"Mr. Ying is here." Ye Yuanmei said after taking Xu Fei's coat.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, and immediately showed a smile on his face, and came to the main hall to see Ying Tianya.

When Ying Tianya saw Xu Fei coming back, he stood up quickly.

Seven hundred years seems like a snap of a finger, but in fact it has already changed a lot.

"Elder Xu." Ying Tianya said a little cautiously.

Although the previous process of exchanging Zi Muxiang with Xu Fei was not smooth, Ying Tianya, Fang Yin, Yu Xing and other heaven and earth monks later agreed to accept Xu Fei's observation.

This also gave Xu Fei some gains.

The monks of Tiandiji do not mean that they are slack in their own practice or have insufficient understanding of Taoism.

But they have been repulsed by the spiritual power of heaven and earth! !

This sounds a bit unbelievable. How can the spiritual machine repel the monks? !

But this is the conclusion Xu Fei concluded based on what he observed.

Of course, this may not be the entire reason.

But this alone is enough to make Ying Tianya and other monks who are limited by heaven and earth feel despair.

After all, how could they be repelled by the spirit of heaven and earth?

However, considering that these Heaven and Earth cultivators have experienced rapid advancement in cultivation before, it seems that the reason can only be attributed to this.

"Sit." Xu Fei chuckled.

There is no alienation from former friends because his status has been greatly improved.

Ying Tianya also smiled and sat down.

"But what's the matter?" Xu Fei said straight to the point.

Although his status has changed a lot and his cultivation has improved a lot, Xu Fei has always been simple and straightforward, and this has not changed.

"I plan to leave the sect and travel." Ying Tianya said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

Although Ying Tianya was only talking about traveling, Xu Fei heard another meaning in the other party's words. He might not come back after leaving.

"That's it." Xu Fei sighed a little.

However, there was no obstruction.

After all, this is Ying Tianya's own choice. What position can he take to change the other party's mind?

"If that's the case, then you and I will have to stay drunk today." Xu Fei laughed.

Ying Tianya smiled in relief.

But Xu Fei didn't get drunk in the end.

With his current level of cultivation, even if he didn't use magic to relieve his drunkenness, there wasn't much wine that could make him drunk.

After sending Ying Tianya away, Xu Fei let out a long breath of alcohol, and at the same time relieved the slight sadness in his heart.

After all, he doesn't have many friends, and Ying Tianya is one of them.

Now the other party is leaving.

Return home.

After Xu Fei washed up, he came to his bedroom.

Soon three female concubines came to serve.

Xu Fei's parents, wives, concubines, and children passed away one after another, which still hit him hard.

Xu Fei's ability to be as calm and calm as he is today is inseparable from the pain he suffered at that time.

After all, they have recovered from the pain of the death of their loved ones, so what is there to care about?

After some enlightenment, Xu Fei's distracting thoughts were greatly soothed.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Patriarch Youwei.

We also know what kind of magical weapon Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, wants to refine.

The gourd from all over the world.

This is one of the common water magic tools.

It can help the magicians activate water magic.

But if Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, comes to ask for help in refining, it is obviously not an ordinary four-sea gourd.

At the same time, Xu Fei also knew why Patriarch Youwei asked him for help.

Forget about the ordinary Four Seas Gourd. If it is a relatively high-quality Four Seas Gourd, it will take quite a long time to refine.

It could be months, years, or even longer.

With his help, more than half of the time may be saved.

"Mr. Du hasn't sent the spiritual materials yet, so don't worry about him." Patriarch Youwei said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

"Grandmaster, I failed to be more steady yesterday..." Xu Fei said.

Before Xu Fei finished speaking, Patriarch Youwei chuckled.

"These are all minor details, but in the future we will learn from each step and gain wisdom. Of course, we are not asking for high prices and being fussy about it. We still need to grasp the scale ourselves." Grandmaster Youwei said.

Xu Fei heard these teachings and remembered them in his heart.

This is not to say that Xu Fei, who has been practicing for hundreds of years, is still so bad at dealing with people and needs to be reminded of these trivial matters by Patriarch Youwei.

But in the past, Xu Fei had rarely dealt with the sixty-one peak masters in the sect, and he was not quite sure how to interact with and get along with these sixty-one peak masters.

Only then did Patriarch Yu Wei remind him.

After talking about these situations, Xu Fei said goodbye and left, coming to Master Yan.

After chatting with Master Yan and playing another game of chess, which comforted Master Yan a little, Xu Fei also said goodbye and left.

Then he went to the sixth division uncle Yu Shu.

"Junior brother, Master, she hasn't eaten for several days." Mo Shuang asked for help with a look of embarrassment.

If it were other monks, not eating for a long time would not have much impact, but Yu Shu was special and could not do this.

Moreover, not only could Yu Shu not be able to eat grains, she could not eat meat, fishy or greasy food, and had many taboos.

After hearing this, Xu Fei thought for a moment, borrowed his uncle's kitchen and made some pastries.

Then, under the leadership of Senior Sister Mo Shuang, we found the beautiful Senior Uncle sitting in a bamboo pavilion surrounded by a bamboo forest.

Yu Shu was dressed in white without any accessories and looked sad.

Bamboo leaves slowly swirled down beside him in the wind.

Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly when he saw the scene in front of him.

Yu Shu seemed to be aware of it, turned around and saw Xu Fei and forced a smile.

Xu Fei bowed his hands, and then he and Mo Shuang came to sit opposite the beautiful master uncle.

Then Xu Fei took out the pastries he had just made.

"I heard from senior sister that you have had a bad appetite these days?" Xu Fei said.

Yu Shu smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

She and Junior Brother Lu were like siblings, and now that the other person passed away, she naturally felt sad.

Yu Shu is not like Xu Fei, who has experienced the death of many relatives and has adapted to the pain of separation.

"These are the snacks I made. You should try some at least," Xu Fei said.

After all, it was the junior apprentice's persuasion. After thinking about it, Yu Shu picked up a piece of osmanthus cake and took a bite.

After taking the sweet-scented osmanthus cake into her mouth, Yu Shu raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but be surprised by the deliciousness of the snack in her hand.

Then he took another bite.

Yu Shu's lips turned a little white.

Coupled with the sadness in his expression, his appearance becomes even more poignant.

After Xu Fei glanced at it twice, he quickly looked away and at the same time apologized for the ridiculous thoughts in his heart.

After all, there were some treacherous thoughts in his mind just now.

It is truly a heinous and unforgivable crime.

Never think about it too deeply.

Yu Shu didn't know this, so she ate a few pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stopped after using half a cup of nectar water, while sighing again.

"Thank you very much, Fei'er." Yu Shu said.

"Master, you're welcome," Xu Fei said.

However, he behaved more cautiously and never dared to let the beauty master know that he had evil thoughts in his mind just now, otherwise he would be in serious trouble.

After comforting the beautiful master uncle, Xu Fei left and went to the Tibetan Gong Pagoda to read.

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