When the disciples who were waiting outside and were preparing to apply for this job heard that the first screening requirement turned out to be records of past jobs, many disciples who were registered in Yangwu Taoist Hall in other places immediately started to make a fuss.

They waited excitedly for several days, and this is the result?

However, the Daotang disciples were not used to them and immediately began to use strict words to maintain order.

Xu Fei heard the commotion in the back hall and felt that it was inappropriate to conduct the preliminary election based on the past errand records of this Taoist hall. After all, this directly excluded the disciples who were registered in other Taoist halls. Although he could not care about his reputation, but There is no need to be so rough on such small things.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei simply bought a large amount of ordinary elixirs and came back.

Each disciple who wants to participate in this mission can receive ten different types of elixirs for preliminary processing.

In the end, the group of disciples with the largest number of successfully processed will enter the preliminary round.

Only then did the matter calm down a little.

As a result, a large area was cleared in the square in front of Yangwu Taoist Hall for these disciples to conduct a preliminary test of handling the elixir.

As for the Daotang disciples and other disciples who were watching the excitement, they were not worried about any fraud.

Not to mention the result.

There are really a few disciples who are very skilled in handling elixirs.

After processing ten elixirs, all ten were successful.

In particular, one of them is a beautiful repairman who can be rated as 80+ points.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be a little concerned.

After all, Xu Fei's plan was to take in a few female cultivators who knew how to refine spiritual materials and elixirs as concubines, and they would take care of the spiritual materials, elixirs, etc. that needed preliminary processing for him in the future.

So if the other party is suitable, then Xu Fei wouldn't mind keeping him by his side.

However, those disciples who successfully processed all ten elixirs were not the only ones who passed the preliminary test.

There are others who have successfully processed more than eight elixirs.

Because from Xu Fei's perspective, the skills of two of the disciples were more sophisticated than the disciple who successfully processed ten elixirs.

It was just a little bit of luck that I didn't succeed in everything.

After some more trials, eleven disciples were finally selected who had somewhat impressive preliminary skills in handling elixirs.

There were more than a thousand people, and more than ten people were finally selected, almost one in a hundred.

However, this number seems to be a bit large.

But Xu Fei plans to open a pill shop in the eight regions in the future.

Moreover, Xu Fei is currently refining elixirs in an elixir furnace that is as tall as half a person, which means that Xu Fei's alchemy skills are not high.

expedients used.

In the future, his alchemy skills will continue to improve, and he will use a large furnace to refine hundreds of kilograms of 'original pills' from one furnace with ease.

So when the time comes, it may not be enough for these dozen disciples to help process the elixir.

After talking to these eleven disciples about the treatment he received, these disciples all expressed their acceptance.

After all, the treatment offered by Xu Fei is indeed acceptable.

After confirming these specific situations, Xu Fei asked these disciples to leave and gave them some time to deal with their own affairs.

A few days ago, Xu Fei bought a several-acre house with an underground fire in a valley more than a hundred miles away from Tianqi Peak. In the future, these disciples will have to refine elixirs and spiritual materials there. conduct.

It is also easy to manage.

"Sun Ya, please stay one step." But when the selected disciples were about to leave, Xu Fei said.

Sun Ya was the beautiful female cultivator with a score of 80+ among the eleven disciples he hired.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Sun Ya's expression changed.

There are some guesses in my mind.

The other disciples glanced at Sun Ya vaguely or inexplicably and left in a hurry.

"Junior sister Sun, please sit down." Xu Fei said.

Sun Ya pursed her lips when she heard this, and sat aside first.

"I wonder if Junior Sister Sun has ever been married?" Xu Fei said straight to the point.

After all, if you succeed, forget it if you don’t.

Xu Feicai didn't have the spare time to spend time and thought pursuing a female cultivator.

When Sun Ya heard Xu Fei's straightforward question, her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

"Not yet." However, Sun Ya also replied softly.

"Then I wonder what Junior Sister Sun thinks of me?" Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei didn't dare to say how much he knew about Sun Ya's temperament in front of him, but this kind of thing can wait until later.

Even though Sun Ya had some guesses in her mind, she was still a little overwhelmed after hearing Xu Fei's words.

After all, how could a major issue between men and women be decided so easily?

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Ya nodded slightly.

The other party is that Xu Fei!

She was born with Taoist roots, and was brought back to the fairy city by a traveling disciple of the immortal sect. She studied Taoism in Shishigguan in the fairy city.

It took eleven years and three months to cultivate a pot of magic power before he could join the Linglong Immortal Sect.

It has been nearly twenty years since I started practicing Buddhism at the age of seven.

But his cultivation level is no more than eight pots!

Although she has never encountered the limit of heaven and earth, but with the speed of her cultivation, she may not have such worries in her life, and she will already be a pile of withered bones.

So if she can become Xu Fei's concubine, her situation may be improved.

Xu Fei chuckled when he saw this, and simply stepped forward to hold Sun Yarou.

Then take it to your home.

Zhang Lian and Mrs. Liu couldn't help but feel helpless when they saw that their son had brought another woman back.

I don’t know where my son learned his romantic style.

I already have so many wives and concubines, but I still don’t know how to be satisfied.

But he didn't say much.

After all, his son is already an immortal and is no longer under their control.

But after meeting my parents, the ceremony is more than half done.

Sun Ya's parents are far away.

Xu Fei had no intention of going to meet him.

That night.

Under the control of Zhou Yue and Meiniang, Sun Ya changed into a bright red wedding dress after washing up.

Highlight simplicity, crispness and efficiency.

But this also made Sun Ya, who was wearing a hijab and sitting beside the bed, uneasy.

The thoughts in my heart are turbulent and confusing.

Then at about nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Fei came to the bedroom decorated as a bridal chamber.

He picked up the scale beam with ease and lifted Sun Ya's hijab.

I saw Sun Ya's confused expression.

"But do you regret it?" Xu Fei said softly, not in a hurry to do anything.

When Sun Ya heard this, she didn't know what to say.

In the afternoon, my mind got hot and I agreed to Xu Fei.

But when things really came to pass, she didn't know what to do.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, held Sun Ya in his arms gently, and after a few words of comfort, got down to business.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +160’

Sun Ya has good looks and graceful figure. Even the picky Xu Fei gave her a score of 80+.

And because it was his first time and as a monk, Xu Fei was given a full 180 points of proficiency bonus.

Xu Fei therefore felt a little more pity for Sun Ya.

So the next day, he took Sun Ya directly to the Valley Fire Hall that he had just bought a few days ago. This is where Xu Fei planned to recruit many disciples to initially process spiritual materials and elixirs for him.

"How about I let you take care of this place from now on?" Xu Fei said after taking Sun Ya around the fire hall.

Sun Ya looked at the fire hall in front of her, as well as the storage bag Xu Fei had given her when she got up early, as well as hairpins, bracelets and other magical tools.

The panic in my heart finally dissipated completely, leaving only satisfaction.

"Yes, thank you sir." Sun Ya said with bright eyes. (End of chapter)

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