But even though it was said to be a loan, in fact no one would urge Xu Fei if he didn't return it.

After all, there is more than one set of various Taoist secrets and techniques at the human level of Yangwu Taoist Hall.

Xu Fei returned home with the alchemy technique and closed the book after studying it for a while.

There is no such thing as the 'jade slips' used to record the secrets of various techniques in the immortal cultivation novels that Xu Fei read.

Almost all information is recorded in books.

This is very un-immortal.

But Xu Fei had no choice. After all, he still didn't understand the principle of recording messages using 'jade slips'.

Of course, if given the chance, he wouldn't mind initiating a change himself.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei turned his thoughts back to alchemy.

Compared with the method of making alchemy, alchemy is much more complicated.

Not only does it have certain requirements for cultivation, but the difficulty also increases a lot.

It's almost like a delicate stir-fry versus a big pot of rice.

It is still very difficult to make a big pot rice as delicious as a delicate stir-fry.

Therefore, some of the more precious elixirs still use the elixir preparation method.

Of course, there are also some elixirs that must be refining.

In short, whether you use refined products or prepared products depends on your own needs.

Now that Xu Fei wanted to refine a large amount of elixirs, he naturally gave priority to the elixir refining method that could be used to stir-fry in a big pot.

However, in addition to the problem that Xu Fei needs to be proficient in alchemy, there are also problems with the preliminary processing of various elixirs.

The preliminarily processed elixirs used in the elixirs that Xu Fei refined before were all refined in his spare time.

This time, the supply of elixirs to Lanling Mountain and Yuze Island has almost cleared his 'inventory'.

If you still want to collect the elixirs sent to the two places this time, it is only the preliminary processing of the elixirs. Xu Fei himself may have to be busy for ten days and a half.

And this is what Xu Fei absolutely does not want.

Are you delaying your own practice for the sake of making money and having property that you don’t know the use of yet?

There's something wrong with your brain.

So Xu Fei considered whether to accept a few apprentices who knew how to refine elixirs, or go directly to some elixir shops and buy elixirs refined by others.

Of course, there is another option, that is, Xu Fei takes in a few concubines who are good at tempering elixirs, so that the wealth does not go to outsiders.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei decided to take a three-pronged approach.

The next day, Xu Fei first went to the Yangwu Taoist Hall and posted a mission to recruit disciples who refined elixirs. Then he went to the elixir shop to buy some refined elixirs and prepared to try his hand at elixir refining.

After walking around for a while, Xu Fei came to an alchemy hall.

But after looking at it for a while, there were no good-looking female cultivators. They were basically average ones with 50 or 60 points.

Xu Fei was quite disappointed.

After all, even if he has a certain skill, Xu Fei doesn't want to lower his standards too much.

Not like before.

As his cultivation level improves and he receives various benefits, Xu Fei is qualified to be picky.

Moreover, Xu Fei already has a lot of women now, so if they are not good enough, it would be meaningless for Xu Fei to accept them.

In addition, it may sound a little callous, but Xu Fei has already thought about not accepting ordinary women in the future.

After all, a pure female cultivator can give you "double" proficiency points. From the perspective of this income alone, Xu Fei should not have sex with ordinary women.

But after all, Xu Fei couldn't bear to let the women stay alone in the empty boudoir.

Especially the women over there with the surname Zhang have been guarding it for several years.

This made Xu Fei even more affectionate.

"Junior brother, do you want to learn how to make pills?" Seeing a new face like Xu Fei wandering around, a monk in his thirties came over and said.

Xu Fei's apparent cultivation level was only a few hundred pots, so the other party's attitude was naturally more casual.

"Senior brother knows things like a god." Xu Fei complimented casually.

Good words don’t cost money.

Even though Xu Fei is in some circumstances now, he doesn't have any mental baggage.

One or two kind words can save you a lot of trouble, so why not.

Sure enough, after being complimented by Xu Fei, the other party smiled with satisfaction.

"Our alchemy hall has several alchemists including Cai, Yu, Jing, and Ye. Among them, Alchemist Cai is kind and teaches carefully, and is the most loved by the apprentices." The monk who spoke enthusiastically explained.

Xu Fei seemed to have a hidden meaning when he heard the other party's words. He followed the words and said a few words before he found out.

The other party is a disciple of Master Cai, and Master Cai requires tuition fees to recruit disciples.

It was different from when Xu Fei went to the Qi Hall and started to hone the spiritual materials directly.

"This... is shy in the lower pocket." Xu Fei said.

Hearing that Xu Fei had no money, the monk who was quite enthusiastic just now immediately changed his face.

"I don't have the money to learn alchemy." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Xu Fei's few compliments before turned out to be funny.

Xu Fei looked strange, but it was hard to say anything.

Although Xu Fei set up the arena before and it was really lively, the number of disciples who went to watch the battle was probably less than one thousandth of the Linglong Immortal Sect disciples.

And although it may be a bit self-proclaimed, Xu Fei set up the arena at Tianwei Peak, and there was no place where ordinary disciples could go.

The alchemy here is just ordinary, so naturally no one knows him.

Xu Fei shook his head, but his mentality was not affected, and he was determined to take revenge.

And just when Xu Fei was about to leave, another disciple came over.

Xu Fei thought that the other party had ulterior motives.

Unexpectedly, after talking for a few words, the other party reminded him that although Alchemist Jing in the alchemy hall here was unpleasant to listen to, he had a lot of free teachings for apprentices like them.

If Xu Fei wants to learn how to make pills, he might as well stay and learn.

At this time, there were also other apprentices who confirmed what the other party said.

This made Xu Fei chuckle.

"Xu Fei, I wonder what your senior brother's name is?" Xu Fei said.

The other party was a little surprised when he heard Xu Fei's name, but he didn't think much about it.

After all, Xu Fei is a talented person. It is said that he has been valued by the ancestor of Tianqi Peak and taught him personally. How could he come to their ordinary alchemy hall?

"I will punish you fiercely." The monk who reminded Xu Fei said a little embarrassedly.

Apparently he rarely knows anyone by name.

"It turns out that it was Senior Brother Xing in person. I came here this time on a commission. I want to find a few disciples who can refine elixirs. The rewards are easy to talk about." Xu Fei chuckled.

I don't mind giving this good monk a chance.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, not only Xing Meng, but also the other apprentices were moved and immediately gathered around him.

"Senior brother, my skills are quite good. I was once praised by Alchemist Cai!"

"Senior brother, I have studied in the Alchemy Hall for more than thirty years. My skills are better and I can refine all kinds of elixirs."

The enthusiasm made Xu Fei take two steps back.

But Xu Fei finally looked at Xing Meng.

Seeing how enthusiastic and hardworking the other apprentices were, Xing Meng couldn't help but flinch a little.

But when Xu Fei looked over, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

"Senior Brother Xing can help me choose two skilled senior brothers to work with." Xu Fei named him.

Hearing that Xu Fei identified Xing Meng, the other apprentices immediately turned to look at Xing Meng and began to have a relationship with him.

Xing Meng, who had no presence in Dantang before, suddenly became a hot commodity.

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