"Then let's go to the Chuanjie Hall for review." Xu Fei said nonchalantly.

Hearing the name of the Ordination Hall, the dozen or so people who were making a fuss about withdrawing the magic weapon immediately fell silent.

That's the Chuan Jie Hall!

"Fart! I bought a rubbish magic weapon, but you asked me to go to the ordination hall? What are your intentions!!" One person immediately said angrily.

Generally speaking, in a place like the Chuanjie Hall, which has strict rules and punishes offenders, it is basically not the headmaster or the Bilu disciples who are candidates for the headmaster.

After all, it is not conducive to unity.

But Linglong Immortal Sect is exactly like this.

And it's quite strict.

There is no problem after many years.

He has always been able to roughly maintain the purity and stability within the sect.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is absolutely no such thing as cheating or robbery.

But generally speaking, the methods will be much more concealed.

Under the harsh conditions of Xu Fei, he had to either go to the Chuanjie Hall or accept a 30% discount, which meant that he had originally spent a thousand spiritual stones to purchase the magic weapon, but now he would only be refunded three hundred spiritual stones.

The talent who asked to return the magic weapon left reluctantly.

One thing is that the magic weapon refined by Xu Fei is really good. They can buy it at a corresponding price, which feels like they are taking advantage of it.

If someone hadn't asked for it, they wouldn't have been able to ask for the magic weapon to be returned.

But the other party offended someone...

Although the immediate trouble was solved, with these people causing trouble, Yu Wei's reputation was completely ruined.

Several customers who were already inclined to purchase the magical artifacts refined by Xu Fei declined.

Even a customer who planned to exchange high-quality spiritual materials for Xu Fei's help in refining magical weapons changed his mind.

This made Xu Fei feel confused.

The current turmoil in front of us may not be able to get through in a few years!

But he earns at least 100,000 or 80,000 spiritual stones a year just from refining magic weapons!

So should we change to another agent?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei quickly dismissed the idea. After all, Yu Wei was most likely implicated by him, so replacing him would not only make him look cold, but also might not be useful.

After all, there is a high probability that the move this time was caused by Yuan Yang, the fourth disciple of the Patriarch.

The other party has thousands of years of practice and accumulation, and its power is deeply rooted.

As long as Xu Fei makes up his mind to embarrass him, he will be in trouble.

The other party said one thing on the surface but another in private. Such duplicity made Xu Fei disgusted.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei came up with two general ideas.

One, directly reduce the price of the magic weapon he refined, and reduce the price significantly, to only half of the market price.

Faced with such huge interests, Xu Fei didn't believe that the other party could stop him from selling the magic weapon.

But doing so also has considerable drawbacks.

After all, the price reduction will have a certain impact on the current value system of the magic weapon.

Xu Fei may then arouse the anger of the people in Tianqi Peak.

Two, beg for mercy.

But as soon as this choice emerged, Xu Fei was immediately forgotten.


Even if I don’t have an income of more than 100,000 spiritual stones a year, I still can’t give in!

Especially to such a disgusting guy.

So the problem before Xu Fei is that Yu Wei's magic weapon shop can no longer operate.

And after this twists and turns, the Yu family, which was already falling apart, completely dissipated.

Xu Fei also thought about asking Master Yan for help, but after thinking about it, he did not implement it.

Because even Master Yan is still far behind in terms of seniority.

Why bother to embarrass Master?

Annoyed, Xu Fei simply went to Ying Tianya for a drink.

Arrive at the top of the mountain where Ying Tianya usually stays.

Xu Fei unexpectedly discovered that there were two other people.

"This is Xu Fei, who has excellent skills in brewing spiritual wine." "This is Yu Xing, and this is Fang Yin. Like me, we are both limited by heaven and earth." Ying Tianya introduced the two parties. .

Hearing Ying Tianya say that they had encountered the limitations of heaven and earth, the somewhat older Fang Yin's expression did not change.

The younger Yu Xing on the side frowned slightly, obviously not accepting his fate yet.

When he heard Ying Tianya emphatically praising his skill in brewing spiritual wine, Xu Fei chuckled and took out a lot of delicious spiritual wine from his storage bag.

Then he took out some monster meat and started roasting it.

With Xu Fei's intervention, the food at this gathering was naturally improved by several levels.

The people who tasted Xu Fei's craftsmanship for the first time were amazed.

"Junior brother has this skill, it's really amazing~" Ying Tianya laughed, and at the same time picked up a barbecue skewer, pulled the skewer's head and flicked it, smearing all the barbecue into his mouth and chewing.

After eating and drinking Xu Fei for a few meals, if the other party's request was not to observe him, but for other aspects, then Ying Tianya would have already agreed.

It's a pity that Xu Fei wanted to observe him and wanted to find the root cause of the limit between heaven and earth.

This made Ying Tianya very repelled.

Although Xu Fei didn't know why Ying Tianya was so disgusted by this, since he didn't want to deal with it, he didn't mention it again.

Moreover, Ying Tianya is free and uninhibited, so there is no problem in being a friend.

After eating and drinking, Xu Fei felt much better and said goodbye.

"Senior Brother Ying, where is this person from?" The younger Yu Xing couldn't help asking.

"I'm just curious about our Heaven and Earth cultivators." After Ying Tianya took a sip of wine, he leaned on the big rock behind him and watched the sunset in the distance.

Think about what a genius he was back then? How proud?

In three years and seven months, his cultivation reached more than 3,500 pots!

At that time, his only goal was to live forever!

But how proud and arrogant he was before, he was so embarrassed after that.

After a certain day, the cultivation that had been improving day by day no longer improved at all.

It was like a hard blow to the head.

Ying Tianya was stunned.

The next time was like sleepwalking, and hundreds of years passed in a hazy way.

Then I had to accept the reality until now.

Thinking of this, Ying Tianya let out a long breath of wine, as if he wanted to spit out all the unwillingness in his heart with this breath.

But in the end, Ying Tianya couldn't get rid of the resentment, hatred and hatred in his heart.

I could only drink a lot of wine again.

Leave everything to the wine~

Yu Xing and Fang Yin exchanged glances, and then said goodbye to Ying Tianya.

To be honest, these Heaven and Earth cultivators are despised.

After all, everyone is worried about whether the disease will be contagious in this world.

That is to say, there is Chuanjie Hall to control them, otherwise they might not even be able to stay in Linglong Immortal Sect.

But even so, there are still many monks who are also troubled by the limitations of heaven and earth. After being restricted, they choose to go out and explore.

Try to find opportunities to break through your own limitations.

Xu Fei returned to his residence.

Start working on various skills.

Since the magic weapon cannot be sold for the time being, let’s not sell it yet.

Prioritizing research on various skills and improving your own strength is also a good choice.

Especially this time when he went out to fight Feitougui, Xu Fei gained a lot of insights into his various spells, Taoism, fighting methods and other aspects.

It requires more understanding. (End of chapter)

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