Driving a Shopee Boat, it took a few hours to reach Yuze Island in Tianxing Ze.

Although only one month has passed, the general situation of elixir sales has begun to take shape.

Elixirs for treating water poisoning are selling well.

After all, Tianxingze is extremely vast and filled with water vapor.

The inspiration is inevitably contaminated with water vapor, and the water vapor impregnates the inspiration.

In particular, the terroir and geography here are quite special. Under the entanglement of water and air, although water essence can be transformed into water with magical effects, it will inevitably also become toxic.

There are currently 93 major categories of water poisons and 1,722 sub-categories that have been discovered. If they are further subdivided, over tens of thousands of years, there have not been 100,000 species, and there are probably 80,000 species of water poisons that have harmed people. .

If you are unlucky and are contaminated with water poison that has not been recorded before, it will be okay if the poison is mild, but if the poison is severe, it will be terrible.

However, water marrow has extremely wide uses in refining elixirs, refining weapons, and even making talismans and forming formations.

So the value is pretty good.

It has attracted numerous casual cultivators to continue their work regardless of the concerns about water poisoning.

People die for money.

After closing the account books, Xu Fei handed over some of the elixirs he had refined this time to Gao Xianxian.

This is one of the few monks among Xu Fei's women, and her rating is as high as 90+, so Xu Fei still values ​​her a little.

"Is there anything lacking in practice?" Xu Fei asked with concern.

Gao Xianxian heard this and shook his head.

She was given to Xu Fei by her master, somewhat reluctantly at first.

But later, with the help of Xu Fei, he opened a pill shop.

Quite independent in terms of income.

Such benefits make Master very envious.

Therefore, Gao Xianxian didn't have any more entanglements after that, and he just returned to his heart.

Seeing Gao Xianxian's obedient look, Xu Fei's heart moved, he took her catkin and took her into his arms.

Gao Xianxian blushed, obviously understanding Xu Fei's intentions.

"Wait until night." Xu Fei teased.

This made Gao Xianxian's pretty face even redder.

While Xu Fei was flirting with Gao Xianxian, Wei Ying, the head of the female medical sect, came in a hurry after knowing that 'Han Li' was coming.

The last time she sent her apprentice out to ask for help in improving the female doctor's medical skills, she just wanted to take care of the relationship with 'Han Li, a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect'.

By the way, let’s take a look at Han Li’s level.

After all, it would be too stupid to just ask someone for a chance.

It is right to figure it out slowly.

But when he found out that his apprentice had just committed himself to this 'Han Li' and got the spiritual elixir shop, he immediately felt regretful and almost turned green.

She obviously also gave away her flesh and blood!

Seeing the master coming, Gao Xianxian immediately restrained himself and refused to get close to Xu Fei anymore.

Weiying glanced at her apprentice. It didn't matter that she owned a pill shop. The hairpin on her head, the bracelet on her wrist, and other odds and ends were all magic weapons! !

Some are helpful for practice, meditation, protection, and poison repelling.


When Xu Fei saw Weiying, he didn't dislike this enthusiastic mature woman.

In other words, it is quite welcome.

After all, without the other party's care, he would not have dared to give Gao Xianxian all the gadgets he usually used to practice his skills.

Weiying saw the account book on the table and knew that the other party had just seen the operation of the elixir shop.

"In recent years, ferocious water poisons and evil water poisons have been rampant, so fellow Taoist Han can prepare more elixirs to relieve these two water poisons," Weiying said.

There are ninety-three major categories of water poisoning.

Fierce water poison is a general term for some water poisons that are very toxic.

Bad water poisons are some dangerous water poisons that are not obvious at first, but as the poisoning time prolongs, the poison becomes more difficult to remove and becomes more powerful when it breaks out.

There are also many types of water poisons, such as knife water poison. When first poisoned, the poisoned area feels like a cut with a knife, but as time goes by, severe pain will spread throughout the body and many other types of water poison.

The poisoning symptoms and detoxification methods are divided into categories.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard what Weiying said about the two kinds of water poisons, vicious and evil, that have been raging in recent years.

Depending on the period, the water poison here in Tianxingze will also be different.

Very complex.

There have even been periods in the past where several types of water poisoning were mixed.

It can only be said that it is really difficult for casual cultivators to earn some spiritual stones.

In the evening, Weiying shamelessly squeezed into the room of Xu Fei, Gao Xianxian and Cui Niang and participated.

She must seize this opportunity!

After playing on Yuze Island for a few days, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

After going to pay homage to Grand Master and Grand Master first, Xu Fei returned home with a thoughtful look on his face.

His two properties in Lanling Mountain and Yuze Island are elixir shops.

And the business is also good, and we have some foundation.

From now on, you may have to keep coming and going frequently. In particular, Xu Fei is thinking about opening a shop in all eight regions of the Immortal Sect.

Therefore, the previous method of making pills by pinching them one pill at a time is no longer suitable.

You have to use the method of alchemy.

However, there are still some differences between alchemy and pill making.

Xu Fei still had to think about it.

So Xu Fei changed his direction and came to Yangwu Taoist Hall.

As a place where Linglong Immortal Sect distributes various tasks and earns ‘errands’, Yangwu Dao Hall has always been lively.

It's just that Xu Fei used to study various skills and learn to refine weapons in addition to practicing, so he rarely came here.

"I would like to exchange for some alchemy methods." Xu Fei took out his disciple card and handed it to the disciples of Yangwu Taoist Hall.

The other party didn't care at first. He took Xu Fei's disciple card and went to look for Xu Fei's roster.

But when he found Xu Fei's roster, he looked surprised.

Then he looked up at Xu Fei.

"You, do you have someone to wait for a pass?" the Taoist disciple asked.

"Exemption?" Xu Fei was a little surprised.

What does this mean?

"It's all the Taoist methods, spells, elixir-making tools and other collections of humane levels collected by the Taoist Hall. You can browse them all without any errands." The Taoist disciple said, looking a little enlightened.

Could it be that someone made a mistake in the record?

"Wait a moment." The Taoist disciples stood up in a hurry.

But a moment later, a wealthy Taoist deacon came back with the disciples from before.

"Junior Brother Xu." The deacon said kindly.

Xu Fei's exemption was handled by him personally, how could he be wrong.

Looking at the deacon in front of him, Xu Fei was a little surprised.

Now to redeem some alchemy skills, does the deacon have to personally do it?

"Junior brother has just taken over Elder Yuan's treatment. It's not clear to me when I think about it. Your pass can be used to borrow all the Taoist secrets of the humane level collected in our Taoist hall. You will no longer have to do errands like ordinary disciples." Deacon chuckled.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

It turns out that Mr. Yuan Yang’s treatment is not just Tianwu Pavilion’s quota of 100,000 spiritual stones per year?

And what are the benefits of being exempted from the humanistic secrets of Yangwu Daotang?

Gee, this is really generous.

"Thank you for the explanation, senior brother." Xu Fei bowed his hands and said in return.

The deacon of the Taoist Hall asked about the alchemy skills Xu Fei needed and personally took them and gave them to Xu Fei.

"Junior brother, if you want to exchange any Taoism or spells in the future, just come to me." The deacon said with a smile.

The meaning of making friends with Xu Fei is quite obvious.

"Then I'm afraid there will be some trouble for senior brother in the future." Xu Fei agreed.

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