Chapter 311, Foundation

Xu Fei didn't like Weiying's straightforward utilitarianism.

After all, how can a teacher treat his disciples as bargaining chips?

Xu Fei met several elders one after another, including the medical master Dr. Zhao, the weapon-refining master Lu Qishi, and Master Yan. These were all generous elders who loved him very much.

But...let me say something that not many people believe.

If he doesn't accept Gao Xianxian, he might be given away by Weiying as a bargaining chip in the future.

And if the other party is not a good person then.

It's better to follow Xu Fei now.

At least Xu Fei, although romantic, is basically pretty good with women.

"Okay." Xu Fei finally agreed to the deal.

Weiying chuckled and worked harder.

The next day.

Xu Fei came to the female doctor's door.

Gao Xianxian greeted him nervously and took Xu Fei to the library of their female doctor's sect.

Xu Fei glanced at this woman.

Even though it was not the first time they met, this woman with beautiful red and phoenix eyes still made him a little surprised.

But Xu Fei didn't say much.

After arriving at the female medical library, I began to check their collections.

This is also part of the deal between Xu Fei and Weiying.

To make certain improvements in the medical skills of their female doctors.

Therefore, Xu Fei is not polite and will make additions and modifications when he sees any omissions or omissions.

But generally speaking, the medical skills of female doctors also have many merits.

In the afternoon, after being 'taught' by Xu Fei last night, Weiying recovered a little.

He gave Xu Fei a charming look.

Gao Xianxian was startled when he saw this. Master, this is...

"Xianxian, are you willing to follow Fellow Daoist Han?" Weiying said directly without hiding it.

Gao Xianxian couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.


"Fellow Daoist Han is a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect, but it won't be an insult to you if you follow him." Weiying said.

Gao Xianxian was a little reluctant when she heard the master's arrangements for her, but in the end she just lowered her head and did not dare to refute.

After all, the master adopted her from a young age and taught her Taoism and medical skills. He was as kind as a mountain.

Reviewed the medical skills of female doctors.

Xu Fei took Gao Xianxian and left the female doctor's door.

Although yesterday he left Cuiniang's arrangements at the female doctor's door.

But Xu Fei was still very concerned about the fact that Weiying could send her apprentice away.

So after thinking about it, he was ready to think of another way.

Take Gao Xianxian back to the inn.

Xu Fei was about to take a sip of tea to moisten his mouth, but he looked at Gao Xianxian who was tied up not far away.

I simply stopped drinking tea and got down to business first.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +180’

The dual attributes of a child and a monk allowed Xu Fei to gain a full 180 proficiency points after his first quarrel with Gao Xianxian.

If she and Xu Fei can give birth to a child with Daogen, she can bring Xu Fei 18,000 proficiency points.

However, Xu Fei currently has many children, but only Xu Xinfang, the second daughter born to Meiniang after coming to the spiritual realm, has Daogen.

Obviously Daogen is not easy to come by.

In addition, what Xu Fei is more concerned about is that if his children practice martial arts and become innate, will they also receive a proficiency point reward?

But the eldest son Zhang Xian is only 18 years old this year, and his qualifications are not very good.

Even with the guidance of famous teachers invited by Xu Fei and various nourishing decoctions and prescriptions related to martial arts, there may not be a chance of achieving innateness.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei looked at Gao Xianxian again.

This girl is relatively clean, not so scheming and utilitarian.

"I plan to open an elixir shop on Yuze Island, and you will take care of it when I am away." Xu Fei said.

Gao Xianxian was stunned when he heard this.

"This, I, I'm afraid I can't do it well." Gao Xianxian looked confused.

She didn't notice what benefits Xu Fei would have to her after opening the elixir shop. Instead, he cared about whether she could handle the related affairs well.

Xu Fei couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's okay, you can learn to do anything." Xu Fei said.

Given Gao Xianxian's medical skills, it would be more appropriate to open an elixir shop.

In addition, there are occasionally many water elixirs from previous years for sale on Yuze Island.

Although Tianxingze's "Four Families" strictly inspect the private sales of high-quality water marrow, their management of other spiritual materials is somewhat lax.

Three are missing and one is missing.

In addition, Xu Fei's skill in refining elixirs is still quite exquisite. Now it is not difficult to refine elixirs suitable for monks with dozens of pots of cultivation and hundreds of pots of magic power. It is not difficult to produce hundreds of pills in one furnace.

It is enough to supply Yang Xun's side of Lanling Mountain and Yuze Island.

And now Xu Fei has shops in both the east and west directions under the rule of Linglong Xianmen, so he will leave some arrangements on the south and north sides.

Then Xu Fei will have some foundation in the future.

Of course, this little foundation is still like a tower of sand, easily disintegrated by wind and water.

Xu Fei still needs to put some thought into management.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

With four families strictly guarding it, the purchase of water marrow has not gone smoothly. Xu Fei had no choice but to leave Tianxingze and return to Linglong Immortal Sect.

These two trips out gave Xu Fei a certain understanding of the monks and the situation under the rule of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Especially the battle with Feitougui made Xu Fei gain a lot.

I have a better understanding of my own spells, Taoism, dealing with enemies, etc.

But when Xu Fei returned to his residence, he found a few shrews cursing in front of his house.

This surprised Xu Fei.

what's the situation?

However, Xu Fei did not come forward and fell directly into the home.

Knowing that Xu Fei was back, Ling Niang hurried over with her eldest son Zhang Xian.

After seeing Xu Fei, he knelt down directly with his son.

"Master, it's my fault in raising my son that has caused trouble for the master." Ling Niang said in tears.

Because she is a few years older than Xu Fei, Ling Niang is now forty years old.

Although she took good care of herself, she and Xu Fei gave birth to eight children. Even with the tonic prescriptions prescribed by Xu Fei, it still put a great burden on her body. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and the lack of youthfulness in her complexion all made her originally just The ordinary color Ling Niang is quite average now.

But Xu Fei didn't dislike it either.

The affection that should be shown in normal times has never been skipped by Ling Niang.

Now seeing Ling Niang looking so guilty, the boss who was usually quite out-of-touch was now shrinking his neck like a quail.

Xu Fei didn't get angry in a hurry, but helped Ling Niang up first.

He took Ling Niang's hand and said comfortingly: "Let's talk about what happened first."

With Xu Fei's warm words of comfort, Ling Niang breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he say it slowly.

After hearing what Ling Niang said, Xu Fei felt that his boss had done nothing wrong?

After all, outsiders have bullied the younger siblings. Isn't it natural for him, the eldest brother, to take revenge?

The only thing is that the other party's identity is somewhat special.

A third-generation disciple of Tianqi Peak, who is also the disciple of the founder.

The other party's identity is a generation higher than Master Yan.

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