In the end, Xu Fei failed to educate his eldest son Zhang Xian thoroughly.

After all, Xu Fei is not an eloquent education expert.

What's more, it's not uncommon for even the children of some loud-mouthed education experts to end up being scrappy.

So this thing about education...

It is definitely useful, but it is a bit unrealistic to think that through education, children will definitely become more talented than others.

Therefore, Xu Fei simply lowered his requirements. As long as his children did not commit any crimes, he would be satisfied.

Of course, if on this basis, a few children could reach the innate realm and become monks through practicing martial arts, then he would be even happier.

After taking care of the family affairs, Xu Fei continued to deal with spiritual materials and prepared to refine magic weapons and sell them for money.

It was just that while he was busy, Xu Fei felt that something was wrong.

He now has the treatment of Mr. Yuan Yang.

Why are you still so busy? !

Shouldn’t it be to practice and enjoy yourself every day, to be relaxed and happy?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei also understood that he had not accumulated enough now.

Mr. Yuan Yang has been practicing for ten thousand years. Even if he only saves a thousand spiritual stones a year, how much will he be worth after all these years?

So keep working hard.

Just a few days later.

Something happened that shocked Xu Fei.

A rather shrewish woman came to the door with her crying daughter.

Xu Fei turned around and looked at his second son, Zhang Pingan, who was shrinking his neck like a quail.

"May I ask what your request is, madam?" Xu Fei said.

"Request? How dare I ask for anything! Your son has made my daughter's belly bigger, what can I ask for?" the shrewish woman choked without giving any dignity.

Xu Fei's status as a monk was completely ignored.

She is a descendant of a former disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect. Although she is not a monk, she is still a member of the Immortal Sect.

If there is any accident, there will be a Chuan Jie Hall to deal with it.

Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Although he wants to attribute his romantic situation to the cheating requirements, he knows that if there is a chance, even without the cheating requirements, he will not be much better than now.

Therefore, the second son Zhang Pingan's problems with women are undoubtedly inherited from him.

What's more, Xu Fei took in a woman from time to time and also brought in a bad leader.

"Madam, if you want to deal with this matter, let's discuss how to deal with it. If there's going to be a quarrel, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you." Xu Fei, however, did not give in because of his second son's actions.

There is a saying that Xu Fei is a monk and the other party is just an ordinary person.

If the second son hadn't made the other party's daughter pregnant.

Then Xu Fei wouldn't even look at each other.

After all, this woman is just a vulgar and vulgar woman who can be seen everywhere.

If that charm still exists...

Ahem~ Xu Fei cleared his throat quickly and stopped thinking.

Hearing that Xu Fei was not very polite, the shrewish woman had to restrain herself.

"Then, your son must marry my daughter! The matchmaker is marrying her!" the shrewish woman said with wide eyes and a fierce voice.

Xu Fei frowned when he saw this.

The other party's daughter is quite beautiful, otherwise the second son of his own family wouldn't be able to control himself.

But even so, Xu Fei did not want his second son to marry such a royal wife.

After all, even though the other party is delicate and weak now, his mother's fierce and domineering behavior may not be followed by him in the future.

Then his son will suffer a lot in the future.

It's just that this brat has already done everything he needs to do, so he's naturally at fault.

So Xu Fei still had a headache as to how to deal with it.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei simply looked at his second son, Zhang Pingan.

"What do you think?" Xu Fei said.

"I, I..." Zhang Pingan looked at his sweetheart.

He still quite likes each other.

Zhou Yue on the side couldn't help holding her handkerchief when she saw this, looking a little worried.

She doesn't think much of the daughter of this family.

But her son did it first, but she didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, just reject the marriage and spend a lot of money to send the other party away?

That was too much.

Xu Fei looked at the brat and understood what he was thinking. After thinking about it, he looked at the woman again.

"How about our family provide some compensation and bring your daughter home?" Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei didn't say it clearly, the meaning behind his words was that he wanted to spend money to buy a concubine for Zhang Ping'an.

On the one hand, it helps the boy, and on the other hand, it also provides an explanation to the woman.

"Compensation? Humph, how much can you give me?" The shrewish woman was a little moved when she heard this.

"How about a hundred spirit stones?" Xu Fei said after thinking for a moment.

This number is not much, but it is also quite a lot.

"How many?" The shrewish woman was shocked when she heard this and even bit her tongue.

"One hundred spirit stones." Xu Fei repeated.

After confirming that the other party would pay a hundred spirit stones as compensation, the shrewish woman's body trembled with excitement.

"Really, is it true?" the shrewish woman asked.

Xu Fei nodded, and then motioned Zhou Yue to get the spirit stone.

Although he already had it in his storage bag, it was somewhat more solemn for Zhou Yue to pick it up.

Soon Zhou Yue came back with a plate full of spiritual stones.

Ten in a row, ten rows in total.

A spiritual stone weighs about two taels, which is about twenty kilograms.

The shrewish woman looked at the various spiritual stones in front of her and couldn't help turning her head to look at her daughter.

She didn't want to sell her daughter, but the other party gave her too much.

One hundred spiritual stones!

This is enough for the two sons in the family to marry wives, with half left.

"Mom, I...are willing." The woman's daughter naturally understood what her mother meant.

Xu Fei was still a little dissatisfied with the handling before him.

But what has happened has happened, but it can only be like this.

"Madam, please rest assured, we will definitely not wrong my daughter-in-law when she comes to our home," Xu Fei said.

Although the shrewish woman had the intention to say a few tough words to support her daughter, the hundred spiritual stones on the plate on the table made her only sigh.

No longer as fierce as before.

"Then, I'll leave it to you Yan'er." When the shrewish woman said this, her knees softened and she knelt down.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fei quickly asked Zhou Yue to help him up.

At the same time, my mood is also very complicated.

I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Fortunately, although things were messy, the final result was still barely acceptable.

In the end, the shrewish woman left with the spirit stone, while her daughter Yan'er stayed in the Xu family.

Seeing the matter being dealt with and the second son smiling happily, Xu Fei's brows did not relax.

As the children grew older, he was busy with his own practice and had no time to supervise them.

What happened with Zhang Xian before, this time happened with Zhang Pingan.

It was all trouble, so he still had to find a way to set rules for the children.

Otherwise, as the children grow up, there will probably be more and more chaos.

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