Chapter 318, sneak attack

When they saw someone coming to the Chuanjie Hall, the hundreds of people watching suddenly fell silent.

After all...the Chuanjie Hall.

Seeing this situation, the leading man nodded with satisfaction.

When traveling to the Chuanjie Hall, you must have this kind of prestige.

The man carrying the flag behind him rolled his eyes in disdain, while shaking his head and making a face.

Obviously he was very dissatisfied with the boss's behavior.

The other three men with swords looked normal.

Regardless of the bad taste of his boss or the antics of his companions, they are nothing to him.

Although the leading man noticed the movements of the two people behind him, he ignored them.

Instead, he turned his eyes to look at the arena created by Xu Fei.

After a moment he couldn't help but nod.

The magic is superb.

Then Shi Shiran walked onto the ring.

And in order to make it easier for him to walk, he quietly gathered his skills and built stairs for him to walk up to the ring step by step.

But when the two people behind them also wanted to follow them onto the ring, the stairs suddenly collapsed into inspiration.

It was obvious that the leading man didn't care about the performance of the two people, and he just didn't care on the surface.

This made the man with three swords feel helpless and jumped onto the ring.

The other man carrying the flag looked at the ring, and then at his companions.

Seeing this, the man with three swords couldn't help but feel helpless. He could only reach out and pull the opponent onto the ring.

It can be said that after the Chuanjie Hall and his party appeared, they did not show any vigorous and vigorous handling methods, but instead seemed to be quite procrastinating.

It also made the onlookers a little curious.

Is this... the Chuan Jie Hall?

Xu Fei noticed someone entering the ring and opened his eyes.

But when he saw a few people on the ring, he couldn't help but frown.

He still knew about the famous Chuan Jie Hall.

So Xu Fei could only stand up.

"Disciple Xu Fei, I have met the discipline hall disciples." Xu Fei Fei said politely.

The leading man nodded.

As long as the other party gives him face, he can have some discussions on how to deal with it, although he still has to abide by the rules of the Ordination Hall.

"I am Zhanxiu of the Chuanjie Hall. I have been reported by someone that you set up a ring here to affect the entry and exit of others. Is this a problem?" said the leading man.

"I just borrowed this place and left a trail." Xu Fei explained.

Zhan Xiu looked at the two-foot path in front of Yuan Yang's residence, half-smiling.

In fact, they already knew about Xu Fei's opening of the arena.

However, when no one came to report it, Chuan Jie Hall would not pay attention to such a trivial matter.

But now that someone has reported it, they have to manage it for a while.

And if they come forward, the other party's face will be lost enough.

As an elder, the younger generation set up a stage in front of his home.

I couldn't handle it myself, so I went to the ordination hall.

Oh ho?

You ask who is so talented?

Tianqi Peak is the fourth disciple of the founder, Elder Yuan Yang is also~

Is it awesome?

Although as a disciple of the Chuanjie Hall, you need to strictly abide by the sect's rules and precepts, but who says you can't have fun?

Xu Fei naturally knew that after Chuanjietang came forward, he would no longer be able to stand in the arena.

This made Xu Fei a little reluctant. Although his eldest son's legs could be cured, wouldn't he, as a father, feel the pain?

"Okay, that's the end of the matter." Zhan Xiu laughed.

And just when Xu Fei was about to put away the ring.

"Slow down!" An obstructive voice came from not far away.

Xu Fei's Grandmaster Wuchengzi came slowly, accompanied by Master Yan and Master Lu.

"It's better to leave this arena alone." Wuchengzi said calmly.

He was having fun at home, but his apprentice came to visit him again.

After hearing this, I realized that the greedy disciple who came to ask for house and land last time had actually done something big.

This made Wu Chengzi very interested.

After hearing the reason, I couldn’t just ignore it.

However, it is not easy to directly oppose Master Yuan Yang. It is possible to just make him feel disgusted.

Zhan Xiu couldn't help but frown slightly when he looked at Wuchengzi who stopped him in an understatement.

The Chuanjie Hall is powerful and majestic, but when it does not involve sect rules and precepts, it still needs to be more flexible.

Now is the time to be more active.

After all, there is no rule in the house rules that you cannot set up a ring in front of someone else's house.

"Since Elder Wuchengzi has this arrangement, it is not convenient for us to interfere." Zhan Xiu said, and then left with others.

The root cause of this matter is that Elder Yuan Yang went too far in bullying.

Their Chuan Jie Hall did not intervene in advance, which was a mistake in itself, and it was not easy to take sides at this moment.

And there was no loss of life or anything.

Simply watch on the sidelines for now.

Wu Chengzi dismissed the people leaving the ordination hall and turned to look at Xu Fei.

This guy has been practicing for less than eight years, right?

But he can defeat Sun Xian with such ferocity?

To be honest, when he heard about such a record for the first time, he couldn't believe it.

But it is true.

Old Yuan Yang was forced to have no choice but to find someone from the Chuanjie Hall to disperse from the arena.

"I see that you are seriously injured. You should go back to recuperate first. It won't be too late to come back tomorrow to compete." Wuchengzi turned to look at Xu Fei and said.

"Yes, thank you Taishizu." Xu Fei said.

"I will come over to watch the game tomorrow." Wu Chengzi nodded, left these words and turned to leave.

This made Xu Fei stunned for a moment, and then his heart warmed up.

Although the trouble was quite unpleasant before, after the incident, his great master would still choose to help his disciple.

It's pretty good.

Return home and spend the night recuperating.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Yuan Yang's house again and set up a ring.

This made Yuan Yang in the mansion grit his teeth angrily, but he was helpless.

The people who came to teach the ordination hall were persuaded to leave by Wuchengzi!

"Master, why don't you let me, your disciple, fight with that little beast?" At this time, a disciple of Yuan Yang next to him said.

Yuan Yang turned to look at the disciple his disciple was talking about.

The other person was eight feet tall, dressed simply and had many patches.

After noticing his gaze, a silly smile appeared on his face.

However, the opponent has surging magic power and more than five thousand pots, which cannot be underestimated.

So after thinking for a moment, Yuan Yang acquiesced to this arrangement.

The disciple next to him raised his arm and patted the disciple Sun on the shoulder, then guided him to the ring.

Xu Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the man walking onto the ring.

The other party's appearance is rough, not as gentle as jade like most practitioners.

The clothes are also simple.

He looks like a fool.

It's just that the magic power surrounding the other party is anything but simple.

"Hello, my name is Kuping, and Master asked me to beat you." The man said naively.

I don’t know if there is a genuine intellectual defect or if it is a deliberate disguise.

"Xu Fei." Xu Fei said.

Kuping nodded and took out an iron rod from behind.

Actuated by mana, it stretched to about ten feet in an instant.

Then he directly raised the iron rod and hit Xu Fei.

Previously, Xu Fei had quickly defeated his first opponent with a sneak attack, but ended up attracting a tough guy like Sun Xian.

But now it was Xu Fei's turn to be attacked.

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