Chapter 319, physical training

But to say it was a sneak attack is actually somewhat incorrect.

After all, the other party just moved too fast.

Especially the arena is only fifty meters wide and long.

Xu Fei and Ku Ping stood closer, only more than ten meters apart.

At such a distance, the slightest movement would be instantaneous.

Fortunately, Xu Fei has mastered the three meridians and is also proficient in physical and Taoist practices.

He reacted very quickly and took two steps back.

"Hoo~" The iron rod fell from Xu Fei's side with the sound of breaking wind.

Hit the ground straight.


There was a loud bang.

The iron rod fell and the earth shook!

Starting from the impact point of the iron rod, in a fan-shaped area nearly three hundred meters forward, the ground collapsed.

If you look down from the sky, it is a huge tree-like crack pattern!

The power of one stick almost shook the world!

In the past, when Xu Fei fought with others, he mostly used spells, which looked fancy and had no practical effect.

But at this moment, facing Ku Ping, who was concentrating on physical training, the monk's powerful destructive power was finally revealed.

Fortunately, the onlookers had anticipated this and either hid far away on other hills, or simply stood a thousand meters above the ground.

Only then was he not implicated.

Otherwise, if this stick goes down, it will be very exciting.

Xu Fei dodged the stick and took out Baili Yunyan.

When fighting against physical cultivators, the cloud smoke in his hands will be put to great use.

At the same time, Xu Fei turned his head and looked at the 'effect' of Ku Ping's stick.

I couldn't help but be speechless.

After all, he can't do such a violent and violent attack yet.

Fighting between monks does not rely solely on magic power.

It also depends on the respective art industry.

The body cultivates gravity, the law cultivates art, and the spirit cultivates weapons.

Just like Kuping suddenly launched an attack just now.

If Xu Fei didn't dodge in time, his body would probably be wiped out by this blow.

It was too late to use any spells.

Ku Ping missed a hit with his stick, raised his hand to pick up the iron stick, and held the other end in his hand.

Then he rushed towards Xu Fei again.

No tricks.

Just fight Xu Fei desperately.

Just the next moment, a large amount of clouds and mist rose.

Wrapping towards Kuping.

Although Ku Ping has mastered his physical training and has a body of steel and iron, these clouds and mist do almost no harm to him, but they also affect him, making it difficult for him to run smoothly and attack freely.

Seeing that Ku Ping was temporarily stopped, Xu Fei felt a little relieved.

The shortcoming of "short hands" in physical cultivation is not unusual.

As long as there is a certain way to block them, they can be easily manipulated.

This is also the fundamental reason why Xu Fei insists on cultivating the three meridians.

And with the help of plug-ins, you don’t have to worry about being distracted too much and making it difficult to achieve success.

Clouds and mist surged towards Kuping.

It was then beaten to pieces by Ku Ping with the iron rod in his hand, and turned into an idea.

However, the movement of clouds and mist is almost useless for Xu Fei, whose cultivation level is getting higher and his mana recovery speed is getting faster and faster.

But Ku Ping's side was in trouble.

The force used is too small and the clouds cannot be broken.

And you have to pay attention to protecting yourself at all times, otherwise the clouds and mist will change.

Use hands, knives, swords, etc. to create flying attacks.

It is precisely because of the convenience and versatility of cloud and smoke magic weapons that even the "Shili Yunyan", which is far inferior to the Baili Yunyan in Xu Fei's hand, is quite expensive.

After fighting for a while, Ku Ping's restless temper was aroused.

Immediately, he roared regardless and rushed towards Xu Fei.

Seeing the opponent squandering his magic power, Xu Fei did not fight head-on with the opponent.

Just step aside.

He has more than four thousand pots of magic power.

Ku Ping has more than 5,000 pots of magic power.

It sounds like the gap is limited.

But because of the hard work and intensive physical training, there was no distraction.

This makes his cultivation a real practice of 'body channels'.

As for Xu Fei, who also cultivates the three meridians, although he gets more conveniences, there will also be a certain discount.

In other words, he has a cultivation level of more than 4,000 pots. If it is really converted into the practice of the three channels of body, law and spirit, it will be weakened to a certain extent.

After all, physical cultivation focuses on the physical body, legal cultivation strengthens the meridians, and spiritual cultivation condenses the soul.

This also allows their mana to be better utilized.

As for Xu Fei, who also cultivated the three meridians, it was inevitable that he would not be as profound as them.

To use a relatively simple metaphor, there are currently three events: shot put, table tennis, and basketball.

Ku Ping 'practiced shot put vigorously', while Xu Fei 'practiced' the three events at the same time.

Especially when Xu Fei's 'strength' is not as good as Ku Ping's, it is naturally difficult to compare with him in the 'shot put throwing' event.

Fortunately, there are two other items that can also be ‘scored’.

This made Xu Fei's overall score higher than Ku Ping.

Ku Ping violently broke out again and again, trying to get close to Xu Fei and defeat him.

But Xu Fei did not fight head-on with the opponent, and only relied on the clouds and mist urged by Baili Yunyan to fight with Kuping.

On the scene, Xu Fei, who was hiding and hiding, inevitably looked despicable.

It is not as heroic as the hard work of fighting hard.

But what Xu Fei wants is victory.

This caused old Yuan Yang to lose even more face, and he also sought some justice for his eldest son.

In the end, more than two hours later, Kuping, who wasted no effort to use up his mana, fell to his knees in sweat after running out of mana.

However, Xu Fei did not embarrass this fool, and simply put away the clouds and turned around to leave.

Although Xu Fei almost didn't make a move in this fight with Ku Ping, it still cost him a lot in the end.

If another guy like Ku Ping came up to the ring to challenge him, it would be impossible for Xu Fei to win.

This also made Xu Fei especially grateful to Taishizu Wuchengzi.

For the arena set up for him, a rule of one fight per day can be added.

See the ring end.

The thousands of monks who were watching gradually dispersed.

Even though today's fight in the ring was not very exciting, it still aroused heated discussion among many people.

"It is said that Xu Fei has been practicing for less than eight years?" A monk asked his companions.

"That's what they say," his companion replied.

"Tsk, tsk, such a method is really amazing." The monk who asked the question first couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, compared to that, we people are like dogs." Another monk interjected.

The monk who asked the question inevitably looked embarrassed when he heard this.

He considers himself to be quite talented, and after practicing for more than a hundred years, he has gained thousands of pots of magic power.

And he has mastered a good magic spell, which makes him proud of his peers.

But compared with the other party, he is simply a chicken and a dog.

After these few ring fights, Xu Fei's name gradually spread among Linglong Immortal Sect.

Most people know that there is such a monk in the sect who has practiced for less than ten years, but has more than 4,000 pots of magic power, and has good command of magic and sharp fighting skills.

Xu Fei returned home, first went to calm down his magic power, and then came to his eldest son Zhang Xian.

This kid's legs were severely broken.

Although Xu Fei received careful treatment, it would take more than two months to recover.

But it was also because of this that Xu Fei always kept a thin line in the ring.

If his old boy's legs were incurable, then Xu Fei would be in a completely different situation.

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