Exchange moves.

Xu Fei floated in the air and glanced at the arena below that was submerged by water magic.

However, his eyes were focused on the earthen walls surrounding the arena.

The spells released by different monks are somewhat exclusive.

Therefore, if two practitioners use fire techniques to attack each other, the spectacle of "fire burning fire" will appear.

When he built the arena just now, there was only a small path left at the main entrance of Yuan Yang's residence to allow people to enter and exit.

But the other party's native method was condensed on this path, and it did not damage the wall of Yuan Yang's children's courtyard at all.

This shows that the other party's attainments in magic are extraordinary.

Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and looked at Sun Xian again.

Sun Xian was also flying in the air, and the dust in his hands was not disturbed at all.

The crimson magic sword floated beside him.

Extraordinary magnanimity.

"It's very inconvenient to fight here. How about we move to the side?" Sun Xian suggested.

After all, the Taishizu's residence is behind him, and his opponents can't be dismissed casually.

If the house is damaged in the subsequent fight, even if he kills this reckless man, he may not get any credit.

Xu Fei was naturally aware of Sun Xian's concerns.

I don't want to agree, I even want to take the opportunity to do something.

But this time when the arena was set up, Xu Fei basically had no choice but to fall into the trap of Yuan Yang.

On the contrary, if Mr. Yuan Yang's mansion is really destroyed, it will be very refreshing.

But there were a lot of troubles afterwards.

If only the other party said that the rare treasures stored at home were damaged by Xu Fei, the subsequent compensation issue would be enough for Xu Fei to drink.

It can only be said that when the strength is insufficient, you need to pay attention to this aspect, and you have to be careful there, too, and it is difficult to use your hands and feet.

Xu Fei didn't answer and took the initiative to go to the forest on one side.

Sun Xian chuckled and followed.

Soon the fighting began again.

He is indeed a candidate who has the potential to become a disciple of Bilu.

Sun Xian's spells were particularly exquisite, and Xu Fei estimated that they were equivalent to between the second and third levels.

But this kind of evaluation is only for Sun Xian's soil and water methods.

If it were fire magic, Xu Fei felt that the evaluation might be improved.

After all, the magic sword flying around Sun Xian was red-hot after being infused with magic power, and he was obviously specialized in increasing the power of fire spells.

And during this back-and-forth battle, Sun Xian chuckled.

He has figured out Xu Fei's strength.

The cultivation level is about 4,300 pots.

Such cultivation is enough to be proud of.

Because even if Xu Fei did nothing from now on, he would basically live to be over four thousand years old.

It just pales in comparison to him.

Because of his cultivation level, he has already reached nearly 7,000 pots~

"Fellow Taoist, be careful." With the certainty of victory, Sun Xian became more and more calm.

Naturally, he doesn't mind letting his magnanimity show through and gain more fame for himself.

Although fame often does not have any effect, occasionally in some cases, 'fame' can be transformed into real benefits.

Sun Xian understands this very well.

As Sun Xian finished speaking, the red-hot magic sword behind him suddenly produced a huge amount of flames.

Swept towards Xu Fei.

Strength overcomes skill.

After all, even if there is a relationship between water and fire, the gap in cultivation between them is so huge that it is difficult to make up for it.

Sun Xian felt that he was destined to fly.

Seeing this, Xu Fei moved his right hand forward and took the Baili Yunyan he took out from the storage bag.

The urging spell was infused into it, and the mist rose in a blink of an eye.

Sun Xian's eyes narrowed when he saw Xu Fei taking out a cloud-like magic weapon like Baili Yunyan.

Covered and diffused by clouds and smoke, he could no longer see Xu Fei's figure clearly.

Therefore, cloud and smoke instruments with better quality are also called treasures of body protection.

It has miraculous effects on both escaping for one's life and avoiding the opponent's attacks.

What's more, Yunyan's attack and protection effects are also good.

It's just that I want to offset the gap in cultivation based on this alone, but it's still a bit wishful thinking.

Sun Xian thought of this and hurriedly activated the spell.

As long as Xu Fei accepts the attack, there is no reason why he would lose to the opponent in a head-to-head fight with a cultivation level of nearly 7,000 pots.

Xu Fei was protected by clouds and smoke and sensed the outside world.

There weren't many options before him now.

Retreat for now.

The opponent's spells are powerful, but the cost must be high.

As long as he delays for a while, he can find other ways to defeat the enemy.

But there is a big trouble in doing so.

That means the other party may declare victory!

This sounds a bit ridiculous, how could you win?

But in the ring, as long as it's not a life-and-death fight, Xu Fei's approach of retreating away can allow the opponent to think he has won.

And this situation can also be recognized by many people.

After all, they all retreated under the opponent's attack. It was obvious that they could not defeat the opponent, so admitting defeat was the honorable choice.

On the contrary, if Xu Fei keeps getting entangled in the future, he is not going to admit defeat and will continue to fight.

It's just a loss of dignity.

In short, the arena and real fighting cannot be generalized.

Xu Fei naturally understood this.

Therefore, if you don't want the opponent to take the opportunity to unilaterally declare victory, then you have to really break the fierce fire method in front of you.

Instead of stepping aside and waiting for the other party to consume their mana and become unsustainable before taking action.

It's just that Sun Xian's advanced cultivation is not false.

Almost double that of Xu Fei.

If he really fights hard, Xu Fei will find it difficult to win even if he uses water magic to deal with the enemy.

After all, although water can help to some extent by defeating fire, it is not enough to make up for such a huge gap.

Xu Fei's thoughts changed rapidly, and he had an idea in a blink of an eye.

He is proficient in the cultivation of the three channels of body, law and spirit.

Although for the cultivation of divine veins, he only took up sword cultivation at the moment, and other talisman cultivation, formation cultivation, etc. have not yet been involved, but various rich and colorful fighting methods are his expertise.

It cannot be limited to spells and bombardments.

Condensing his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei condensed water vapor all over his body.

Then the clouds and fog cleared.

When Sun Xian saw Xu Fei's appearance, he curled his lips with a smile.

I felt that Xu Fei was about to surrender and admit defeat.

However, even with this speculation, Sun Xian did not delay his attack at all, and even added some magic power.

It is inevitable to miss in a fight.

It’s also a very reasonable thing, isn’t it?

Presumably Taishizu would not 'blame' him.

But the next moment, Xu Fei's whole body was filled with steaming water vapor, and he suddenly rushed into the huge amount of fire techniques activated by Sun Xian.

When Sun Xian noticed this situation, he was shocked!

He dared to seriously injure Xu Fei, but he did not dare to kill him.

After all, as a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect, someone died while fighting with his fellow sect members on the sect’s arena.

It is a great crime!

Even with Grand Master's help, I'm afraid I won't be able to pick him out cleanly.

You must be punished to a certain extent.

It is almost impossible to become a disciple of Bilu in the future.

"Burn him to death!!" Suddenly, a voice that was so angry that it was almost crazy came from Sun Xian's ears.

This is a small spell that uses mana to conduct sound.

Mostly used for covert communication. (End of chapter)

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