After reading through this part of the refining method of Wanli Yunyan, Xu Fei had to sigh that the person who designed this refining method was really smart.

The whimsical ideas and superb skills he possesses are currently beyond his reach.

It can be said to be unconstrained.

But thinking of this, Xu Fei was slightly stunned.

When he wanted to show this set of refining methods to Patriarch Youwei for reference, the Patriarch refused without paying much attention.

So if Patriarch Youwei didn't disdain some of the refining methods of Wanli Yunyan, then there is a high probability that Patriarch You also has it.

So that old man Du Yanhui was fooling him with something that the ancestor also had?

This made Xu Fei shake his head and smile helplessly after he figured out his past situation.

After all, I am still too down-to-earth and cannot compare to the frivolousness of these people.

So this time when refining the magic weapon, we simply did not work hard, or even made a little trouble, turning the magic weapon we want to refine into a defective product?

However, after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei did not choose such a clandestine approach.

Put away some of the refining methods of Wanli Yunyan.

Xu Fei left the quiet room.

Ye Yuanmei took the maid and brought water and cotton towels for Xu Fei to wipe his hands and face.

At the same time, I briefly recount the recent events.

If Xu Fei asks, Ye Yuanmei will give a detailed explanation.

Unknowingly, Xu Fei has become the ‘ancestor of the Xu family’.

After washing his hands and face, Xu Fei also listened to Ye Yuanmei's report.

It can only be said that there are many things.

Previously, Xu Fei had looked for agents in the eight regions under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect, arranged property and opened an alchemy shop.

Later, as the number of monks and grandchildren among his descendants increased, this matter was basically left to the descendants.

After all, although there are many monks among Xu Fei's descendants, less than one-third can eventually join the Linglong Immortal Sect.

It takes three years to become an innate warrior and twelve years to become a child with Taoist roots. The requirements for cultivating a pot of magic power to worship the Immortal Sect may not seem high, but it is enough to prevent most of the monks from becoming Immortal Sect disciples. .

Although with Xu Fei's superb medical skills and his careful help in recuperating the bodies of his monk descendants, there is a high probability that they will be able to join the Immortal Sect, there are more than 10 million descendants spread out by Xu Fei.

Among them, there are only a few who are born with Tao roots.

Can Xu Fei take care of it?

So we can only deal with it coldly.

This is actually one of the reasons why many monks are indifferent to love and sex.

I really can’t manage it.

"Okay, I understand." After hearing what Ye Yuanmei said, Xu Fei said calmly, and then threw the cotton towel on the tray aside.

Then go to the main hall for dinner.

Monks do not need to eat, but eating is an important way for monks to supplement their health.

After all, there are certain nutrients contained in food that cannot be replaced by inspiration.

Therefore, unless they are special or have practiced some special fundamental Taoist methods, ordinary monks will never tire of fine food and fine food.

At least now Xu Fei's daily meals are rich.

Thousand pots of monster beast meat with a cultivation level of about one thousand, spiritual fruits grown from spiritual fruit trees that have been planted for hundreds or thousands of years, etc. are delicious and have considerable benefits.

After lunch, Xu Fei came to the Tibetan Kung Fu Pagoda of Yangwu Taoist Hall.

There are hundreds of Yangwu Dao halls in Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei registered his name here back then, and as long as he didn't move away, he could basically only accept tasks, use errands, etc. in the Taoist Hall here.

Landed next to the Tibetan Kung Pagoda.

Xu Fei nodded to the elder guarding the tower and then went straight to the eighth floor of the Hidden Gong Tower.

Over the past seven hundred years, Xu Fei has read through the collection of this hidden power tower almost once.

Only the last few secrets remain.

When they saw Xu Fei, the disciples in the tower gave way one after another and bowed in salute.

After all, the person in front of him is one of the elders of Tianwei Peak.

He is the big man they can only look up to.

Xu Fei would reciprocate the gift at first, but then gradually stopped coping.

Arrive at the eighth floor of the Hidden Gong Tower.

There are no windows in the tower, only the spiritual lamps embedded in the roof provide light as bright as day.

There are also methods to keep ventilation and drying.

These secret treasures in the tower, which are copied using high-grade paper and ink, can be preserved for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

Xu Fei came to the place where he had read before, briefly recalled it, picked up a book, and started reading.

The Tibetan Kung Fu Pagoda has a diverse collection, including basic Taoist methods, magic spells, refining elixirs and magic weapons, talisman cultivation and sword cultivation, humanities and customs, illustrations of monsters, beasts and spirits, etc.

Xu Fei has gained a lot over the years.

At most, he has thousands of skills on his panel!

However, with the gradual integration, the number of skills has remained at a hundred, and most of them have reached the second bottleneck of level 49.

And this undoubtedly confirmed Xu Fei's previous guess.

The second level of 49 was a bottleneck that he could only break through after he became a monk.

Level 49 of the fourth level is also a bottleneck. The conditions for breakthrough are most likely to reach a higher level in his practice.

But what made Xu Fei a little regretful was that when his skill level was level 49, he accidentally discovered that similar skills that had reached the first bottleneck could be integrated with each other.

But when I reached the second bottleneck of level 49, I didn't find any special abilities.

This made Xu Fei's fantasy about whether there would be many situations such as power transfer, magical increase, special understanding, etc. all come to nothing.

However, Xu Fei has relied on plug-ins to reach a level that is difficult for ordinary monks to aspire to in their lifetime, so Xu Fei is not dissatisfied.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei read more than ten books.

When he finished reading another book, Xu Fei gently put the book back on the bookshelf, his expression slightly moved.

Although there were no stars in the Hidden Gong Pagoda, he still noticed that it was already dusk and sunset outside.

So Xu Fei glanced at the remaining hundreds of unread books, and instead of continuing to read, turned around and left.

The reading thing lasted for seven hundred years.

There is no need to rush for one or two days.

However, after looking at the collections in the Hidden Gong Pagoda here, you need to go to the main hall of Yangwu Dao Hall to get the secret collections that require more than 3,000 points of errands to redeem.

Xu Fei was deep in thought. When he left the Hidden Gong Tower, he nodded to the elder guarding the tower again, and then found the deacon of the Taoist Hall here.

The current deacon is no longer the chubby Deacon Zhou, and the tower-guarding elder is not the previous elder Fang who read pornographic books like a sage.

And Xu Fei is certainly not the Xu Fei of the past.

"Elder Xu." This Tao Hall deacon is a middle-aged man in his forties. When Xu Fei came to see him, his face was full of humility.

The other party is one of the elders of Tianwei Peak!

But he is just one of the hundreds of miscellaneous deacons in Yangwu Taoist Hall, and his status is very different.

"I want to go to the main hall of Yangwu Dao Hall to view the secret treasure in exchange for more than 3,000 points of errands. I don't know what the situation is?" Xu Fei asked.

Hearing Xu Fei's question, the middle-aged deacon thought for a moment.

"Although you have a humane exemption, if you want to see it, you still need me to consult with the main hall first." The deacon said.

"Then please help me send it." Xu Fei said.

"Yes." The deacon said quickly.

After handling these trivial matters, Xu Fei returned home.

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