After looking at Xu Huayuan for a while, Xu Fei also knew why this descendant came to the door.

The other party finally achieved innate ability and could practice cultivation.

However, this does not mean that every descendant of the Xu family who can practice is qualified to pay homage to the ancestor Xu Fei.

But among Xu Fei's descendants, if a certain branch is in decline, only the monks in this branch can come to pay homage if they have the determination to support the lintel.

"Sit." Xu Fei had some admiration in his eyes.

Although his descendant is inevitably nervous, there is a lot of perseverance in his eyes.

And if you want to have such a firm mind, you have obviously suffered a lot of setbacks and tribulations.

This made Xu Fei sigh inwardly.

Even if there are many remedial measures, for example, monks from the down-trodden branch can come to pay homage to his ancestor.

But after all, there are some things he cannot take care of for the more than 10 million descendants.

After Xu Huayuan, the descendant, sat down, Xu Fei called his servants, brought various meat and vegetables, and personally cooked a barbecue for the descendant who was meeting him for the first time and entertained him.

While eating the barbecue made by Xu Fei, the middle-aged Xu Huayuan couldn't help but shed a few tears.

"Huayuan, why are you crying while eating?" Xu Xiangye, who was accompanying him and was about the same age, tried to persuade him.

But Xu Xiangye can also understand Xu Huayuan, who has suffered a lot.

The branch where it was located, because it lived in a remote place and was adjacent to a forest where monsters roamed, encountered a rare tide of monsters, and only a few people were left.

Xu Fei sighed again when he saw this.

Numerous descendants, rich, poor, old, sick, and dead, each with different life styles.

After a not-so-pleasant dinner, Xu Fei asked Xu Huayuan for his opinion and asked him to help in his family's brewery.

Learn the art of brewing spiritual wine.

After you complete your studies, you will be able to acquire a skill.

And after arranging for his descendant Xu Huayuan, Xu Fei drank up the remaining wine in the cup, walked out of the main hall, and flew away!

Flying at a speed of 50,000 miles an hour, Linglong Immortal Gate was only half an hour away from Xu Huayuan's hometown, which was more than 20,000 miles away.

Soon a vast and lush forest appeared in Xu Fei's eyes.

This forest is deep and silent at night.

Spreading for almost a thousand miles, this forest is enough to hide many powerful demon clans.

Most of them are monster beasts in this forest. Either they have matured over time, or they have a chance to enlighten their wisdom and become monsters.

Xu Fei simply turned around and determined that there were three forces in the forest.

A wolf demon, a tiger demon, a bear demon.

Although the wolf demons are also subdivided into blood wolf demons, wind wolf demons, green wolf demons and many other demon clans, and tiger demons and bear demons are also subdivided, in Xu Fei's eyes, they are just wolf demons, tiger demons and bear demons. Demon.

After a brief inspection, Xu Fei took out a hundred miles of cloud smoke and moved back and forth at extremely fast escape speed. In an instant, the cloud smoke filled the surroundings of the three monster clan forces.

Wolf Demon Cave, Tiger Demon Mountain, Bear Demon Cave,

When the little demons watching the night realized that something was wrong, they had no way to escape.

Make sure you won't escape a demon clan.

Xu Fei first came to the Wolf Demon Cave.

There are more than ten wolf demons here, and the one with the highest cultivation level is a true wolf demon with more than 7,000 pots of demon power.

He is about ten feet tall and has fine fur.

Seeing Xu Fei appear, he couldn't help but grin, looking eager to try.

But in fact, he is retreating timidly.

After all, they just realized that there was a cloud of smoke surrounding their clan, and the wolf demon tried to rush out.

But several attempts failed.

"There was a beast wave before, did you take part in it?" Xu Fei said lightly.

"Hey! Human flesh and blood tastes great!!" The wolf monster said in a weird tone. Although the demon clan can speak human words, they generally cannot speak well.

Hearing this, Xu Fei narrowed his eyes. The dozen or so wolf monsters in front of him seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force. Their bones were broken, their tendons were broken, and their blood flowed. They died collectively.

When his cultivation reached Xu Fei's level, his words and deeds gradually gained power.

What was happening in front of him was Xu Fei's manipulation of the heaven and earth's wisdom, squeezing these wolf monsters to death.

After cleaning up the Wolf Demon Cave, Xu Fei dealt with the Tiger Demon Mountain and the Bear Demon Cave in sequence.

But the mood is still inevitably depressed.

This is not the first time Xu Fei has heard that his descendants have suffered misfortune.

Xu Fei would be angry at first, but later he would pay attention and make appropriate arrangements.

But after hearing what happened to Xu Huayuan's descendants today, he didn't feel much.

Coming to avenge them was just because Xu Fei felt that as their ancestor, he should do this.

This made Xu Fei inevitably confused.

He didn't want to be a ruthless ancestor.

But my heart is gradually developing in that direction.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but lower his head.

Sighed again.

Having too many children made Xu Fei pay less attention to his children.

Having too many descendants made Xu Fei adapt to the different encounters they would have and was no longer touched.

Especially for descendants like Xu Huayuan, who he had never met before, Xu Fei felt almost as little towards them as he did towards strangers.

After a moment of silence, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Maybe he is just a heartless person.

The next day.

After Xu Fei completed his practice, he came to the Red Hall where Yu was the Patriarch.

In the center of the Red Hall.

The ten thousand year gourd is suspended in mid-air.

It was originally like a gourd made of jade, yellow with green in it, slightly showing blue.

After Xu Fei observed for a moment, he saw that the Wannian Gourd in front of him had only been tempered by one percent.

The rest required more hard work.

However, as Patriarch Youwei becomes familiar with the nature of this ten thousand year gourd, the speed will probably speed up in the future.

"Here we come." Patriarch Youwei said calmly when he saw Xu Fei.

Xu Fei bowed his hands and said, "Meet the Patriarch."

Patriarch Youwei nodded, picked up the copper cup in front of him, and drank half of the water.

The training of Ten Thousand Years Gourd is extremely difficult.

"Let's take a look at the gourd." Patriarch Youwei said.

"Yes." Xu Fei said.

In front of his elders, Xu Fei always spoke little.

Even if you have to say something, try to explain it in short terms.

The more you say, the more mistakes you make.

After checking the current training progress of Wannian Gourd, Xu Fei had some concerns.

It was quickly determined which spiritual materials should be refined, which techniques should be used, and what effect should be obtained.

"Disciple, please retire." Xu Fei said.

"What are your ideas?" But just when Xu Fei was about to leave, Patriarch Youwei asked.

One person is short of the other.

Since he feels that the ten thousand years of gourd training is not easy, he might as well listen to his disciple's opinion.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, but after thinking for a moment he said: "The Patriarch seems to pay too much attention to minor details."

Since Patriarch Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly after hearing this, he didn't know.

Because this thousand-year-old gourd is quite precious, when he is training, he only strives to achieve the best results with his own skills, so as not to let down his senior brother's trust.

Very stressful.

"Go down." Patriarch Youwei said.

"Yes." Xu Fei said, then resigned. (End of chapter)

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