But Xu Fei had no idea how to establish this rule.

After thinking about it, he simply called all the women over.

Hear Xu Fei's request.

The women looked at each other.

Zhou Yue and Meiniang, the two ladies in charge of the house, speculated that the idea may have come up because their children have grown up recently and have many things going on.

But this is indeed a problem.

No rules, no standards.

"How about using rewards and punishments to establish rules?" Meiniang said after thinking about it.

"Reward and punishment?" Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Meiniang nodded.

"Nowadays, families will give children some small amounts of money, so use this small amount of money as a reflection of the rules. Good behavior will be rewarded, and mistakes will be punished." Meiniang said.

After hearing this idea, Xu Fei thought about it carefully and felt that he could really give it a try.

"Set a few levels of small money, and the children will start at a certain level. If they perform well, they will increase it, and if they make mistakes, they will lower it." Xu Fei added.

With Meiniang’s idea, the subsequent detailed and specific aspects came easily.

Finally, after much discussion among the women, the rules for spending small amounts of money were set in four levels and twelve levels.

The first gear is A.

There are five spiritual stones on the armor, three spiritual stones on the armor, and one spiritual stone on the lower armor, which is the most.

The second gear is B.

B is above, B is below, B is five hundred taels of silver a month, B is three hundred taels of silver, and B is below one hundred taels of silver.

The third gear is C.

C on top, C on C, bottom on C, C on top is fifty taels of silver a month, C is thirty taels of silver, and bottom C is ten taels of silver.

The fourth level Ding is five liang, three liang, and one liang.

Among them, children under six years old are not given small allowance.

When you are six years old, you will be assigned to the third grade. At the age of twelve, you will be promoted to the first grade, and at the age of eighteen, you will be promoted to the third grade. It will end at the age of twenty-four, and no more money will be given.

However, this is just a normal situation. If there is any mistake, it will be downgraded or even downshifted as a penalty.

But if you perform well, such as studying medicine well or practicing martial arts well, you will be upgraded in advance or even upgraded.

Although this rule is a bit complicated and cumbersome, and may not have any good results, if we don't establish a rule, I'm afraid there will be more problems.

So doing it is better than not doing it.

And when it was time to eat in the evening, I posted the rules for spending small money.

Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but shrink his neck when he saw that he was supposed to be classified as C grade, but was only in D grade.

Apparently he was the first to be punished.

"Second brother, why are you a Dingdao?" After seeing this situation, naturally some younger brothers and sisters would ask Zhang Ping'an.

Zhang Ping'an immediately blushed, and Ai Ai didn't know what to say.

However, after washing up and dressing up, Yan'er, who came over accompanied by the maid, stood next to Zhang Pingan.

Immediately, many younger brothers and sisters said, "Oh~" and made booing sounds.

All in all, the atmosphere at Xu Fei's house is pretty good.

Seeing this situation, Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter of his second son Zhang Ping'an made him quite embarrassed.

But Xu Fei didn't dislike him because of this.

After all, the thing has happened, just solve it.

As a father, you still have to take this responsibility.

But if something bad happens, such as the children making more serious mistakes, Xu Fei will have a headache.

Fortunately, it is not too late to remedy the situation.

I just hope that they can all grow up safely and happily.

Xu Fei chuckled when he thought of this and went about his own business.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Xu Fei calculated that the pills he gave to Yang Xun of Lanling Mountain had probably been sold out.

So after making some elixirs, we headed to Lanling Mountain.

He handed the elixir refined this time to Yang Xun and took back the income from the previous sale of the elixir.

More than a month.

More than two hundred elixirs.

Xu Fei had more than 4,000 spirit stones in his hands.

After deducting costs, Xu Fei can earn almost 3,300 spirit stones.

It’s not much, but it’s still an income.

"Master, the elixir you gave is of high quality and sells very well. I wonder if I can supply more?" Yang Xun said carefully after accepting the elixir.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

After all, are elixirs so in demand?

Aren’t ordinary casual cultivators living a very difficult life?

"Master, your detoxification and healing elixirs are very effective and are very popular among the monks." Yang Xun explained.

Although casual cultivators are not so extravagant as to take pills to practice, they will inevitably get poisoned and injured while wandering outside.

This is when you need to use elixirs.

Among the elixirs that Xu Fei left for Yang Xun last time, there were still many elixirs that could help his practice. On the contrary, all the elixirs for detoxification and healing were sold out.

"Then how many elixirs can you sell here in a month?" Xu Fei asked after thinking about it.

"If they are all elixirs for detoxification and healing, five hundred pills would be fine." Yang Xun gave a number after thinking about it.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this number.

Previously, Xu Fei's cultivation was insufficient and he could only 'make elixirs'.

It can almost be said that the pill is pinched out one by one.

But as his cultivation gradually improved, he was able to start trying to make alchemy.

And five hundred pills is equivalent to a furnace of pills.

But the initial processing of spiritual materials is a problem.

Although alchemy is fast and convenient, the spiritual materials used naturally need to be sufficient.

It's not conjured out of thin air.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei just nodded noncommittally.

"Okay, I've written this down." Xu Fei said.

Then came to the outer house of Lan Juan Yifang.

After Xu Fei came to Lanling Mountain for the first time, he thought about making up for the lack of proficiency points he could not obtain when he went out, so he went to the Flower House to find some servants.

But Xu Fei is half a passionate person after all.

Once you have used it yourself, you don’t want others to use it again.

So I helped these widowers redeem their lives and gave them some money to make a living on their own.

But they didn't expect that they would still be targeted.

Fortunately, thanks to his name, there was no accident.

But in the end, Xu Fei could only settle them down and have an outhouse...

Although most of the scores of these twenty or so gentry were in the 70s, they were young, beautiful, and large in number, so Xu Fei was quite happy.

After getting the news that Xu Fei was coming.

The servants of the Qing Dynasty gathered immediately.

"Master." They all bowed and bowed in a crisp voice.

A moment of joy.

Xu Fei's mood couldn't help but clear up.

After enjoying two days outside, Xu Fei left and went to Yuze Island in Tianxingze.

There is also one of his arrangements there.

It is run by Gao Xianxian, a female doctor, and Cui Niang, a woman Xu Fei accidentally took over on Yuze Island.

Although Xu Fei is not sure what the use of these arrangements is, there is no harm in maintaining them, and it can also bring him a certain amount of income.

So Xu Fei didn't plan to cancel it.

He even plans to arrange all the eight areas of Linglong Immortal Sect at once if there is a chance.

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