But after thinking about it, Xu Fei couldn't think of any suitable arrangements for Cui Niang.

"Let me think about it first." Xu Fei said.

Cui Niang just nodded when she heard this and said nothing more.

Leaving the old fisherman’s home.

Xu Fei returned to the inn, took a shower, and then started today's homework.

Since he stopped taking the pill, Xu Fei's cultivation speed suddenly dropped.

If he had practiced in this situation before, then over the years, Xu Fei's cultivation might be less than twenty pots!

Instead of the current four thousand pots.

However, Xu Fei also paid almost 200,000 spirit stones for his current cultivation.

And this is still under the condition that Xu Fei 'produces and sells by himself'.

Purchase spiritual materials and refine elixirs on your own.

If he had purchased the finished elixir directly, it would not be surprising that the amount of spiritual stones Xu Fei spent might even increase by three to five times.

That is nearly one million spirit stones.

But if it really costs this much, even Xu Fei, who relies on his excellent weapon refining skills and has a strong ability to make money, can't bear it.

After completing his homework, Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts.

Leave the inn and come to the streets of Yuze Island.

Perhaps it was because Yuze Island was too small to open a black market.

It may also be that the "Four Families" are more rigorous in investigating, and the black market is more secretive.

In short, Xu Fei has been on Yuze Island for some time, but he has never been able to find out the location of the black market.

But Xu Fei was not entangled.

After all, there's no point in worrying about it.

Xu Fei can still make this little mental adjustment.

While shopping, he bought two aquatic elixirs of some vintage at almost half the price of Tianwu Pavilion. Xu Fei returned to the inn and prepared to have lunch.

But he found Cuiniang waiting in the main hall of the inn a little uneasily.

"What's the matter?" Xu Fei asked quickly.

"Are you that monk?!" Beside Cui Niang, there was another woman.

At this moment, the other party took the initiative to speak. Xu Fei turned around and felt his eyes light up.

The woman is about 20 years old.

Danfengyan's expression was a bit fierce at the moment, but it could not conceal his outstanding appearance.

There is no doubt that she is a top beauty with a rating of 90+.

After all, under Xu Fei's strict scoring mechanism, only top beauties can be scored above 90 points by him.

But seeing her look like she was raising an army to accuse her, Xu Fei turned to look at Cui Niang.

Cui Niang looked embarrassed.

Xu Fei was about to ask something, but found that many people looked over.

"This is not the place to talk. Please come with me." Xu Fei said.

Lead the two of them to their room.

Cui Niang quickly whispered what happened.

It turns out that the woman works in the medical clinic with Cui Niang.

Last night, Cui Niang welcomed Xiao Xu Fei into Hong Kong, and it was inevitably difficult to move around.

The woman noticed it and asked.

Cui Niang couldn't bear to ask more questions, and she had a good relationship with the woman, so she briefly said something.

Unexpectedly, the woman mistakenly thought that Xu Fei forced Cuiniang because of his status as a monk.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

Cui Niang is a bit unreliable.

Can these things be told to outsiders?

If it wasn't Yishou, Xu Fei would simply ignore it.

But Cui Niang is indeed a master, and she grew up with his help last night.

So teach slowly.

"In Miss Yi's opinion, how should I compensate Cui Niang?" Xu Fei asked the two women to sit down.

The young woman in front of her is not only beautiful, but she is also a monk with more than three hundred pots of cultivation.

Otherwise, how could he dare to accept Xu Fei's invitation and come to him.

It can also be inferred from this that the medical clinic where Cuiniang is located does not seem to be ordinary.

However, the woman did not appreciate Xu Fei's courtesy.

"Are you still asking me about this kind of thing?" the woman said arrogantly.

Xu Fei was even more helpless when he heard this.

He also thought about how to arrange Cuiniang, and even thought about taking Cuiniang back to the fairy gate.

However, after hesitating, Xu Fei still did not do so.

On the one hand, there are enough women in the family, but Xu Fei doesn't want to have any entanglement with Xu Fei's identity as 'Han Li'.

After all, if 'Han Li' gets into any trouble in the future, what does it have to do with Xu Fei?

If you don't take it back, then how to arrange it will become a problem.

That's why Xu Fei posed the problem to the woman.

But it was obvious that the woman was angry for a moment and had no rules at all.

With Cui Niang's comfort, the woman finally sat down at the table, feeling a little calmer.

Xu Fei also sat down and poured tea for the two girls himself.

However, the woman did not drink it.

Instead, he continued to look at Xu Fei angrily.

The medical clinic where she and Cuiniang were located was called the 'Female Medical Clinic'.

It is both a spiritual sect and a medical center.

As you can tell from the name, it is a place for women only.

But only she, her master, and a few senior sisters were monks.

However, because there are many trivial tasks in the medical center, such as preparing, brewing and grinding medicinal materials, there are more than a hundred women working in the medical center.

Cui Niang is one of the female workers in the medical center and one of her few friends.

After learning that Cuiniang had been taken advantage of by the monks, she immediately made a subjective judgment that there was some coercion.

Only then did he come to ask for help.

But when she heard Xu Fei talk about how to compensate Cui Niang, the woman was also at a loss.

After all, how can we compensate for this?

"A thousand spiritual stones!" After deliberation for a while, but there was no suitable way, the woman finally said loudly.

Xu Fei smiled when he heard this: "If I give these spiritual stones to Cui Niang, I will not be compensating her, but harming her."

Hearing Xu Fei's words, the woman couldn't help but be startled: "How could this be harmful..."

But as she spoke, the woman's expression suddenly dawned, and she obviously understood what Xu Fei meant.

But he still muttered a little bit harshly, Xu Fei was unwilling to give the spirit stone.

Xu Fei saw that he couldn't tell the woman anything, so he turned to look at Cui Niang.

"Where is the medical center where you work?" Xu Fei said softly.

Although Cuiniang is a bit unreliable, she is beautiful and a child after all.

So Xu Fei is still willing to be tolerant.

Of course, if future teachings are ineffective, Xu Fei will not hesitate.

When the woman heard Xu Fei asked about the medical center, her expression became even more arrogant.

"What? You still want to cause trouble for our medical clinic?" the woman said.

"I can't explain it to you. I'll find someone who can." Xu Fei shook his head helplessly.

On the one hand, he couldn't explain it to the woman, but on the other hand, Xu Fei had some ideas about arranging Cui Niang.

But in the end, I still have to go to the medical center to see the specific conditions of this medical center.

But there is this woman who can uphold justice for ordinary people, so the medical clinic where Cuiniang is located should be good?

The woman didn't say anything after hearing this, and acquiesced to Xu Fei's approach.

And under the leadership of Cui Niang.

Xu Fei came to the female doctor's door located at the corner of Yuze Island.

It is a rather large area.

The back should be a place for storing medicine and making medicine, while the front is a two-story building.

Looking up at the plaque of the Female Medical Sect, Xu Fei also sensed that the person with the highest cultivation level among the Female Medical Sect was a female cultivator with more than two thousand pots of magic power. (End of chapter)

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