Put away the elixir that was initially processed.

Xu Fei looked at Sun Ya.

This female cultivator who has just been taken in is quite beautiful.

But it's just beautiful, and it doesn't have the kind of bright spots that impress people at first sight.

Such as Sha Xiu's bunny ears and outstanding figure, Yu Yixin's expressive eyes, and Gao Xianxian's vivid facial features, all of which are full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

However, the three women are also among the women currently owned by Xu Fei, the only ones he rated as top beauties with a super high score of 90+ or ​​above.

So comparing the three girls with Sun Ya is undoubtedly a bit bullying.

And Xu Fei is not the kind of pretty guy.

He can have fun with Sha Xiu, Yu Yixin, and Gao Xianxian, or he can have sex with Ling Niang, who is now nearly forty years old and has lost her shape.

As long as she is his woman, although Xu Fei cannot treat everyone equally, she can still maintain a general level of fairness.

Sun Ya's pretty face turned red under Xu Fei's gaze.

Xu Fei chuckled upon seeing this, and after a few soft words of comfort, he let her go and rest.

Xu Fei, on the other hand, continued to study the two basic Tao methods he just learned today.

Although these two Tao methods are at the lower level of the human realm and are of the same level as the Tao method Xu Fei is currently practicing, they are still unique.

It's worth learning from Xu Fei.

In addition, with the help of Humanity, Xu Fei was worried that the Taoism and magic he learned were too complicated, which might affect the Taoism and magic he practiced such as the Five Aggregates Method, making them lose their purity.

There are not so many worries now.

After all, if you are lacking in a certain aspect, then learn some related Taoism and magic to supplement it.

Just do it.

The next day.

Xu Fei came to the Tibetan Kung Fu Tower of Yangwu Taoist Hall again.

This time Xu Fei checked several spells.

At present, Xu Fei's use of Five Elements spells relies on his sufficiently high basic Five Elements spell skills to be 'mastered' on his own.

To put it simply, it’s ‘big bricks fly’.

But it does not mean that only the basic Five Elements spells can be practiced in Dharma cultivation.

Golden Blade Technique is a kind of magic that activates mana and activates golden magic to condense swords, guns, swords and halberds.

When the cultivation level is low, the Golden Blade Technique can only be used to condense weapons.

But as the cultivation level becomes more and more advanced, the Golden Blade Technique can also fly back and forth like a flying sword.

Although the golden sword is condensed by mana, it cannot increase the power like the flying sword refined by the sword cultivator, but it does not have to be like the flying sword and the sword cultivator's life. Once the flying sword is damaged, the sword cultivator will also suffer heavy losses. The backlash.

Pros and cons.

Water dissolution, the water condensed by this method, will be corrosive.

As the magic power becomes more sophisticated, the corrosiveness will also increase, and it is easy to melt gold and melt iron between coils.

In the Wood Poison Technique, as the practitioner masters the technique, the trees, grass and flowers that are transported can obtain the toxicity of the corresponding species, or even go up to the next level.

The Fire Explosion Technique, which Xu Fei had used before, stimulated the magic fire to become violent and its power was greatly increased.

However, the several pyrotechnics collected in the Hidden Gong Tower are still different from the pyrotechnics that Xu Fei himself 'understood'.

Earth Heavy Technique, this spell seems nothing special, it just condenses some particularly heavy soil.

But this method is related to some 'magnetic' spells.

That is to say, only after mastering the Earth Heavy Technique can we continue to study those 'magnetic' spells.

After all, compared with the Five Elements Spell, although the Magnetism Spell is quite special, it is also more difficult.

It is beyond the control of ordinary monks.

Previously in the arena, when Xu Fei was fighting with formation cultivator Wen Liang, he used his green sword to shoot at the enemy. Wen Liang used the formation to activate the magnetic force, making Xu Fei's green sword difficult to control.

If it weren't for refining the green sword, Xu Fei would have spent a lot of thought and precious spiritual materials.

I'm afraid that the Qingjian will be destroyed all of a sudden.

So magnetism spells are quite extraordinary.

Fortunately, Wen Liang's magnetism is not exquisite enough.

If the opponent's magnetic force can reach far, the outcome of the arena battle may be rewritten.

While thinking deeply, Xu Fei went to read several Five Elements spells.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Another year.

In the past two months, Xu Fei, in addition to practicing Taoism and spells, immersed himself in the power tower and read various collections in the tower.

Busy take off.

So it wasn't until a certain moment after the New Year that Xu Fei slapped his forehead.

Oh, I seem to have forgotten to deliver elixirs to the two industries on Lanling Mountain and Yuze Island?

This forced Xu Fei to spend two days refining some elixirs before heading to Lanling Mountain.

Yang Xun looked quite excited when he saw 'Han Li' coming.

More than a month ago, the elixirs in the shop were sold out.

Since then, Yang Xun has been eagerly waiting for Mr. Han's arrival every day.

Then the wait lasted for more than a month.

Despite Xu Fei's thick skin, he was a little embarrassed under such a look.

"My practice has reached a critical moment, so I can't interrupt it." Xu Fei found an excuse to explain.

Yang Xun wanted to say something when he heard this.

But in the end, he could only shut up.

"In the future, I will come here once a quarter. In addition, you can also help me collect various information, such as who is fighting with whom among the monks, whose cultivation level is higher, etc." Xu Fei said while taking out a few Jade box.

Each jade box may be large or small.

Contains various healing elixirs.

"Yes." Yang Xun's eyes lit up when he heard Xu Fei's arrangement.

He is afraid that the other party has no requirements for him.

Because that means that his place is dispensable to Mr. Han.

He gave away the elixir and collected thousands of spiritual stones from the last sale of the elixir.

Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, before coming, he thought Yang Xun might even get away with the money.

After all, he hasn't appeared for more than a month, and no one knows what's going on.

Fortunately, the other party is still waiting here, so there is no need for Xu Fei to find someone else to arrange the property.

After delivering the elixir to Yang Xun, Xu Fei turned back to Yuze Island in Tianxing Ze.

Lanling Mountain and Yuze Island are almost the east and the west under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect.

More than 90,000 miles apart.

If you are an ordinary person, you may not be able to go to such a far place in your lifetime.

But for Xu Fei now, it is only less than ten hours of travel.

And came to the elixir shop on Yuze Island.

But he saw that the door of the elixir shop was closed.

After a brief moment of sensing, I found that Gao Xianxian and Cuiniang were both in the shop.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that they also sold out the elixirs and had to close the shop.

Xu Fei fell into the backyard of the elixir shop.

Gao Xianxian noticed the movement and came out.

After seeing Xu Fei, his beautiful eyes were full of resentment.

She thought this heartless man had forgotten about her.

Looking at Gao Xianxian's resentful expression, Xu Fei's heart moved.

Gao Xianxian's appearance is quite good, but Xu Fei rated her with a high score of 90+ because her expression is particularly vivid.

That is to say, when her face is plain, she is just beautiful, but if she has any emotions, anger, sorrow, anger, anger, or resentment, she becomes very outstanding.

Xu Fei simply didn't have any nonsense.

He directly stepped forward to pick up Gao Xianxian and entered the bedroom. (End of chapter)

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