But before going to see the fine collections, Xu Fei still had to read through the ordinary collections first.

It can be considered a good start and a good end.

Have a night's rest at home.

The next day after Xu Fei finished his homework, he greeted Master Youwei and Master Yan, and when he was about to go to the Tibetan Gong Pagoda to read, he was found by Senior Sister Mo Shuang.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?" Xu Fei looked at Mo Shuang who was a little embarrassed and asked.

"Junior brother, do you have free time?" Mo Shuang asked.

"Sister, it's okay to say it," Xu Fei said.

"I wonder if junior brother can help my master cook another meal?" Mo Shuang said embarrassedly.

Although Mo Shuang didn't know Xu Fei's current specific cultivation level, he was already an elder of Tianqi Peak and was quite considerate in front of the Patriarch.

But she asked the other party to cook for the master. Even if the master was Xu Fei's elder and Xu Fei had taken the initiative to help before, it was still a bit out of bounds.

Xu Fei didn't feel bored after hearing this.

Master and Uncle Yu Shu had a deep relationship, and now the uncle is even more sad and unable to eat because of Master's death.

He should provide some help, both emotionally and rationally.

Go to Uncle Yu's residence with Mo Shuang.

Xu Fei was busy and made some snacks.

Then he and Mo Shuang found the beautiful master uncle.

The lush bamboo forest has an occasional cool breeze.

Yu Shu's clothes were pulled away, making her figure look even thinner.

Xu Fei frowned when he saw this.

"Master hasn't eaten much these days." Mo Shuang said.

Xu Fei nodded. Compared with the beautiful master, his apprentice quickly recovered from the sorrow of his master's death, and it was inevitable that he seemed a little less filial and respectful.

But Xu Fei has experienced the death of a close relative more than once.

At least most of Xu Fei's more than 3,000 children and more than 10,000 grandchildren are no longer alive.

So no matter whether he is hard-hearted or unsentimental, Xu Fei does not have much sadness.

"Uncle." Xu Fei whispered.

Yu Shu's body trembled when she heard this, and then she turned around to look.

He looked a little dazed.

Xu Fei sighed inwardly, and silently stepped forward to place the snacks and nectar water.

"Use some of it." Xu Fei said.

"Sorry to trouble you." Yu Shuqiang smiled.

After eating a few snacks and drinking a glass of nectar water, Yu Shu, who was originally a bit pale, recovered a lot.

After all, Xu Fei used some elixirs when making snacks, so these snacks can not only fill the stomach, but also nourish the body.

"Then I won't bother you." Seeing that the beautiful master had eaten something, Xu Fei stood up and said goodbye.

"Junior brother, thank you very much." Mo Shuang said her thanks seriously as she sent Xu Fei away.

"If your uncle can't eat in the future, feel free to go find me." Xu Fei said.

Mo Shuang just nodded in agreement, but she also knew in her heart that she couldn't cause any more trouble to the other party.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei looked through all the ordinary collections in the Hidden Gong Tower.

This made Xu Fei stretch out with satisfaction.

Step out of the Tibetan Kung Pagoda.

Looking at the red clouds on the horizon, Xu Fei suddenly became interested and flew away.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it has reached an altitude of thousands of feet.

After reaching a similar height, Xu Fei slowly stopped and fled.

With a final click of his steps, he stood firmly.

It has been easy for Xu Fei to use mana to build a foothold to support himself.

And when Xu Fei lowered his head and looked down.

Mountains, trees, houses, people coming and going.

A unique view.

This made Xu Fei chuckle.

Chase towards the distant red clouds illuminated by the setting sun.

Immediately Xu Fei released his magic protection.

Suddenly, the 'heat barrier' brought by the super high speed burned Xu Fei's clothes to pieces.

This made Xu Fei's old face blush, but he was reluctant to bear the impact of the oncoming strong wind. The feeling of comfort brought by it only prompted a ray of mana to cover his vitals.

At the same time, he uses more mana to speed up his speed again.

Back then, when Xu Fei had more than 4,000 pots of mana, he could reach an ultra-high speed of nearly 20,000 miles an hour by driving a small shrimp boat.

Now that there is no use of Shopee Boat, Xu Fei's speed has exceeded this limit.

It’s almost fifty thousand miles an hour.

That is seven miles per second, 3,500 meters.

Ten times the speed of sound.

And at this speed, especially Xu Fei let go of his magic power to protect himself. The strong wind in front of him, as well as the high temperature caused by the friction with the air at super high speed, can give Xu Fei some stimulation.

Let Xu Fei's mood be sorted out and feel relaxed.

Not a moment later, the cloud that Xu Fei had just targeted was rushed past by Xu Fei.

Although Xu Fei's speed is fast enough, unfortunately, his 'individual' is not big.

Just creating a channel in the cloud cannot break it into pieces.

This made Xu Fei stop.

He turned around and looked at the clouds spreading for miles dozens of miles away.

If it can't be broken, then break it!

Thinking of this, Xu Fei laughed and made a secret with his left hand to activate his magic power.

A huge light cyan 'fist' composed of mana condensed in an instant, spanning dozens of miles, smashing into pieces the cloud that Xu Fei passed through just now.

"Hahaha~" Xu Fei's laughter was as pure as a child peeing and killing a nest of ants.

And in the Linglong Immortal Sect below.

Several high-level masters couldn't help but look up, and then looked back.

The rapid flight just now broke another cloud that spread for miles, calming and soothing Xu Fei's chaotic mood.

Although Xu Fei didn't feel any sadness when his master passed away, and he didn't feel that he had any sadness, his heart was not peaceful.

Always find something to do for yourself, don’t want to have a moment of free time, and keep yourself as busy as possible. This is all because of this.

However, under the influence of that beautiful uncle Yu Shu a few days ago, Xu Fei's mood became quite depressed without realizing it.

It's just that as a monk with profound magical power and hundreds of years of practice, Xu Fei has few ways to vent his anger.

Meng Lang's sudden rise turned out to be a good outlet for him to vent his anger.

When Xu Fei noticed this, he couldn't help but laugh.

After beckoning for the storage bag that had been saved by mana, Xu Fei took out a set of dark blue clothes and put them on.

However, when he was arranging his hair, Xu Fei discovered that the wooden hairpin that had been used for many years was gone.

This left Xu Fei a little speechless. He took out a suitable spiritual material and used it as a hairpin to straighten his hair. Then he looked in the direction and headed home.

Knowing that Xu Fei was back, the two girls Ye Yuanmei and Yu Yixin who came over to welcome him saw Xu Fei with surprise in their eyes and looked at each other.

"Did something good happen to me?" Ye Yuanmei said first.

Xu Fei touched his cheek: "Why do you say that?"

"I have been very serious these days, but today I finally have a smile." Ye Yuanmei said.

"Although there is nothing good, sir, my mood has also been relieved." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Ye Yuanmei chuckled when she heard this, and asked her servants to bring a comb, clean water, cotton towels, etc. to take care of Xu Fei's somewhat disheveled hair.

After all, Xu Fei still couldn't manage his long hair all these years. (End of chapter)

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