A monk's life span is as long as one pot of mana.

If it weren't for the limitations of heaven and earth, the cultivation speed would be too fast, and if you suddenly encountered a bottleneck, you would be too tough to break through. The speed of cultivation improvement is too slow, and bottlenecks will occur one after another.

Then every monk may be able to live to the end of the world.

But even so, there are many monks who have been practicing for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

Just like some of the disciples of Patriarch Youwei.

And this also caused some problems.

After they occasionally recruit some disciples, the seniority of these disciples will be frightening.

Xu Fei is pretty good.

Counting from the ancestor Youwei, it is only the sixth generation.

It is said that some branches that are more diligent in recruiting apprentices have now been passed down to more than a hundred generations.

Really scary.

But these have nothing to do with the current situation, Xu Fei calmed down his thoughts.

If this matter is not handled well, he may even be rated as disrespectful.

It's still a bit troublesome.

"Get up first." Xu Fei said.

Hearing that his father didn't seem to blame him, Zhang Xian jumped up quickly.

"Dad." Zhang Xian said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go out first." Xu Fei said.

"Okay." Zhang Xian breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his usual demeanor.

Even a little complacent.

However, Xu Fei had no intention of blaming this boy for standing up for his younger siblings.

If the matter can be handled properly in the future, there is a high probability that he will be given some rewards.

"So those women at the door are here just for this matter?" Xu Fei asked Ling Niang.

Ling Niang nodded.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel helpless.

You can only come to the door first.

The women yelling and scolding at the door were all relatives and elders of that third-generation disciple of Tianqi Peak.

Since that third generation worshiped the Heavenly Artifact Peak, his status has suddenly improved.

Relatives who lived far away for countless generations were all involved.

In addition, the third generation was not very old, so he did not handle things properly. In short, it was still very confusing.

Now that the third generation was beaten by Zhang Xian, these women naturally felt that it was time for them to show off.

So he was even more excited than the third generation who was beaten.

"Disperse." Xu Fei frowned upon seeing this.

"Why!" "How dare you be so arrogant when you beat someone?!" "Do you know who our Huan'er's master is?"

Mixed with other dirty words, the vixens were very manic.

Xu Fei didn't spoil them either.

The family members were worried that they would cause trouble for him, so they could only tolerate it.

After all, the seniority of the other party is too high.

But Xu Fei didn't plan to have so many worries.

They were all scolded for coming to the door, and they were so worried.

Directly activate mana and spread momentum.

Several shrews were frightened so that they backed away, and two timid ones even fell directly to the ground.

After a while, water stains appeared on the crotch.

Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and ignored these people.

He went directly to the residence of the third generation who was beaten by his boss.

The other person is young, fourteen or fifteen.

The year before last, he was accepted as a disciple by a disciple of his ancestor.

Although I don't know what that person is doing by accepting a disciple at such an old age, but since he is that person's disciple, Xu Fei has to respect him.

In front of his residence, he expressed his identity to the servant and met with the third generation to express his apology.

Xu Fei waited until dark.

For two or three hours, people came and went, but Xu Fei was ignored.

It wasn't until it became completely dark that the courtyard door of the third generation's residence was closed from the inside.

Still no one greeted Xu Fei.

So...have you been ignored?

Xu Fei shook his head and smiled, but didn't care and returned to his residence.

The next day, Xu Fei came directly to this third generation master.

Although it was Xu Fei who was an unknown disciple and grandson, he did not refuse to ignore it.

Soon someone took Xu Fei into his residence.

The other party's beard and hair are completely white, but his face is ruddy and healthy.

"Disciple Xu Fei pays homage to his uncle." Xu Fei bowed and said.

"Well, what's the matter?" Yuan Yang, the fourth disciple of the Patriarch and the third-generation master, said gently.

Xu Fei roughly told what happened.

Yuan Yang laughed: "I don't think it's a big deal. It's just a fight between children. Okay, I understand. You go back and I'll talk to my disciple."

Xu Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party was quite sensible. After thanking the other party again, he said goodbye and left.

But after Xu Fei left, Yuan Yang's face showed a look of ridicule.

"Go down, tell me who is going to take care of this." Yuan Yang ordered the disciples on the side.

"Yes, Master." This disciple obviously knew what the Master meant by 'taking care of', so he chuckled and made arrangements.

In the afternoon, Yu Wei came over in a panic.

"Someone wants to return the magic weapon?" Xu Fei was quite surprised.

"Yes." Yu Wei said.

As the agent who helps Xu Fei sell magical artifacts, she has been handling things very well over the years.

But I didn't expect that such a big problem would arise now.

"Don't worry, what is going on?" Xu Fei said.

Yu Wei calmed down and then said: "I was taking care of the shop in the morning, and a customer who had purchased our magical artifact came to ask for the return of the magical artifact."

"While I was discussing with this customer, another customer came to the door."

"Then more than ten guests came one after another, all of whom requested the return of the magical artifact."

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Although he was a little reluctant to believe it, considering all the circumstances, these were probably done by Yuan Yang, the fourth disciple of the founder, right?

It was clear that he had said it well in person and would deal with it, but this is how the other party dealt with it?

Tsk tsk.

"How many spiritual stones are the total value of these guests who requested to return their magic weapons?" Xu Fei said.

"Almost 100,000 spirit stones." Yu Wei was puzzled.

Hearing this price, Xu Fei also scratched his head.

The other party only attacked lightly, but he was in a bit of a dilemma.

It is indeed an old and immortal thing.

The power is indeed impressive.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei and Yu Wei returned to her magic weapon shop.

After some discussion, two of them left after considering it.

It was probably because he was not deeply involved with the old immortal, and the magic weapon Xu Fei refined was indeed quite high-quality.

Even if you really ask them to withdraw, they won't be able to part with it.

But some other people are very determined to return the magic weapon.

"You must return the magic weapon?" Xu Fei said.

The remaining thirteen people who had retreated from the magic weapon were confirmed one after another.

"You have also seen that these magic weapons have been refined and used by you and can no longer be sold to other customers. You have to bear the losses involved," Xu Fei said.

"Fart, I spent thousands of spirit stones to buy a rubbish magic weapon, and now I'm going to lose money when I return it? How can you say that?!" One person immediately pointed out that black and white were white, showing an annoyed attitude. road. (End of chapter)

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