Chapter 34, Marriage

Although it is not uncommon to develop internal energy at the age of nearly seventeen years old. Zhou Biaotou has even heard of many younger geniuses who have become internal energy warriors. However, his daughter started practicing martial arts at the age of four and has still not touched it for sixteen years now. To the edge of inner strength.

Even though Zhou Yue, as a woman, is naturally weaker than men, this can already illustrate how difficult it is to develop inner strength.

"Brother Zhang, do you really not want to join the Broadsword Club?" Zhou Biaotou couldn't help but solicit him again.

Xu Fei shook his head and chuckled upon hearing this.

Dadaohui, as a first-class top force that can be compared with Wuyongmen, Daimo Temple, and Tianwang Temple, is naturally not bad.

But after joining the other party and gaining training, the final result will inevitably be that you need to work hard for the other party.

As for thinking about just eating the benefits and not doing any work?

He may not have thought too much. Xu Fei is not the son of the master of the Dadao Gui.

Seeing Xu Fei rejecting him again, Captain Zhou felt a little regretful.

After all, if you can develop inner strength at Xu Fei's age and cultivate it carefully, it is possible to become a master in the future.

But since Xu Fei didn't want to, Head Guard Zhou didn't force it.

After that, Xu Fei started sparring with Zhou Yue.

However, the effectiveness of sparring has been reduced.

On the one hand, Zhou Yue and Xu Fei were just sparring, not fighting to the death. As long as Xu Fei became familiar with fighting and no longer feared to flinch in the face of punches, the effect would basically be over.

In addition, Zhou Yue's strength has lagged behind Xu Fei's.

After developing his inner strength, Xu Fei's physical fitness was still the same as before, although it did not increase dramatically.

After all, even if you develop inner strength, get stronger strength and a better way to train yourself, it still takes time and hard work to be realized.

It doesn’t mean that everything will be fine if you have inner strength.

But the gap between Zhou Yue and Xu Fei inevitably widened.

If you use an analogy in another way that is easier to understand.

That is Xu Fei, who has developed inner strength, is like a hero who has various skills when playing with pesticides, while Zhou Yue, who has no inner strength, has no skills.

Even if Xu Fei has very little internal energy now, it will be exhausted after two or three attacks and defenses.

But it can also play a decisive role in the outcome of victory or defeat.

As for not using internal strength during sparring...

Then why does Xu Fei want to sparring?

Want to play?

Of course this sounds a bit heartless.

Zhou Yue had never disliked Xu Fei before and carefully helped him with his moves and sparring.

Now that Xu Fei has gained inner strength, he begins to dislike Zhou Yue.

But when Xu Fei wanted to quickly increase his strength, this decision was also necessary.

What good can it do if you continue to hesitate and cut off due to human feelings?

So Xu Fei could only write down Zhou Yue's friendship for helping him practice for the time being, and repay it later.

In the evening, Xu Fei said goodbye and left Zhou's house.

Watching Xu Fei leave, Biaotou Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

At least my daughter won't get stuck.

Zhou Yue watched Xu Fei leave, with disappointment but also some relief in her expression.

After all, after the other party leaves, she doesn't have to worry so much anymore.

Obviously both father and daughter could see Xu Fei's thoughts.

Xu Fei returned home.

Since the county government was burned last time and he brought Lingniang home the next day, although his grandmother and parents did not recognize Lingniang's identity, they did not drive her away either.

It was acquiescence that she could stay with Xu Fei.

And this time, Xu Fei was quite pleased.

On the one hand, he no longer has to run around, but when the other two women are together, his happiness is directly doubled.

"Chuan'er, I made a promise to you. Tomorrow you and I will go to Anfu Temple to offer incense. The other party will also come there, and you will have a look at each other first." During dinner, Mrs. Liu's words made her Xu Fei's happiness suddenly disappeared.

"Mom, I'm still young!" Xu Fei said in surprise.

He can still wander around now. In addition to the fact that his family is not strict with him, he also has no family.

If you marry a woman who is jealous all the time and wants to make him miserable every day, then he can bear it.

"Then you have to go and have a look." Ms. Liu said.

Hearing what his mother said, Xu Fei had to agree for the time being even though he was extremely dissatisfied.

The next day, after Xu Fei explained the situation to his master, he followed his mother to Anfu Temple outside the county.

There are five or six monks and several novice monks in the temple.

Xu Fei walked around and was soon called to a main hall by his mother.

After looking at the Buddha statues enshrined in the main hall, Xu Fei didn't recognize them either.

But on the other side of the hall, there was a woman who was similar in age to his mother, and beside her was a girl who looked to be the same age as him.

The girl was wearing tender-colored clothes with a calm expression. She looked at Xu Fei lightly and then looked away.

Xu Fei's original idea of ​​rejecting this blind date couldn't help but fade away.

Because this girl is quite good-looking.

Is this my blind date?

However, although it was a blind date, it was not the era before Xu Fei. Liu chatted with the other party's mother for a few words and then separated.

There was no such thing as asking Xu Fei to chat with the girl.

After all, men and women still need to pay attention to their defense.

"Do you have a chance?" Liu asked after coming out of Anfu Temple.

Xu Fei scratched his head. Although the girl on the blind date was very beautiful, Xu Fei finally decided not to want her.

"Mom, I have a girl I like." After all, although the girl on this blind date is very beautiful, she is most likely underage.

Even in this world, it is normal to get married at such a young age, but Xu Fei couldn't pass the test in his heart.

This is also the reason why the women Xu Fei is currently buying are older than him.

Hearing that her son actually liked someone, Ms. Liu couldn't help but turn her head.

"Whose girl is this?"

"Zhou Yue, the daughter of Zhou Biaotou, who lives in the west of the county," Xu Fei said.

Parents to enrich people.

This sentence is no joke.

In other words, parents can decide their children's marriage regardless of their own wishes.

That is to say, my father and mother were so enlightened that they were willing to let him see the woman before making a marriage decision.

After hearing her son say that he already had someone he liked, Mrs. Liu hesitated for a moment.

Decided to go see each other.

Seeing that his mother did not forcefully help him confirm his marriage, Xu Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, if he really married the girl just now, wouldn't he become a beast?

Liu's actions were also very fast. Xu Fei said he liked Zhou Yue the first day, and met each other the next day, and also got to know Zhou Yue from the side.

Knowing that the other party has been practicing martial arts since childhood, I can't help but worry.

If a young couple has a conflict after getting married, what should they do if their son is beaten by the other party?

But seeing that his son seemed to really like each other, he could only discuss it with his husband.

Hearing that Zhou Yue had been practicing martial arts since she was a child, Zhang Lian was quite interested in her.

"There should be a strong girl who can take care of this bastard." Zhang Lian said.

Then Xu Fei's marriage was decided.

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