Chapter 309, Weiying

This level of cultivation is not low among monks.

No wonder the woman dared to stand up for Cui Niang.

Probably because she felt that she was on her own territory, the woman looked even more arrogant.

He was already looking at Xu Fei through his nostrils.

This made Xu Fei chuckle and walked into the medical center.

However, when he walked into the medical clinic, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise on his face.

Because all the doctors, clerks, and patients in the hospital are women.

Especially the doctors and guys, they are all pretty.

Even though the doctors are a little older, it can be seen that they were quite pretty when they were young.

The reason why he discovered this situation when he walked into the medical center was because Xu Fei's main attention was on the female cultivator on the second floor.

In female medicine, not only doctors and clerks, but even patients only treat women.

A man like Xu Fei suddenly came in, which was quite eye-catching.

But after seeing the woman following him, no one said anything.

After all, women are not the only ones on Yuze Island.

Xu Fei saw the stairs on the left and walked over.

But the woman stopped Xu Fei.

"Wait until I inform the master." the woman said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

The woman turned around and went up the stairs.

And then it came down again with a 'thump thump~' very quickly.

"Okay, my master agrees to see you." After the woman said that, she turned around and went upstairs with a thump, looking down upon Xu Fei.

Xu Fei didn't care either.

Beautiful women always have some privileges.

Although the woman was a bit messy, she was ultimately trying to bring justice to Cuiniang.

So Xu Fei didn't have any disgust.

But when Xu Fei stepped on the stairs, his aura couldn't help but change.

The Qi machine that originally had more than a hundred pots of mana suddenly increased by a hundred pots.

When he lifted his steps again and walked up to the second step, his apparent cultivation level increased by another hundred pots.

When Xu Fei slowly walked up to the second floor, his cultivation level was already more than two thousand pots, which was the same as the cultivation level of the female cultivator on the second floor of the Female Medical Sect.

This made the woman standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at Xu Fei, panicked and at a loss.

After Xu Fei climbed four or five steps, she was no longer able to accurately judge the opponent's cultivation level.

And with Xu Fei standing in front of her now, she only felt an oppressive force that was even more powerful than her master.

So who did she mess with?

I noticed something happened here.

The female cultivator on the second floor quickly got up and came over.

He was wearing a beige shirt and a hat of the same color to hold back his hair.

He looks about thirty years old and has a dignified and elegant temperament, which makes people feel that his medical skills are extraordinary at first glance.

"Female doctor Weiying, I have met a Taoist friend." Compared to the young apprentice, Weiying knew better that the person coming was more than just the cultivation level shown now.

Now I just hope that the other party has no ill intentions.

"Linglong Immortal Sect Han Li." Xu Fei also introduced himself, but he still used the name Han Tianzun he borrowed from outside.

At the same time, she secretly rated Weiying in front of her.

83? 85, maybe. This kind of temperament is rare.

"It turns out he is a high disciple of the Immortal Sect." Weiying pretended to be relaxed, but she became more and more nervous.

I don’t know why this disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect came here.

With a few polite words, Weiying asked Xu Fei to take a seat in the reception room.

A maid brought tea.

The woman stood nervously behind the master, quite afraid of the future.

After all, she never thought that the monk who bullied Cuiniang's sister would have such unfathomable cultivation.

Xu Fei was about to say something, but found Cui Niang standing aside very restrained.

"Come, sit down too." Xu Fei said gently.

Cui Niang was stunned when she heard this.

But she didn't expect Xu Fei to be willing to give her such dignity.

After all, she is not stupid, and she can probably tell something from the situation in front of her.

"Come, sit down." Seeing that Cui Niang was too worried to sit down, Xu Fei said softly again.

Cui Niang was greeted by Xu Fei again, so she had no choice but to sit down next to Xu Fei.

After all, in her previous life, she and the sect master were as different as a world of difference.

But now, because of the master, I can be on an equal footing with the sect master.

"It's also a coincidence that Cui Niang and I have a fate. I heard Cui Niang said that she was working for you, so I came over to have a look." Xu Fei said calmly after he arranged Cui Niang to sit down.

There was no mention at all of the situation where the other disciple had just aggressively gone to him to 'settle accounts'.

Such trivial matters were no longer worth mentioning after he revealed part of his cultivation.

Hearing Xu Fei say this, Weiying couldn't help but breathed a real sigh of relief.

Although Xu Fei's statement was completely different from what his apprentice just said, judging from his tone, he didn't come here to cause trouble.

"Cui Niang is really lucky to be able to get married with Taoist friend. It seems that I have to prepare a generous gift." Weiying followed Xu Fei's words and said.

Cui Niang's face turned red when she heard this.

"Then thank you, fellow Taoist." Xu Fei bowed his hands, but he was not polite.

This made Weiying feel more reassured.

The other party is basically not looking for trouble.

But if that's the case, what's the point of coming here? Is it really just a look?

After thanking Weiying, Xu Fei took Cuiniang's little hand.

Years of hard work have left her with calluses on her hands.

"I still want to shamelessly ask for a favor." Xu Fei said again.

"Fellow Taoist, it's okay to say it." Weiying's heart tightened, not knowing what Xu Fei meant.

"I wonder if you can change Cuiniang's job to an easier one?" Xu Fei said.

Weiying was stunned when she heard this and turned to look at Cui Niang.

Although this woman has good looks, which is also a requirement to enter their female medical school, she is not outstanding.

At least it's much worse than her little apprentice.

But even so, this fellow Daoist Han is still willing to come to ask for a favor?

Immediately Weiying chuckled: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, this matter is easy to handle."

In such a relaxed and happy atmosphere, Xu Fei also chuckled and then thought for a moment.

"But I can't let fellow Taoists help me for free. I wonder if I can borrow pen and paper?" Xu Fei said.

Weiying turned her head and motioned to her apprentice to get some paper and pen.

Xu Fei took it, thought about it for a while and then wrote down several prescriptions.

"These are some prescriptions that I accidentally obtained that are beneficial to women, so I gave them to fellow Taoists," Xu Fei said.

The effects of these prescriptions are wonderful and extraordinary.

It is undoubtedly a waste to use it to reward Weiying for giving Cuiniang an easy job.

However, Xu Fei will not have many opportunities to come to Yuze Island in the future, so there is also an intention to let Weiying take care of Cui Niang.

Naturally, Weiying would not understand.

After taking the prescription and examining it for a moment, his eyes showed surprise.

This favor is no small thing.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. That would be disrespectful to us female doctors." Weiying said.

Although the beginning was not very good, things developed quite well after that.

Xu Fei found an easy job for Cui Niang, and then he returned to Linglong Immortal Sect. The chief whip was not in time, but Weiying also helped to take care of him.

Normal troubles, basically nothing to worry about.

And if it’s a bigger problem…

It's useless to worry so much.

After all, it was impossible for Xu Fei to arrange everything for Cui Niang.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Fei and Weiying chatted for a few words and then talked about medical skills.

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