A flourish of branches and leaves.

Let Gao Xianxian's resentment dissipate, leaving only satisfaction.

However, there are still some opinions in the words.

Xu Fei pinched Gao Xianxian's little hand and played with it, softly comforting him for a while.

Then we made an agreement to come here once every three months.

Hearing that Xu Fei could only come here after such a long time made Gao Xianxian feel resentful again.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply turned over.

First water this good field thoroughly.

The next day.

Xu Fei had dinner with Gao Xianxian and Cuiniang.

The female doctor Weiying came uninvited.

Xu Fei didn't know much about this mature woman's thoughts at first, thinking that she was asking him to help improve the medical skills of female doctors.

But now Xu Fei has understood that this woman wants to get some benefits from 'Han Li', a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei didn't dislike this either.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

If Weiying really wanted nothing and was trying to please him in every possible way, then Xu Fei would have to be more careful.

But Xu Fei was not satisfied with the benefits being given out in vain.

After all, Weiying sent Gao Xianxian, and he had already helped the female doctor improve her medical skills, which paid off.

Of course, if it was Weiying's first time with him, Xu Fei wouldn't care so much.

"What does Master Wei want?" After dinner, Cui Niang packed up the dishes and left, Xu Fei asked simply.

Weiying's eyes lit up when she heard this, thinking that Xu Fei was giving away the benefits for free.

"I want some secret instructions for refining elixirs," Weiying said.

It is better to fish than to fish.

Although it is not bad to directly ask Xu Fei for some spiritual stones and elixirs, wouldn't it be more beautiful if he learned to refine the elixirs himself?

After all, Weiying is not one of those little girls, she is more concerned with practical benefits.

"Then what can you give in exchange?" Xu Fei said.

Weiying was stunned when she heard Xu Fei say this.


This person used to behave like a romantic and bold person, but why did he become so careless when he came to her?

Thinking of this, Weiying looked at Gao Xianxian and Cui Niang beside Xu Fei without leaving any trace.

Could it be that these two little bitches ruined her good deeds?

"What do you want, sir? I'll give it to you." Weiying said coquettishly, while pretending to let you take whatever you wanted.

Xu Fei just chuckled and shook his head, not agreeing easily.

Weiying thought for a moment when she saw this.

"There are several other disciples in my sect. Although they are not as good as immortals, they are all beautiful. Why don't I bring them all here and serve you together?" Weiying said.

Gao Xianxian couldn't help but feel annoyed when he heard that the master was going to bring other senior sisters to serve Xu Fei.

How could Master do this!

Xu Fei was a little moved when he heard this.

Although Weiying is a philistine, the female cultivators under her, only a few that Xu Fei has met, are all good-looking.

It would be a beautiful thing if everyone could have fun together.

Weiying saw Xu Fei's expression and she didn't know this guy's romantic thoughts, so she immediately left while the iron was hot.

She quickly brought her remaining six disciples over.

They are fat and thin, tall and petite, plump and delicate, and so on.

In addition, the expressions of these disciples are also different, some are looking forward to it, and some are resisting.

Obviously not everyone is willing to serve Xu Fei.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he had no intention of forcing them.

"If any of you are unwilling, I won't force you." Xu Fei said.

But after two of the female cultivators glanced at Weiying, they could only lower their gazes and restrain their reluctance.

When Xu Fei saw this, he knew that the two female cultivators were obviously incapable of controlling themselves.

However, Xu Fei didn't show any pretense.

After agreeing with Weiying on the remuneration, the detailed refining methods of the two elixirs were given in return.

Xu Fei brought a total of eight masters and apprentices from the female doctor Weiying, plus Cui Niang, to a cruise ship.

He gave the boat owner a spiritual stone and asked all the boatmen and waiters on the boat to leave.

Xu Fei activated his magic power and drove the cruise ship away from Yuze Island.

Let’s also have a yacht party today.

It's just that occasionally there are monks flying over the sky, which makes me a little unhappy.

Xu Fei took out the eliminated Shili Yunyan, poured mana into it and threw it to the bow of the ship.

Suddenly bursts of clouds and smoke rose.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Satisfied, Xu Fei returned to Yuze Island with the female medical practitioners and other female cultivators.

The charming Xue Luo sat at Xu Fei's feet, holding a string of orbs in her hand.

Among the six apprentices Weiying brought to serve Xu Fei, only this Xue Luo was doing it for the first time.

Xu Fei will naturally be more doting on her.

And he plans to keep her by his side in the future and let her run the elixir shop together with Gao Xianxian and Cuiniang.

After playing with the orb for a moment, Xue Luo still couldn't figure out how to use it, so she turned to look at her master.

"Master, how do you use this set of beads?" Xue Luo said.

Xue Luo is Gao Xianxian's senior sister. She started training two years earlier than Gao Xianxian, but her cultivation is not as good as Gao Xianxian's.

Most of the reason is that there are some problems with his intelligence.

Although he is twenty-five years old, his mind is not yet mature.

Xu Fei only discovered this situation after finishing the matter.

I was speechless and could only accept it.

Weiying, who was wearing gauze, glanced at Xu Fei and took the string of twenty-four orbs from small to large in Xue Luo's hand.

The smallest one in this string of orbs is about the size of a peanut, while the largest one is already the size of a walnut.

After a brief inspection, he determined the usage and poured mana into the bead string.

The orb suddenly glowed.

Light magic amulet?

Weiying's heart was shocked and she was surprised by Xu Fei's generosity.

After all, light magic weapons have always been precious.

And after activating the magic weapon, Weiying also discovered something special about this magic weapon.

It can actually collect some of the mana that the 'vessel owner' usually spills, and then activate it on its own when the wearer is in danger!

It’s enough to be called extraordinary!

For a moment, Weiying didn't want to let go.

Xu Fei glanced at Weiying and ignored her.

This magic weapon was a gadget he made casually after seeing the refining method of the 'Ming Ling Shen Guang' given by Master Yan.

The cost is about three thousand spirit stones, but it is only suitable for monks with a cultivation level of less than one thousand pots.

If the cultivation level exceeds about a thousand pots, the protection provided by this magical weapon is almost useless.

But even so, if it were sold, its value would be quite considerable.

Xu Fei felt sorry for Xue Luo, so he gave her the beads.

After Weiying checked the effect of the bead string, she reluctantly brought the bead string to Xue Luo's neck.

"Xue'er must keep this necklace well from now on and don't let outsiders know about it." Weiying said.

After all, he didn't steal his apprentice's magic weapon.

Of course, it's also possible that Xu Fei is on the side.

However, the magical weapon Xu Fei gave to Xue Luo also made Weiying determined that she must follow this person wholeheartedly in the future.

Thinking of this, Weiying looked at the other disciples again.

Although there were two apprentices who were not happy to serve Xu Fei at first, now Weiying knew that even if she did, she would not be able to drive these guys away. (End of chapter)

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