But I haven’t heard that injuries can also have an emotional impact?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

Is it because when Master passed away, Master Yu was overly sad and damaged his heart, which has affected him to this day?

After thinking about it, Xu Fei observed Uncle Yu Shu again, and then prepared a cup of nectar water.

Although Xu Fei's superb medical skills can cure the eight symptoms of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, fire, poison, and deficiency, he still needs to be cautious when dealing with strange diseases like 'injury syndrome'.

Especially if you want to start treatment, it may involve the beauty's uncle's cultivation and even his Taoist roots.

You have to be more cautious.

After all, if you are not careful, it will be a more serious hatred than killing someone.

Fortunately, after drinking a glass of nectar water, Uncle Beauty's condition improved.

Xu Fei thought for a while, then prescribed a recipe for nectar water and handed it to Mo Shuang.

Let her prepare it for Uncle Beauty to drink on a regular basis.

Its symptoms should be relieved.

Mo Shuang expressed his gratitude.

After watching Xu Fei leave, Mo Shuang had a complicated expression.

When her master set her up with Xu Fei, she felt that Xu Fei was too romantic, and Mo Shuang didn't care about her beauty and thought she could find a better Taoist companion.

So things didn't work out.

But in the blink of an eye, hundreds of years later, Xu Fei had become the elder of Tianqi Peak that she looked up to.

And she is just an ordinary disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei left Zhu Valley where his beautiful master uncle lived.

Then go to the main hall of Yangwu Daodang to view the exquisite collection.

Xu Fei gained a lot from the ordinary collections of Taoism, spells, secrets and other common collections that he had seen before that could be exchanged for jobs worth less than 3,000 points.

So this part of the fine collection will most likely have more useful stuff.

So Xu Fei was naturally looking forward to it.

As the main hall of hundreds of Yangwu Dao halls, its location is close to the core area in the middle of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Of course, Xu Feitian's identity as the elder of Qifeng will not be revealed at all.

Under the leadership of a main hall deacon, Xu Fei came to the main hall where the collection of humanitarian masterpieces was stored.

There is nothing special about the rows of houses.

"This row is for Taoism, this row is for magic, this row is for alchemy..." the deacon introduced to Xu Fei warmly.

There are a total of 935 rows of houses here, with each row ranging from ten to thirty houses.

Except for a few that are vacant, all others are basically collected.

Of course, this does not mean that Linglong Immortal Sect has so many exquisite collections, but that in addition to records of Taoism and magic, some of the experiences and experiences of predecessors during their practice have also been gathered here, which is why it has reached such a scale.

"Thank you." Xu Fei thanked the deacon after he helped explain.

"Then I won't disturb Elder Xu." The deacon said goodbye and left wisely.

But he is not afraid of Xu Fei checking out collections that do not belong to the humane level.

After all, these collection rooms are staffed with transcribers.

Moreover, Tianzhu Peak, where the leader lives, is within sight of the northeast.

A few people dared to be presumptuous.

After watching the deacon leave, Xu Fei found a Taoist collection room and walked in.

When he visited the general collection at the Tibetan Gong Pagoda, some of them were relatively complicated and required hundreds of books to record, while some of them required more than a dozen or dozens of books.

Of course, this sounds like a lot, but in reality more than a hundred books only amount to about one million words.

That's why Xu Fei was able to spend seven hundred years looking through the collection of Yi Pagoda.

However, this is also the result of the collection of the Tibetan Gong Pagoda being carefully selected by the Yangwu Taoist Hall.

If the various collections of the Linglong Immortal Sect in the past tens of thousands of years were really displayed, a few towers would not be enough.

While thinking about it, Xu Fei picked up a book of Taoism and read it.

After checking for a moment, Xu Fei's eyes flashed with surprise.

This book contains Taoist teachings that are at the lowest level of human nature!

However, the exchange for it requires more than 3,000 points of errands, and the value of one point of the "errands" that can be obtained by completing the task of raising my Taoist hall is approximately equal to one spiritual stone, which means that this set of low-grade human beings The level of Taoism is worth more than three thousand spiritual stones.

And this is because the Immortal Sect gives preferential treatment to its disciples, and usually adjusts the exchange value of Taoist teachings to half or one-third of the actual value.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but become a little more interested.

After reading the seven books recording this Taoist method, Xu Fei's eyes flashed with a hint of enlightenment.

At the same time, it is inevitable to feel sorry for this routine.

Because this is a set of extremely superior Taoist methods that can help monks lay a solid foundation.

It's just that after the monk's cultivation level gradually improved, the follow-up was weak.

This is probably why he was classified as a low-grade human being.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he tried out this Tao method while comprehending it in his mind. .

Level 1, Level 5, Level 10, Level 15, Level 2! Second level 5! Second level 20! Level 2 30!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the level that Xu Fei had to work hard for several years to achieve in the past has been achieved.

It has to be said that the various aspects of understanding accumulated through more than seven hundred years of practice made Xu Fei's performance extremely exaggerated when learning new Taoism.

Turning around to look at the sky, it was already dusk.

Xu Fei did not check other collections and left the main hall to return home.

Entering the house and turning around the front yard, Xu Fei saw his daughter Xu Xinfang and Xu Ranying holding a tea party with some senior sisters.

"Elder Xu." Seeing Xu Fei coming back, the girls quickly stood up to say hello.

Xu Fei nodded, his face warm.

"You guys chat." After saying that, Xu Fei did not join in the fun with the junior.

As for Xu Xinfang and Xu Ranying not practicing cultivation but holding these tea parties, Xu Fei didn't have any objection.

After all, this tea party is also a way for them to exchange their practice experiences with each other.

Something similar to the discussion of male monks.

After all, there are differences between men and women, and the experience of spiritual practice cannot be completely copied.

This is why the disciples accepted by male masters are basically male cultivators, and the disciples accepted by female masters are basically female cultivators.

Of course, there are also some Taoist teachings that do not distinguish between men and women, or the teachings and guidance are not about cultivation, but other skills. That is why there are male masters and female apprentices, and female masters and male apprentices.

Xu Xinfang's senior sisters watched Xu Fei leave with envy in their eyes.

Xinfang has such an elder father, which saves him a lot of trouble in practice.

At least they all know that Xu Xinfang's sword 'Fire Lotus' was given to her by her father.

With this flying sword nearby, even though Xu Xinfang's current cultivation level is only three thousand pots, even an expert with ten thousand pots of cultivation would not dare to provoke her easily.

Back in the bedroom, Xu Fei changed his clothes and continued to meditate on the low-grade Taoist techniques he had learned in the afternoon.

This Taoist method is also considered good and has the qualifications to be integrated into the main Taoist practice.

Ye Yuanmei came over soon to report some things.

Xu Fei's direct bloodline already exceeds 10 million, so things are inevitably complicated and trivial.

Even if he doesn't control it very much, there are still some things that you need to know after all. (End of chapter)

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