Soon, Xu Xinfang came back.

"Dad, what were you doing in heaven just now?" Xu Xinfang asked curiously as soon as he came back.

Xu Fei's face turned red when he heard this.

"It's not me." Xu Fei denied.

Although Xu Xinfang didn't believe it, she didn't expose her father's lies.

But after seeing that her father was in a much better mood than before, Xu Xinfang also smiled.

After all, my father has been getting along with Master Lu for hundreds of years, and the relationship between master and disciple has been accumulated day by day, which is quite deep.

When Master Lu passed away, although my father was fine on the surface and just a little depressed, he was deeply affected in his heart.

I don’t know why I’ve been feeling more depressed the past few days.

It's finally getting better now, but not bad.

But Xu Xinfang soon thought of another thing.

"Dad, when I was chatting with Senior Sister Qingxuan just now, I heard from the other party that there seemed to be many demonic cultivators wreaking havoc in the Purple Domain." Xu Xinfang said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

Demonic repair.

A title for monks who practice magic techniques.

The reason why the magic method is called the magic method is because practicing its method or needing to kill living creatures may affect the monk's mind, causing him to fall into the demonic way and become bloodthirsty and crazy.

They even kill their fathers, mothers, wives, and children.

However, with such serious side effects, the magic method also has aspects that ordinary basic methods cannot achieve.

The speed of improvement in practice is enough to make most monks unable to catch up.

Therefore, some monks are eager to enter the country and choose to practice demonic techniques.

Of course, they may not be unaware of the problems of demonic skills, but some are self-righteous and think that they can resist the erosion of demonic skills and only enjoy the benefits of the rapid advancement of demonic skills. Some are simply cruel and vicious people themselves.

In short, demonic cultivators basically want to kill anyone on sight.

Otherwise, when the demon cultivator's cultivation reaches a certain level, it will inevitably cause trouble and cause a demonic disaster.

At that time, life will inevitably be ruined.

"Has this matter been reported to the door?" Xu Fei said.

"Senior Sister Qingxuan has already reported it, just to remind me not to go to the Purple Territory recently." Xu Xinfang said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to learn various Taoist methods, spells, etc.

Over the past few hundred years, as long as there was nothing else, Xu Fei would basically practice in the morning, go to the Hidden Gong Pagoda to read or refine magic weapons, elixirs, etc. in the afternoon, and then study various skills in the evening.

When it's almost time to enter meditation, that is, around 9 p.m., I will wash up and rest, and by the way, I will pick up some branches and leaves to gain some proficiency points.

Including the rewards for the birth of his children and the high rewards for Daogen's children, he should have gained almost 5.5 million or 6 million proficiency points.

But now Xu Fei only has more than 1.7 million proficiency points left on his panel.

The rest were all spent by Xu Fei on various Taoism and spells.

Then integrate them into various major skills of the same type.

However, the cost was so huge that Xu Fei didn't have a clear idea of ​​what his current strength was because he hadn't fought a few times or had any fights with others.

But within the Linglong Immortal Sect, his current combat power can probably be ranked among the top five.

When it was time to enter meditation, Xu Fei stopped studying and put away his notes.

Then return to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, three female concubines were already waiting.

Two are playing chess, and the other is watching.

When the three women noticed Xu Fei coming in, they immediately turned to look.

Looking at the three beautiful flowers in front of him, Xu Fei chuckled.

Turned around and closed the door.

"Who wins and who loses?" Xu Fei said.

"Sister Xian's situation is better." Concubine Fu'er, who was watching the battle, said.

"Master, you have to help me." Qing Niang, who was in a worse situation, said coquettishly.

Xian Niang, who was in a better situation, still sat there quietly.

Xu Fei came to the chess game and took a brief look.

Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction after discovering that the two women's chess skills had improved a lot.

"Come on, Qingniang's hand falls here." Xu Fei pointed.

Qingniang is tall and tall. Her hair turned from black to white due to poisoning in the past. Although Xu Fei was able to adjust it, Qingniang felt that white hair was not bad and had no impact, so she kept her hair white.

Although Xian Niang looks quiet, she is very proud in her heart.

There is a cause and effect for becoming Xu Fei's concubine.

Fu'er, who was watching the chess game on the sidelines, looked quiet, but in fact he was the most wild among Xu Fei's current concubines.

As long as Xu Fei wants to try any position or style of play, he will cooperate with him wholeheartedly and enjoy it.

It also made Xu Fei quite fond of it.

He showed Qing Niang a move, and when Xian Niang's situation got worse, Xu Fei showed her another move.

It actually made the chess game between the two women even more exciting.

The two women's chess skills have improved from time to time. In addition to their own efforts, it is also inseparable from Xu Fei's guidance.

As for Fu'er, she doesn't like to play chess or drink, and she doesn't have any special hobbies. But if she has any hobbies, it would be that this concubine loves to join in the fun.

Simply put, he is a fun person.

It's not too big of a deal to watch the excitement.

However, under Xu Fei's discipline over the years, he has not caused any trouble.

After the two girls finished playing the chess game, Xu Fei also ate up half of the plate of melon seeds.

And after simply tidying up, Xu Fei naturally wouldn't feel embarrassed.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +18’ × 3

The three daughters, Xian Niang, Qing Niang and Fu Er, all have extremely high ratings of over 90+.

In addition, as a monk, and I gave it to Xu Fei for the first time, I can only give 18 proficiency points each time.

The next day, Xu Fei first came to the courtyard with the spirit gathering formation to complete today's practice.

Then after practicing various spells, he came to the residence of the beautiful master uncle.

Uncle Yu lives outside Tianqi Peak.

In a quiet valley full of bamboos.

Therefore, this place is also called Bamboo Valley.

In addition to the beautiful master uncle, there are several other monks.

However, they did not disturb each other too much and practiced separately.

After all, if you choose to live here, you are a quiet person.

When Mo Shuang saw Xu Fei arriving, she looked a little surprised and hurriedly came up to greet him.

Xu Fei made several snacks again.

Then he and Senior Sister Mo Shuang came to Zhuting.

I saw the beautiful uncle looking at the bamboo forest.

Xu Fei frowned slightly.

Regarding the condition of the beautiful uncle in front of him, although he had not conducted direct diagnosis and treatment, he had some guesses.

This beautiful uncle of mine probably has an 'injury'.

In other words, they are more likely to be injured than ordinary monks.

Some of these diseases are natural, some are due to the influence of Taoist practice, and some are due to other reasons, and there are many types.

Although eating a light diet can alleviate some injuries, it is not easy to cure.

In other words, it basically cannot be cured.

After all, this disease is somewhat special.

A careless treatment may cause monks suffering from this disease to lose their cultivation and even lose their Taoist roots. (End of chapter)

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