Chapter 320, Formation Cultivation

Checked the injury of the eldest son Zhang Xian.

Thanks to Xu Fei's prescription for maintenance, Zhang Xian's legs recovered well.

This made Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Zhang Xian, who was sitting on the bed, looked at his father in front of him.

There was not much pain in his expression.

After all, who would have thought that his father, who is so docile and gentle with a gentle personality, would directly call on him because of his injury? !

This made Zhang Xian excited, but also a little worried about whether his father would be injured.

"Dad, why don't we stop the arena thing first?" Zhang Xian looked at his mother beside him and said to Xu Fei.

Obviously this kid can take this into consideration, and he also has his mother's teachings.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this, this boy does care about people.

"I have a sense of discretion in these matters, but since you are injured and cannot practice martial arts for the time being, you can pick up the medical books you left behind and study them carefully. It will not be a waste of time." Xu Fei arranged.

When he heard that his father asked him to study, Zhang Xian's face immediately fell.

"Dad, can I stop studying? I can also practice martial arts now!" Zhang Xian said quickly.


That would be worse than killing him!

"That's it, you must study. I will come back to check how you are doing in your studies. If your studies are too poor, don't blame me for using my own methods." Xu Fei said.

There is a saying that although Xu Fei loves his children very much, his usual care is undoubtedly quite lacking.

This is mainly because Xu Fei is busy every day and doesn't have enough time.

They can only be controlled by the mother of each child.

However, looking at Zhang Xian's appearance, he also knew that Ling Niang's discipline was lacking.

At least not very good at reading.

Besides, this kid is not asked to learn those kinds of things, but various medical books.

After being given the order by his father, Zhang Xian's face turned ashen.

I feel that life in the future will be bleak.

After seeing the condition of his eldest son, Xu Fei left.

The next day.

Xu Fei came to the door of Yuan Yang's house again and set up the arena.

The champion has been practicing for less than ten years, but he has won three times in a row.

In addition, this arena was set up by Xu Fei who was bullied and had no choice but to fight back angrily.

Such various attributes made the monks of Linglong Immortal Sect pay more and more attention to this excitement.

Yesterday, there were only a thousand people watching.

There is a lot of rain today.

The clouds and mountains are full of human figures.

A rough estimate is probably no less than tens of thousands!

It can only be said that it is human nature to watch the excitement, and even monks are not immune to it.

Xu Fei frowned slightly when he saw so many people.

After all, with so many people gathered together, if something went wrong, he might be implicated as well.

But Xu Fei soon cleared his distracting thoughts and came to stand in the middle of the ring.

And in the old Yuan Yang's mansion.

Knowing that Xu Fei was here again today, Yuan Yang was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no disciples under Yuan Yang who can defeat Xu Fei.

But Xu Fei has been practicing for less than ten years!

It is already embarrassing enough to send out some disciples who are the same or lower than him but have practiced for thousands of years.

Is it necessary for an 'elder' who is senior to Xu Fei and has practiced a hundred times as long as the other party to take action?

That is almost the same as Yuan Yang taking action himself.

Yuan Yang still wanted to save the last bit of face.

Of course, if Xu Fei wins a few more games, Mr. Yuan Yang may not want this face again.

Compared with before, Xu Fei quickly dispatched his opponents after arriving on the scene.

I spent more than an hour today.

After the onlookers of the Immortal Sect disciples got excited about it, the courtyard door of Old Yuan Yang's mansion was opened.

A monk in his forties walked onto the ring with a solemn look on his face.

"I am gentle." The monk bowed his hands and said.

He is the seventh-generation disciple of Grand Master Yuan Yang.

After all, they are Xu Fei's disciples and grandchildren, but their training time is hundreds of times longer than Xu Fei's.

Although the other party is Yuan Yang's disciple and grandson, since he is polite and polite, Xu Fei will not be scornful.

"Xu Fei." Xu Fei returned the courtesy.

"Please." Wen Liang released his magical weapon, a copper bell.

Seeing the opponent's magic weapon, Xu Fei didn't dare to be careless.

Because the opponent is most likely a ‘formation cultivator’ that he has not encountered yet.

Only formation cultivators will use magic weapons such as 'seals' and 'bells'.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei directly took out his complete set of equipment.

Green sword, Baili Yunyan, Dharma shield, etc.

Seeing Xu Fei assembling each magical weapon, Wen Liang's eyes bulged and he almost had a heart attack.

How could this man be so extravagant? !

Didn’t it mean that you have been practicing for less than ten years? !

However, after practicing for many years, Wen Liang quickly calmed down and activated the bell.

The copper bell floats in mid-air, slowly turning due to gentle urging.

Gradually inspiration gathered.

Formation cultivators communicate with heaven and earth and arrange formations.

Generally, he will not confront people head-on.

But there are always exceptions.

There are also some formation cultivators who use formations to fight against enemies.

Obviously this gentle man is proficient in this.

When Xu Fei saw this, he naturally would not just watch the other party complete the arrangement.

With a turn of his left hand, he casts earth magic to disperse the opponent's gathered ideas.

But it's a little late.

Because the opponent's formation was arranged very quickly.

Gain momentum in the blink of an eye!

Xu Fei's body suddenly felt the pressure of a thousand kilograms of weight.

Not only his every move, but also the spells he cast were also under pressure, and their activation consumed more mana.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply restrained his magic power and urged his body to cultivate his fighting skills.

Once the battle method was activated, the thousand-kilogram gravity was like clouds and smoke in an instant, and could no longer affect Xu Fei.

Wen Liang had a headache when he saw this, and changed the formation with his fingers.

There was a lot of fire gathering.

Use the formation method.

Cultivation with the fire element method can also be regarded as reaching the same goal through different paths.

However, compared to the Dharma cultivator, Wen Liang, a formation cultivator, consumes almost no energy in urging the flames.

After all, the flames that gathered at this moment and surrounded Xu Fei were all condensed by Wen Liang using the genius of heaven and earth.

Because of this, Xu Fei still stood on the spot safely.

If it is the Dharma Fire of Fa Xiu, then Xu Fei still needs to be wary of one or two things.

Because magic fire depends on the caster's cultivation level, spell attainment, etc., the temperature, heat, and burning will also be different.

When the cultivation level was not high before such flying, the flames condensed were no more than ordinary fire.

But now there are more than four thousand pots of cultivation in the body.

The temperature of the magic fire that Xu Fei mobilized has exceeded 10,000 degrees, and its burning and destructive power is far beyond ordinary.

Ordinary wood and even stone turn into smoke in a blink of an eye.

The fierceness is blazing!

But the power of the flames encouraged by Wen Liang, the formation cultivator, was much inferior.

Far inferior to Sun Xian who made Xu Fei fall into a dangerous fight that day.

Judging from Xu Fei's own burning sensation, Wen Liang used the formation to urge the magic fire, and it felt like it was only three thousand or five thousand degrees.

A layer of water vapor on the body's surface is enough to resist it.

It can't even completely offset the coolness that diffuses as the water vapor condenses.

However, as Wen Liang took action one after another, Xu Fei did not act rashly, but carefully observed Wen Liang's formation.

After all, the strength of the formation cultivator is unpredictable.

If the opponent is proficient in some special formation, Xu Fei may be overturned.

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