Xu Fei's approach of accepting Sun Ya and placing her in charge of the Huotang this time was undoubtedly a bit impatient.

But now his heart is filled with Yangwu Daotang’s collection of humane levels!

Ever since I learned that among the treatment I received from Mr. Yuan Yang, there was such a benefit as humane immunity.

Xu Fei's mind was affected by this from time to time.

After all, this is the collection of Linglong Immortal Sect that has been collected for tens of thousands of years!

If he reads and masters them all, what level can he reach?

When his skill level reached level 29, Xu Fei discovered the function of skill fusion.

Therefore, Xu Fei could not help but wonder whether he could rely on the many Taoist methods of the human level in Yangwu Taoist Hall and integrate them into his own practice of the five aggregates of body cultivation, Dharma cultivation of cave spirit, and divine cultivation of truth, the three fundamental Tao methods, to upgrade them to the highest level. Wonderful series?

Xu Fei soon calmed down his distracting thoughts.

After explaining what needed to be done to Sun Ya, he came to Yangwu Dao Hall again.

Although Linglong Fairy Mountain is quite large in scale with 3,600 miles from east to west and 5,700 miles from north to south, to Xu Fei today, it is just like the small village in his hometown in his previous life.

Run left and right, jump and run front and back.

It doesn't take long.

After listening to Xu Fei's request, the Daotang deacon took Xu Fei directly to the Daotang Tibetan Gong Pagoda.

"Junior Brother Xu, our Taoist Hall only stores the secrets and techniques that are worth less than 3,000 points for exchange. If it is a more precious collection, you have to go to the main hall." The deacon explained.

Xu Fei nodded as he looked at the eight-story Tibetan Kung Pagoda in front of him, which covered an area of ​​about an acre, was thirty or forty meters high, and had a total of eight floors.

"Deacon Zhou, please stop outsiders outside the Kung Fu Pagoda." Just as the Taoist deacon took Xu Fei into the Kung Fu Hidden Pagoda, an old man with white beard and hair said calmly.

"Elder Fang, how could I not know about this, but this Junior Brother Xu is exempted from this." The chubby Deacon Zhou smiled kindly.

When the old man heard this, Elder Fang turned his head and glanced at Xu Fei, then lowered his head to look at the book in his hand.

Xu Fei took a quick look and found that the old man was reading a pornographic book.

This left Xu Fei quite speechless.

Looking at the old man's natural and generous appearance, who would have thought that he was looking at this openly?

However, Xu Fei didn't say much and followed Deacon Zhou into the Hidden Skills Tower.

"The first floor is full of copying disciples, but they are all ordinary people and are not allowed to leak the collection..." Deacon Zhou continued to introduce Xu Fei.

When Xu Fei heard this, he looked at the neat desks in front of him, as well as the people sitting behind the desks, carefully copying various Taoist secrets.

Although they will live a life of food and clothing because of their work of copying Taoist secrets, they will also be subject to many restrictions.

How similar is it to his previous life?

But even so, this is already a life that countless people dream of.

After suppressing their distracting thoughts, Xu Fei and Deacon Zhou went up to the second floor.

"The ones stored on the second floor are Taoist techniques, secret techniques, etc. that are worth less than 50 points for exchange." Going up to the second floor, Deacon Zhou introduced again.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves in front of him and the books on the bookshelves, Xu Fei chuckled.

Xu Fei felt like a mouse falling into a rice vat when he was at Master Yan's house and looked at his old man's collection.

But now that all the secrets of humanism in Yangwu Daotang are in front of him, for him, it is like an evil tiger living in the pig farm.

Highlight a do-it-yourself approach to food and clothing!

"Thank you, senior brother. I'll take a look here." Xu Fei said.

Deacon Zhou, who originally wanted to take Xu Fei around the Hidden Gong Pagoda, was stunned when he heard this, but saw that Xu Fei really planned to take a look here.

After thinking about it, there was no obstacle.

"Then it's up to you, junior brother. It's still inconvenient for me to stay for a long time, senior brother." Deacon Zhou said.

Xu Fei bowed his hands and waited for Deacon Zhou to leave, then grabbed a book and started reading.

Although the Taoism recorded on it was no more than human nature, Xu Fei still read it with gusto.

More than three hours passed by in the blink of an eye. Xu Fei read the Taoist teachings on the lower levels of human nature several times in his hand. After making sure that he had understood it, he turned to pick up another book.

But what this book records is another set of Taoist methods that are at the lower level of human nature.

Occasionally, the copywriter who used the 'original' copy went upstairs. After giving Xu Fei a curious look, he had no intention of coming forward.

After all, the other party is a monk, and they are just ordinary people.

Although everyone seems to have one head and two legs, there is an invisible and insurmountable gap between them.

The calligraphers have dealt with the monks a lot, so they naturally have some experience of this.

Not asking for trouble.

After reading two Taoist books, Xu Fei put down the book.

Although there are occasional writers who use the 'original', the original is not a single volume.

There are specific markings on the bookshelves, so Xu Fei doesn't have to worry about missing them.

Now Xu Fei only needs to pay attention to his reading speed.

After all, it took him almost a day to read two sets of basic Taoist methods for human beings.

On the second floor alone, there are nearly three thousand sets of Taoism, spells and other collections!

At Xu Fei's current reading speed, just one level would take him four years!

But if you just swallow it all and look at it without asking for a deeper understanding, and can't form skills on the panel, what's the point for Xu Fei?

So there is no rush.

Xu Fei raised his head and glanced at the ceiling of the Hidden Gong Tower, chuckled, and already made up his mind.

Even if it takes a hundred years, I still have to read through all the collections in the hidden power tower here!

With a decision in his mind, Xu Fei put the books in his hands back to their original positions and left the Hidden Gong Pagoda.

What’s the point of just watching and practicing?

So he planned to go back and practice these two fundamental methods.

Only by reading and practicing in this way can you get the best rewards over time.

Elder Fang, who was guarding the door, glanced at Xu Fei who left, then didn't care and continued to read the obscene book in his hand.

It's just not easy to be like Elder Fang, who is clearly reading obscene books and yet still appear to be ethereal and indifferent.

Xu Fei returned home to practice the Taoism he had just learned.

In the evening, Sun Ya also came back.

At the same time, they also brought back the elixir that Xing Meng and the others had initially processed today.

The total amount is almost enough to refine thirty or forty pills.

Compared with Xu Fei's original efficiency, it was much worse.

However, they were all handled very carefully and there were no defects.

So Xu Fei can accept it.

Based on this efficiency, if the other ten disciples come over and start processing the elixir, they will be able to produce enough elixir to refine one hundred and fifty elixirs in one day.

It feels like about 5,000 pills a month.

Yang Xun's place in Lanling Mountain can sell 500 pills a month, while Gao Xianxian's place on Yuze Island sells less, about 300 pills a month.

This adds up to only 800 pills.

There is still a big gap between the output of 5,000 grains.

Therefore, the arrangements for the other six domains must also start.

This made Xu Fei sigh that time was really not enough.

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