Chapter 315: Fighting

Xu Fei was very cautious.

Of course, in other words, there's nothing wrong with him being cowardly.

Faced with various situations, Xu Fei's first thought is to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

Even though Yuan Yang first cut off the sales channels for the magic weapons he refined and then destroyed his family's liquor store, Xu Fei didn't take any effective countermeasures.

Like an ostrich, it buries its head in the sand.

But Xu Fei like this also has reverse scales that are absolutely untouchable.


Although it wasn't to the point of death, it still made him decide not to compromise.

Instead, he directly chose to set up the arena in front of the home of Yuan Yang, who was the fourth disciple of the ancestor.

Such an approach was almost equivalent to shaving off the eyebrows of the fourth disciple of the Patriarch of Tianqi Peak.

Especially Xu Fei won the first game cleanly.

Of course, the fact that he could win the first game so easily does not mean that the opponent in the first game was not strong enough.

Instead, Xu Fei directly used almost a thousand pots of mana on this attack!

And it still operates quietly, suddenly attacking!

That is almost equivalent to a sneak attack.

Just to get a head start.

After all, although Xu Fei has good strength, he is not sure that he can win forever.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei sat down cross-legged to recover his mana after defeating his current opponent.

Recover your state as soon as possible to deal with the next opponent.

He defeated an opponent and directly knocked down the fourth elder's courtyard wall.

Everyone who was watching the excitement was not sure whether Xu Fei was looking for trouble with Elder Yuan.

But now it's all for sure.

If he hadn't caused trouble for the other party, how could he have ruined Elder Yuan's face like this?

This also makes many people more interested.

And began to inquire about who was in the ring and why he was so reckless.

It has to be said that there are still many well-informed people among the onlookers.

He actually knew the cause of the matter.

Soon the whole story spread.

It was even more lively now.

It turned out that I was being bullied and could no longer tolerate it!

Even some disciples from other mountains came to join in the fun.

After all, such things have not been seen in Linglong Immortal Sect for many years.

Things are gradually getting worse.

Yuan Yang's residence.

As the fourth disciple of Tianqi Peak's founder Youwei, Yuan Yang's power is still huge after thousands of years. Otherwise, the little disciple he just took in would not be able to ascend to heaven in an instant and be fawned over by relatives near and far at home.

A few days ago, Yu Wei's arrangements were made clear with just one sentence.

But I never expected that Xu Fei would come forward directly.

Just set up the arena in front of his house.

This was like a heavy slap on Yuan Yang's face.

He was so angry that he flew into a rage, shouting to beat and kill!

That is to say, a disciple soon arranged for his disciples to enter the ring to challenge.

Temporarily comfort Yuan Yang.

But something soon happened that made Yuan Yang even more angry.

The disciple who went to the ring to challenge Xu Fei was defeated by Xu Fei with one move.

Moreover, half of the courtyard wall of the house was knocked down! !

"I want him dead!!!!!!" Yuan Yang howled angrily.

The disciples on the side quickly comforted and inquired about the situation just now.

After all, the disciples he sent were already pretty good.

Why did you lose so quickly?

The whole story was soon reported.

This made several disciples around Yuan Yang look at each other in confusion.

Is the other party so powerful?

Defeat their disciple with a cultivation level of nearly 3,000 pots in one blow?

"This...I'm afraid we need to invite disciples who have cultivated six thousand pots or above." A disciple of Yuan Yang said.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but fall silent.

I thought he was just a little shrimp, but I didn't expect that the other party was so powerful.

But it's useless to say this now, I still have to get rid of the other party quickly.

Otherwise, you will lose more and more face.

So these people quickly began to gather disciples who had sufficient cultivation to come over.

Almost half an hour later, a man dressed in white and holding a long handle of dust slowly stepped onto the ring.

Men's long hair is not tied up and allowed to hang loosely.

A little red mark between the eyebrows.

"Sun Xian, please greet me." The man waved Fuchen and greeted Xu Feifei with a slight smile.

The posture is well done.

With the appearance of Sun Xian, the originally noisy environment around the ring became calmer.

Because this Sun Xian is one of the candidates who may become a disciple of Bei Lu in recent years!

In particular, he has a good appearance in life, coupled with a gentle, elegant and ethereal temperament.

His popularity among the Immortal Sect has always been high.

Xu Fei discovered that his opponent had entered the ring.

Holding the green sword on his knees, he stood up and stood still.

"Xu Fei." Xu Fei said lightly.

"Why don't you just close the arena and I'll go back and negotiate with Grandmaster Tai so that he won't hold you accountable for your offense. What do you think?" Sun Xian said with good intentions as if he was planning for Xu Fei. .

Xu Fei glanced at Sun Xian when he heard this.

Maybe the other party really had good intentions, but unfortunately the moment his eldest son was injured, he didn't intend to swallow his anger anymore.

"Thank you for your kindness, Dao Friend. I take it from my heart, but we can wait until after the fight." Xu Fei said.

Sun Xian frowned when he heard Xu Fei rejected his suggestion.

As Yuan Yang's disciple, how could he have good intentions?

Yin and private are of the same origin.

But as long as it can be explained that Xu Fei put away the ring, then how will Taishizu deal with this matter in the future, and what does it have to do with him?

No matter whether they are killed or buried.

But it's a pity that he met a stupid guy.

Thinking of this, Sun Xian couldn't help but sigh.

"Junior brother, be careful." Sun Xian finished speaking and directly released a magic sword from his storage bag.

Let out a big flame.

I saw a fight about to begin in the ring.

The onlookers quickly gave way.

The ones that were closer moved back to three or five miles away, while the ones that were further away went directly to the top of the clouds.

After all, although watching the fun is important, your own safety also needs to be paid attention to.

Wouldn't it be bad luck if he was implicated?

The other party urged the fire technique, Xu Fei turned his left hand, and the water vapor condensed.

Directly covering the entire arena.

Instantly extinguish the opponent's flames.

He was still unsure and rushed towards Sun Xian.

Sun Xian frowned when he saw Xu Fei condensing a huge amount of water magic while waving his hand, feeling troubled.

Among the Dharma practices, the restraint of water and fire is the most obvious.

He is good at fire magic, but the other party is good at water magic.

Naturally at a disadvantage.

But there was no other way. The uncles and masters came to him and promised benefits to solve the trouble. He was bound to take action.

However, although the spell was restrained, Sun Xian was not discouraged.

After all, because of the restraint of the Five Elements, how could it be possible for a Dharma cultivator to only practice Fire Dharma?

He can also master spells of other attributes at his fingertips.

As soon as he thought, the ground shook.

Large pieces of earth flew up, and the four walls of earth surrounded the arena built by Xu Fei.

And Xu Fei's water method to promote luck is naturally difficult to spread out.

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