"Tch~ I don't even know who the other person is and how much he can be paid. With such virtue, it's really embarrassing!" The monk who had just talked to Xu Fei and left with contempt after knowing that Xu Fei was shy, deliberately said loudly.

After hearing this monk's words, the enthusiasm of the apprentices who were struggling with Xing Meng could not help but diminish a bit.

Yes, who is the other party? How much can be paid?

Don't be the kind of people who trick them into doing idle work, right?

Xu Fei didn't argue when he heard the words, and remained calm and composed.

After all, he is not a liar.

He even invited Xing Meng because he thought this young man was good and wanted to give him a chance.

But in the eyes of other people, Xu Fei's performance turned out to be a sign of guilt and cowardice.

If you don't feel guilty, just reveal your identity directly, why do you need to be so pretentious?

So the noise just now suddenly became deserted.

Xing Meng naturally hesitated, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and became determined.

Although he didn't know if Xu Fei was a liar, this was undoubtedly an opportunity.

After communicating with the two apprentices who were familiar with each other and were quite proficient in tempering many types of elixirs, Xing Meng came to Xu Fei and bowed his hands.

"Senior Brother Xu, the other two senior brothers and I are willing to accept your errand." Xing Meng said.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this. The apprentice named Xing Meng in front of him was still a little lucky and could seize the opportunity he gave him.

"Okay..." Xu Fei didn't finish his words.

An old man with kind eyebrows and white hair and beard came out of the room.

"What's the noise?" Although it was a scolding, it was still like warm wind and drizzle.

Apparently he is used to being gentle.

The monk who was picking trouble with Xu Fei saw the old man and hurriedly approached him.

"Master..." He said what happened just now.

According to his name, this old man is Alchemist Cai.

To be called an alchemist, one must be proficient in refining dozens of kinds of elixirs, and must have certain requirements for the probability and quality of elixirs.

Generally, monks may have a certain chance of success after studying hard for decades.

But more often than not, I can’t see progress and the way forward in the alchemy path, and I give up in despair and pain.

After all, refining elixirs is not like refining magic weapons.

Although the spiritual materials required for refining magic weapons also need to be tempered, gold, silver, copper and iron can be tempered in any way. Even if it fails, it can still be reused after re-tempering.

But the elixir won't work. Once the tempering fails, the elixir will be destroyed.

lost heavily.

Only after Xu Fei upgraded his pill-making skills to a very high level did he start refining pills.

That's why.

Master Cai could not help but frown after hearing his disciple's report.

Because judging only from the disciple's words, the other party may be a liar.

However, when he turned to look at Xu Fei, he couldn't help but be startled. After taking a closer look, his expression suddenly changed to surprise, and he came forward with a slightly flattering look.

"Hahaha, let me tell you why the magpie on the branch in front of the window was chirping when I got up early. It turned out to be a distinguished guest. Hello, senior brother Xu, I'm Cai Kui." Master Cai obviously recognized Xu Fei.

Seeing Alchemist Cai's attitude, all the apprentices were shocked.

Especially the one who said a lot of bad things about Xu Fei was stunned and at a loss.

"Senior Brother Cai." Xu Fei cupped his hands and returned the greeting.

Although the other party calls him senior brother, he cannot think of the other party as a junior brother.

In fact, in the Immortal Sect, as long as the relationship is not relatively close, titles such as senior brother and junior brother basically have no substantive meaning, and are more like polite terms such as 'Mr., Miss'.

Make it less cold to address each other.

After all, if we really want to base our ranking on seniority according to the actual situation, there will even be a situation where someone who has practiced martial arts for thousands of years will have to call a young guy Taishizu.

Nothing would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, the title is not so strict.

Of course, this is only the situation within the Linglong Immortal Sect. Some other sects insist on this. If they are the Grand Master, they must be called the Grand Master, regardless of the length of practice or the level of magic power.

"What's going on, Senior Brother Xu? I happen to have two taels of gold pieces over there, how about we chat over a cup of tea?" Master Cai's intention to please was obvious.

The other party is a genius who has ruined the face of the fourth elder of Tianqi Peak.

Although he is an alchemy master and is considered good among ordinary monks, if he can establish a relationship with Xu Fei and obtain Jiwei, it will be an opportunity for him.

As for the other party who has just emerged and is not yet sure what the future will be like, he is so eager to cling to him. Isn't he a little impatient?

But after it was confirmed that the other party would have a bright future, how could it be his turn again?

Xu Fei has been somewhat adapting to his sudden popularity.

Recently, many people have submitted their name cards and want to get to know him.

Although if these people were organized, they would become a considerable force, but Xu Fei did not do that.

After all, there is no such thing as a good thing in this world where you only get benefits without having to pay for them.

At the very least, it takes a lot of effort to organize these people.

And Xu Fei didn't even have time to teach his children in order to practice, so how could he waste his time on such trivial matters.

In addition, even if Xu Fei really formed this sub-force and gained some benefits, there is a mixed bag of good and bad among them, and there is no telling when he will be dragged into the water by something or someone.

Then he became even more irritable.

"The matter has been taken care of. I have some other things to do, so I won't disturb Senior Brother Cai." Xu Fei smiled lightly and saluted, then winked with Xing Meng and the other three, and then left the alchemy hall.

Watching Xu Fei leave, Master Cai had a look of regret on his face.

A good opportunity was presented to him, but he failed to seize it.

Xu Fei took Xing Meng and three others away.

Xing Meng and the other two people were a little flinching.

"Xu...Senior Xu, are you really that Xu Fei?" Xing Meng said in disbelief.

That Xu Fei had practiced Taoism for less than ten years, and his magic power was close to that of the elder, and he even had a fierce fight with the elder who had practiced Taoism for ten thousand years.

Xu Fei probably knew that the rumors about him were a bit untrue.

Three people become tigers, even monks are not immune to this.

"Although it's me, things are not as exaggerated as the rumors say." Xu Feiluo explained.

Then he took the three of them to a monastery.

This place is often used for small-scale seminars among monks.

Tea, snacks, and even singing and dancing are provided.

Of course, if you are willing to spend money, there will be more projects.

However, Xu Fei brought the three of them here to simply test their skills in refining elixirs.

After asking, Xu Fei took out some elixirs for the three of them to refine.

After almost an hour, the test ended.

Xu Fei also has a rough grasp of the three people's skills.

Among the three, the slightly thin young man has the best skills, but the success rate of preliminary processing of the elixir is only 70-80%.

The punishment is average, with a success rate of 70 to 80%, but occasionally some defective products will be produced.

The last young man's skills were worse than Xing Mengze's, with only a 60-70% success rate. (End of chapter)

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