heard this. She originally thought that she served this 'Mr. Han' last night and that the two of them would never meet again.

But she didn't expect that Mr. Han seemed willing to give her some more benefits.

"I work in a medical clinic." Cuiniang said.

Medical clinic? Xu Fei was a little surprised.

If you buy a medical clinic, will Cui Niang be able to play well?

As for giving money directly, that is the lowest method.

After all, the environment on Yuze Island is no better than in previous lives.

Even the old fisherman, whose two sons and several nephews fished with him and had some skills in martial arts, faced bullying.

I had to turn to him, a monk I met occasionally, for help.

Especially the arrangement of giving money directly has been proven before in Lanling Mountain and is not feasible. (End of chapter)

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