After returning to the Immortal Sect, Xu Fei brought his two daughters to Master Yan.

"Have you finished burying your master?" Master Yan asked.

"Yes, it has been buried." Xu Fei replied.

Master Yan nodded when he heard this, with a lonely look on his face.

He didn't have many apprentices, only nine in total.

Now there are two gone.

"Drink a few drinks with me." Master Yan said.

"Yes." Xu Fei said.

There were attendants and disciples who brought food and wine.

Xu Xinfang and Xu Ranying obediently stepped forward to help pour the wine.

After drinking some wine, Master Yan sighed and went to rest.

Xu Fei took his two daughters to the sixth division uncle Yu Shu's place.

This beautiful uncle was staring at the pool in front of the courtyard in a daze.

He didn't even notice the arrival of Xu Fei and his two daughters.

Xu Fei did not interrupt, but said hello to senior sister Mo Shuang first.

Mo Shuang nodded, and then took advantage of Master Yu Shu's mood to relax, and informed Xu Fei about coming over.

Yu Shu suddenly realized Xu Fei's arrival and stood up quickly.

"Can you bury your master?" Yu Shu said.

"Yes, the master has been buried." Xu Fei said.

Yu Shu nodded.

Xu Fei saw that his sixth uncle was quite sad, so he didn't bother him anymore, said goodbye and left.

When Master joined the sect of Master Yan, he was taught by his sixth uncle, Yu Shu, and they fell in love like brother and sister.

Mo Shuang sends Xu Fei away.

Although the beautiful uncle had brought him and Mo Shuang together, they still couldn't get together in the end.

However, Mo Shuang has only concentrated on practicing these years and has no Taoist companions.

"Senior sister, there's no need to send her off." Xu Fei said after leaving the sixth uncle's manor for some distance.

Mo Shuang nodded after hearing this.

"Junior brother, go slowly." Mo Shuang said.

Xu Fei returned the gift and then returned to his home with his two daughters.

Seven hundred years later, Xu Fei is no longer what he used to be.

The previous house has been demolished and now a manor with an area of ​​more than 170 acres has been built.

Although there is no earth fire, it is somewhat inconvenient to refine magic weapons and elixirs, but Xu Fei is not in this property.

When he returned home, he was greeted by twenty-two wives and concubines.

Ever since they reached the limit of their own cultivation through the art of heaven and earth, Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan stopped traveling and stayed at home with Xu Fei.

Now the two daughters and Yu Yixin manage the daily chores at home.

"The Patriarch has just arrived." Ye Yuanmei said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, indicating that he knew, then came to the quiet room and rested for the night.

The next day I went to the Patriarch’s Red Hall.

Patriarch Youwei was dressed in red, leaning on the couch, holding a copper wine cup and shaking it gently, quite lazily.

"Xu Fei pays homage to the ancestor." Xu Fei bowed.

Patriarch Youwei looked at the young man in front of him with an incomprehensible expression.

Seven hundred years is nothing to him.

But these seven hundred years were enough for Xu Fei to hide his cultivation in front of him.

However, Patriarch Youwei didn't say much because of this.

"Sit down." Patriarch Youwei said.

When Xu Fei heard this, he immediately sat aside.

After a while, another peak master from the sixty-one peaks of the Linglong Immortal Sect came.

Amaterasu Peak Du Yanhui.

One of the three peak masters of the Lanyu Du family in Linglong Immortal Sect.

When Du Yanhui saw Xu Fei, he smiled and nodded.

Quite a good relationship.

After all, the other party is already considered one of 'my generation'.

If the cultivation continues to improve, then there may be another peak in the Immortal Sect.

"Junior brother, I asked you to refine a magic weapon before. I wonder if you can help me?" Du Yanhui said with a smile.

Patriarch Youwei nodded after hearing the words.

"It's okay, but I need Xu Fei's help in refining the magic weapon this time." Patriarch Youwei said.

Hearing Patriarch Youwei say this, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

So the Patriarch came to him today to let him get a benefit?

After all, what the Patriarch meant by saying this was simply to ask Du Yanhui to ask for his help.

Du Yanhui's expression remained motionless upon hearing this, and he turned around with a smile.

"Xu Fei is familiar with my family, right?" Du Yanhui said.

Xu Fei chuckled and said, "That's what Peak Master Du said."

"Then I wonder if, for Xinwei's sake, you can help me, an old man like me?" Du Yanhui said miserably.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he saw this.

He can ignore his friendship with Du Xinwei over the years, but people always have to have some friendship.

Of course, this is only when there is not much urgency at hand. If the matter is important, then the choice depends on the situation.

"Senior Brother Du is too deceptive~" Patriarch Yu Wei saw that Xu Fei was being held captive by Du Yanhui with just a few words, so he spoke to save him.

When the Patriarch had a reason to speak, Du Yanhui laughed and touched the stray hair on his head.

This Du Fengzhu looks like he is in his seventies, wearing a white robe.

A wooden stick at hand.

The appearance is hard, and he looks like an old farmer who has worked hard all his life.

When an uninformed person sees this, he would never expect that he is one of the sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

"If that's the case, then I will be rewarded with five million spirit stones?" Du Yanhui said.

Five million spirit stones.

Hearing the price, Xu Fei remained calm.

Over the years, he spent a lot of money to cultivate and have twenty-nine monks and children, but his accumulation was almost twice that amount.

"Then how about I add part of the refining method of Wanli Yunyan that Tiande Sect became famous for in the past?" Du Yanhui asked again.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard the name Wanli Yunyan.

Over the years, he has been studying the "Thousands of Miles of Clouds and Smoke" quite a bit, but he has been unsatisfied with the power of the "Thousands of Miles of Clouds and Smoke" he created.

If he obtains this part of the method for refining Thousand Miles of Cloud Smoke, can he take the refining of Thousand Miles of Cloud Smoke a step further, or even succeed directly?

Seeing Xu Fei's heart fluttering, Du Yanhui chuckled.

Take out a two-foot jade box directly.

After turning his hand to open it, he used his magic power to lift it and hand it to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei looked at the more than a hundred books in the jade box in front of him, and then looked at Patriarch Youwei.

But Patriarch Youwei didn't say anything else.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei simply accepted the jade box, which was regarded as an acknowledgment of the matter.

Soon, Du Yanhui left with satisfaction.

Xu Fei picked up the jade box containing part of the Wanli Yunyan refining method and came to Patriarch Youwei and presented the jade box.

"Ancestor, it's up to you to observe and review this method first." Xu Fei said.

Patriarch Youwei chuckled: "Just put it away."

Obviously he is not very interested in the legendary powerful Wanli Yunyan.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and put away the jade box first.

"Forget it, let's take it as an advantage, Mr. Du." Patriarch Youwei said after finishing the Tong Jue wine in his hand.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

It seems that the magical weapon that Du Yanhui asked the ancestor to refine this time is quite complicated.

Return home from the ancestor.

Xu Fei took out part of the Wanli Yunyan refining method he obtained from Du Yanhui.

One hundred and twenty-seven volumes in total.

But what was recorded was only the refining methods of several structures of Wanli Yunyan.

It is not a complete set of Wanli Yunyan refining method.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this either.

After all, if Wanli Yunyan is really as powerful as the legend says, then the refining method cannot be recorded in more than a hundred books.

At least several thousand copies. (End of chapter)

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