Chapter 35, half a year

Choosing a good day, Zhang Lian and Liu went to Zhou's house to propose marriage with their betrothal gifts and the guidance of a matchmaker.

Captain Zhou was surprised when he heard that it was Xu Fei who wanted to marry his daughter, and he readily agreed.

Before, he was afraid that his daughter would fall into trouble. He was mainly worried that there was a big gap between the two families and that Xu Fei's family would dislike his daughter.

But now that the other party has come to propose marriage, there is nothing to worry about.

After Zhou Yue learned that Xu Fei's parents came to propose marriage, she hid in her room in shame and did not dare to show up at all.

This person...doesn't his little enemy even say a word about such a big thing?

Once the marriage is decided, the next step is easy.

The agreement on the wedding date and some details of the marriage are not so rigid.

So they quickly decided on an auspicious day in half a year to hold the wedding of Xu Fei and Zhou Yue.

That is to say, neither the Zhang family nor the Zhou family are wealthy families, and they don't have much attention to detail.

If it is the Chen family of the left minister of the Ministry of War, then from the engagement to the marriage, three letters and six appointments, etc., two or three years have passed.

When his parents came back and confirmed his marriage, Xu Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his parents are open-minded enough and are willing to give him a certain degree of autonomy in choosing whom to marry.

Otherwise, forcing him to marry the girl he met that day would inevitably give him a headache.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad." Xu Fei thanked him sincerely.

There is no such thing as free love in the current environment. The main focus is a blind marriage.

Seeing that his son was quite satisfied with the marriage, Zhang Lian nodded and said nothing more.

Although Zhou Yue's family environment is not very good, Zhou Yue's escort leader was once the escort leader of the Broadsword Club. He was disabled due to a leg injury in the past, and he only had one daughter, which made him quite embarrassed.

I told grandma about the marriage again, and the matter was almost confirmed.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Tell Master about your engagement with Zhou Yue.

When Dr. Zhao heard that his apprentice was engaged to the daughter of Captain Zhou, he was surprised and stroked his beard with satisfaction.

That girl Zhou Yue has an outstanding appearance and a good personality. She is a good match.

"Okay, now that we have decided to get married, we must treat her well in the future." After Dr. Zhao finished speaking, he went to get a piece of ancient jade and handed it to Xu Fei: "This is what I used when I got married to your wife. Now I will give it to you." Here it is, I hope you will have a happy life after you get married."

"No, Master, this is too expensive." Xu Fei quickly refused.

Although Xu Fei didn't know much about jade, this fist-sized piece of ancient jade was carved with lifelike branches, flowers and birds, and the carving was extraordinary, so it was obviously worth a lot of money.

"Just keep it for you." Doctor Zhao laughed and said.

Seeing this, Xu Fei hesitated and could only put it away.

"Doctor Zhao! Doctor Zhao!" Just when Xu Fei was about to thank his master again, a rush of shouts came from the hospital.

Doctor Zhao quickly brought Xu Fei to the medical center.

I saw a dying man lying on a stretcher in the hospital.

Doctor Zhao didn't care about anything else and hurriedly stepped forward to diagnose and treat him, but soon frowned.

Because the other party was seriously injured, he was unable to do anything.

Xu Fei saw his master in such a difficult situation, and after thinking about it, he also stepped forward to make a diagnosis.

Although the man on the ground was severely injured, he was somewhat sure, so he discussed it quietly with his master.

Finally decided to try to save people.

This person's life should not have been cut off, so acupuncture and decoction were used to stabilize his critical condition.

After treating the patient, Xu Fei found out that the patient was a thug from Haowu Hall, who was fighting with the outside Dilong Gang over the interests of the Hualou Casino that was left behind after the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Hall was banned.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhao, Doctor Zhang." Seeing that their companion was rescued, several other people from the Haowu Hall quickly thanked him.

Xu Fei did not take any credit and gave all the credit to his master.

Seeing his apprentice standing behind him, Doctor Zhao also understood that this was because his apprentice did not want to reveal his medical skills too early.

So I accepted these thanks for Xu Fei.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei came to Zhou's house.

Although there is a custom that men and women cannot meet again after an engagement, this is usually observed only a few days before the wedding.

There is not much else to pay attention to.

When Zhou Yue saw Xu Fei coming over, she looked shy.

Although she had some ideas for a long time, she didn't dare to put it into practice when it was her turn.

Coupled with Xu Fei's inner strength, Zhou Yue originally thought that the matter would end there.

Who would have thought that Xu Fei would invite his parents over to propose marriage.

Seeing Zhou Yue's shy look, Xu Fei just held her hand and kissed her face without doing anything too extreme.

After all, you are already the meat in his pot, there is no need to frighten the other party.


In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

It was time for Xu Fei and Zhou Yue to get married.

In the past six months, Xu Fei, apart from visiting Zhou Yue from time to time to familiarize himself with the relationship, never let go of his medical skills and martial arts.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【36/36】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【27/27】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/10】【23/23】

Tiger Fist【0/10】【25/25】

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/10】【15/15】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/10】【22/22】

Proficiency value: 364

All major skills have been greatly improved.

In addition to his skills, Xu Fei's internal strength has also improved greatly.

When he first developed his inner strength, Xu Fei's inner strength could only be sustained for two or three times with a moderately powerful attack like splitting the bark of a tree with one palm.

A few days ago, the pomegranate tree in Xu Fei's yard finally suffered his poisonous hand and was chopped off with a palm.

Great progress.

In addition, Ling Niang and Yuan Niang are both pregnant.

Ling Niang got pregnant first and was already five months pregnant, while Yuan Niang got pregnant later and was three months pregnant.

This also let Xu Fei know that proficiency points would not be awarded if they start growing branches together after becoming pregnant.

So Xu Fei bought another woman.

Its name is Lotus.

When the lotus blooms for the first time, it provides 60 proficiency points, and the subsequent blooming provides 6 proficiency points.

Xu Fei vaguely speculated on the pattern of proficiency points obtained by having sex with women.

Good looks!

He gave Yuan Niang a score of about 70 points, so the proficiency value given to her for the first time was 70 points, and the subsequent proficiency points were one-tenth, which was 7 points.

The appearance value of lotus is about 65 points, but the plug-in probably only calculates integers, so the first time is 60 points, and the subsequent ones are 6 points.

As for Ling Niang's appearance, of course it is not as low as 30 points. Although her appearance is average, it cannot be so low.

Therefore, Xu Fei speculated that it was because Ling Niang did not give it to him the first time, so the subsequent proficiency points given by Spreading Branches and Sanye were also reduced, leaving only 3 points.

However, whether this is the case requires Xu Fei to continue to pay attention in the future.

Turning off the panel, Xu Fei calmed down his thoughts and tidied up his bright red clothes.

After a while, the door of Zhou's house opened.

Accompanied by the matchmaker, Zhou Yue came out of her home with a red hijab covering her face.

Xu Fei stepped forward to greet him and escorted him to the sedan chair.

Then, amid the matchmaker's pleasing voice and bursts of firecrackers, Xu Fei mounted his horse and came to the front of the wedding team.

After saluting the surrounding villagers, and at the same time an old servant at home throwing out a lot of wedding candies and money, he slowly walked back home.

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