After playing on Yuze Island for a few more days, Xu Fei went to the outer house of Lan Juan Yifang.

After all, I haven’t been here for almost three months.

More than twenty servants came together, which made Xu Fei quite happy.

After enjoying themselves, when Xu Fei was resting in a single shirt with his eyes closed, Wu Min and Wen Xia came close to Xu Fei.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei opened his eyes and looked at the two women.

The two women were quite embarrassed.

However, Wu Min still said: "Master, my sisters and I usually have nothing to do. I wonder if we can open an embroidery shop?"

When Xu Fei heard this, he thought he was asking for living expenses in a tactful way, so he immediately took the storage bag and prepared to give some gold and silver to Wu Min and Wen Xia.

He carries a lot of silver, two gold, ingots and the like.

As his cultivation level improved, Xu Fei gradually had more money, and the storage bags he used were naturally not ordinary items that could only store a few kilograms of items before.

Basically, you no longer have to worry about carrying too many things that weigh more than the storage bag can hold.

"Master, you still have a lot of money for our sisters. You want to open an embroidery shop. It is true that our sisters have nothing to do all day long and are quite bored." Wen Xia on the side quickly explained.

Xu Fei stopped taking money when he heard that these poor people seemed to really want to open an embroidery shop.

Then he looked at the other girls.

These Qinghuan people are not very old. In their previous lives, they were all still in school and at an innocent and innocent age.

Instead of trying to please this romantic guy like him.

Sensing Xu Fei's gaze, the people in the Qing Dynasty looked a little expectant.

They were quite happy when they were living a life without worries about food and clothing, but after being happy, they inevitably became a little restless.

So after their discussion, they finally wanted to open an embroidery shop.

But I don’t know if the master is willing to let them do things.

"Since you have this idea, I support it. I will go find the senior brothers in the post office tomorrow." Xu Fei chuckled.

If the outer residence is only arranged in Lanjuan Yifang, then the identity of 'Han Li' as a monk is enough to protect the safety of these poor people.

But if you want to make a deal, you still need 'Han Li' to show some strength.

Lest anyone keep their eyes open and get some prying eyes.

As for the situation of these poor people being idle, Xu Fei was not surprised.

Unlike the previous life, here there are many various entertainment and leisure activities. Not to mention other things, computers and mobile phones are enough to make people put it down.

So it is normal to feel bored when you are free and want to do something to relieve your stress.

At least the women at Xu Fei's home would find a little hobby for themselves.

The process of opening an embroidery shop was also quite smooth.

After all, Han Li's identity is quite virtuous. Now he just wants to open an embroidery shop in Lan Juan Yifang, and it is not a monk-related industry.

Naturally, this little thing won't be a problem.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Continue his study and penance.

Three months, five months. Three years, five years.

In the eleventh year, his father-in-law Zhou Biaotou passed away.

In the twenty-fourth year, Xu Fei's father Zhang Lian passed away at the age of ninety-three.

The elixirs here are different from those in the novels Xu Fei had read before. Although they also have miraculous effects, they have the same burden.

That is to say, the more mysterious the effect, the higher the requirements for those who take it.

Otherwise, the user will not be able to hold on until the magical effect is exerted.

At least Xu Fei has never heard of ordinary people with poor cultivation attaining profound Taoism after eating rare and exotic herbs.

Therefore, even though Xu Fei has extraordinary medical skills and is very concerned about the health of his elders in the family, God's will cannot be violated after all.

In the twenty-fifth year, Xu Fei's mother Liu passed away at the age of eighty-five.

So far, Xu Fei no longer has any blood relatives around him.

In forty-seven years, Ling Niang passed away.

In the fifty-first year, Zhou Yue passed away.

In 1982, Zhang Xian passed away.

In the blink of an eye, seven hundred years passed with the snap of a finger.

Xu Fei stood in front of the tomb of one of his masters, Master Lu. Although he didn't look sad, he had been standing there silently for several hours.

A few days ago, Master Lu passed away in his sleep.

"Dad, please don't be too sad." A girl of fifteen or sixteen years old looked at the tombstone and then at Xu Fei.

The girl's name is Xu Ranying, and she is Xu Fei's 1,513th daughter.

With Taoist roots and good aptitudes, he has already joined the sect of an experienced monk from the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Over the years, apart from Xu Xinfang, the second daughter who came to the Spirit Realm, a total of 16 of Xu Fei's more than 3,000 children have Tao roots.

It coincides with the number of one thousand and five.

That is to say, among a thousand people, only five people have Tao roots.

There are also eleven sons and two daughters who have become talented through practicing martial arts.

In other words, Xu Fei has a total of twenty-nine monk children.

But it doesn't mean that the Xu family only has these monks.

After all, Xu Fei has sons and daughters, and these sons and daughters will also have sons and daughters.

Seven hundred years down.

The Xu family has reached the thirty-eighth generation.

There are already more than 10 million direct bloodlines branched from Xu Fei.

The only pity is that except for children born directly from women, grandchildren will not increase Xu Fei's proficiency points, let alone great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

At this time, a heroic female swordsman dressed in white flew from the sky in the distance.

As we got closer, the speed slowed down.

"Dad." The person coming was none other than Xu Fei's first daughter with Daogen, Xu Xinfang.

"Kowtow to your ancestor." Xu Fei said calmly.

There was nothing sentimental about it.

After all, more than seven hundred years have passed, and Xu Fei has become accustomed to the death of his relatives.

"Yes." Xu Xinfang put away the flying sword, came to the tomb, and kowtowed respectfully.

Xu Fei glanced at his master's tombstone again, and then looked up at the hillside in front of him.

The entire hillside is covered with graves.

And these are the tombs of Xu Fei's wives, concubines, and descendants over the past seven hundred years.

Roughly speaking, there are thousands of them.

Then Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and left the Xu family's tomb with his two daughters.

"Old Ancestor." When Xu Fei left, several disabled descendants surnamed Xu came forward to salute.

After all, there are more than 10 million descendants of Xu Fei who were born with disabilities or suffered disabilities later. If they are willing, they will be arranged to guard their family tombs.

It can be considered a job to support oneself.

"Well, thank you for your hard work," Xu Fei said lightly.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." The leader, a descendant of the Xu family who only had one hand, said quickly.

Xu Fei nodded, then released the small boat and left the family tomb with his two daughters, Xu Xinfang and Xu Ranying.

After traveling more than three thousand miles, we returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

The area closer to the mountain gate that is suitable for use as a cemetery has long been used up.

At most, it happens occasionally that an ancestor in the family passes away, the descendants of the family are unworthy, and the family cemetery that is unable to support the family business is occupied by others.

But Xu Fei did not do these things, so the family tomb was farther away from Linglong Immortal Sect.

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