Seeing Xu Fei's distant attitude, the woman apologized sensibly and left.

Xu Fei didn't pay much attention.

As his cultivation and status improved, more and more female cultivators like the woman in white came to his door.

And the quality is not bad, but if Xu Fei accepts them all, then he now has not only the twenty women at home, but two hundred, two thousand, or even more.

When Xu Fei left in the evening, the elder guarding the Tibetan Gong Tower took the initiative to apologize.

Obviously, the woman had to follow this person's path to get to the Tibetan Gong Pagoda.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention to these small things. After all, they had no impact on him, so why bother.

Besides, if these are completely cut off, then if there are really high-quality female cultivators who want to deliver them to your door, wouldn’t you miss out?

Xu Fei was still quite lustful after all, but he just became picky.

After leaving the Tibetan Kung Pagoda, Xu Fei had a thought. After returning home and giving an explanation, he jumped into the air.

Turn into a rainbow and head east.

Tianxingze produces water marrow.

And Xu Fei has an outhouse on Yuze Island.

Occasionally Xu Fei would come over to relax.

When Xu Fei landed in the ‘South Park’ that occupied the southern half of Yuze Island.

Weiying, who was admiring the flowers and plants, came forward with a smile.

This woman used to be the head of the female medical sect.

And let all her beautiful female disciples serve Xu Fei.

A lot to please.

In addition, the female doctors later gave birth to many children for Xu Fei, so Xu Fei developed an extra affection for them.

"Welcome, sir." Weiying said happily.

If she were asked to choose the right thing to do in her life, it would be to hug Xu Fei tightly for this 'opportunity'.

After all, without Xu Fei's help, how could she have achieved the cultivation level of more than 4,000 pots now.

"Yeah." Xu Fei nodded, came to a grassy area in the courtyard, and sat on the ground.

Weiying quickly arranged for her servants to deliver food.

In terms of serving people, Weiying does a good job.

That's why Xu Fei comes here to relax occasionally.

It is indeed good to have such a place where you can relax after practicing.

After eating some food, Weiying said a little embarrassedly: "Sir, an old friend of mine recently sent a female cultivator over, saying that she was helpless and very pitiful. Do you want to take a look?"

Xu Fei glanced at Weiying when he heard this.

He has a very high vision now, and Weiying naturally knows this.

But since she still recommended it, it means that this female cultivator is very unusual.

So Xu Fei nodded.

Since you are here to relax, it doesn’t hurt to relax a little more.

After Xu Fei agreed, Weiying chuckled and quickly brought back a female cultivator wearing ordinary coarse clothes.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but when he raised his head and looked at the female cultivator, he couldn't help but be startled.

The other person is not pretty.

But she looks very much like Ling Niang back then.

The same plumpness, the same shyness, but younger.

"Master, her name is Yang Ling." Weiying said.

"Greetings to the master," the female cultivator said rather cautiously.

Xu Fei looked at the female cultivator in front of him with a confused expression.

Glancing at Weiying again, this woman is really.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei still motioned for Yang Ling to come over.

Yang Ling came to Xu Fei obediently.

A little nervously, he poured wine for Xu Fei.

"How old are you?" Xu Fei said.

"I, I am twenty-eight this year." Yang Ling became even more nervous and poured the wine directly.

Xu Fei took the wine bottle from Yang Ling's hand.

Avoid waste.

"Then what's your real name?" Xu Fei asked again.

"My name is Yang Ling." Yang Ling blinked and said.

Xu Fei looked at the other party again and saw that she didn't seem to be lying.

So are there really such coincidences in the world?

Xu Fei shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Then he motioned to Yang Ling to come over some more.

Yang Ling continued to get closer obediently.

But Xu Fei hugged him into his arms.

"Ah~~" Yang Ling was startled.

"Don't move." Xu Fei said.

Then he picked up the half glass of wine Yang Ling had poured and drank it all in one gulp.

Yang Ling looked nervous when she saw this.

But after all, he didn't dare to resist.

"You look very much like one of my former concubines." Xu Fei lowered his head and looked at Yang Ling in his arms.

Hearing this, Yang Ling nodded slightly confused.

I don’t know why this very powerful and noble man told her this.

Xu Fei put down his wine glass and reached out to touch Yang Ling's cheek.

Yang Ling couldn't help but tremble, but she didn't dare to escape.

At the same time, he looked at Xu Fei's hand touching her cheek.

Xu Fei chuckled upon seeing this.

"How many drinks will you have with me?" Xu Fei said.

Yang Ling didn't dare to resist after hearing this, and was fed a few glasses of wine by Xu Fei.

As she drank a few glasses of wine, Yang Ling's cheeks turned a little red.

At the same time, I became more courageous.

In addition to answering some of Xu Fei's questions, he also asked Xu Fei some, and we started chatting.

Soon the time came and people set the time.

Xu Fei's hand moved downward.

Yang Ling noticed it, but was told by Weiying before coming, and she was afraid but obedient and allowed Xu Fei to do whatever he wanted.

Soon Xu Fei successfully got down to business.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +140’

As a monk, and for the first time, Yang Ling brought Xu Fei 140 proficiency points, which is not bad.

Looking at Yang Ling who was already asleep in her arms but with tears in her eyes.

Xu Fei could not help but wipe away his wet tears with pity.

The next day.

Xu Fei woke up early.

Although Nanyuan already occupies half of Yuze Island and is quite large, the scattered ideas are not enough for Xu Fei to practice.

So Xu Fei flew away to a gathering place thousands of miles away and started today's homework.

Only half an hour later, Xu Fei stopped his homework and returned to Yuze Island.

Compared with ordinary monks, Xu Fei's training time is much shorter.

After all, even if many monks practice all day long, they may not be able to compete with Xu Fei for half an hour.

But there is no way, the fundamental Tao method obtained through the synthesis of various Tao methods is so excellent.

When Xu Fei returned, Yang Ling had already been taken care of by Weiying.

And put on beautiful clothes.

It made Yang Ling, who was just ordinary, look a bit beautiful.

"Master." Yang Ling obediently curtsied.

Weiying on the side saw this and smiled quite happily.

Although after Yang Ling became Xu Fei's concubine, Nanyuan's wealth had to be allocated more, but Weiying knew the foundation of Nanyuan!

Xu Fei!

Without Xu Fei behind him, Nanyuan would probably be dispersed in the blink of an eye, and it would be impossible to gain a foothold in Tianxingze.

So I tried my best to please Xu Fei and let Xu Fei come over occasionally.

Then she can reap the benefits in a steady stream.

When Xu Fei saw this, he chuckled, helped Yang Ling, and went to Yuze Island for a stroll. The two of them looked like newlyweds.

It’s also a lot of fun.

After enjoying themselves on Yuze Island for a few days, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

At the same time, he knew that he wanted to go to the main hall of Yangwu Taoist Hall and the permission to view the fine collection had been issued.

This made Xu Fei quite satisfied.

Let us take a look at the quality of these fine collections.

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