After Xu Fei left, Patriarch Youwei couldn't help but sigh.

He naturally knew that he was expending too much energy because he wanted to perfect the Wannian Gourd.

But a ten-thousand-year gourd is particularly precious, and it may be difficult to find a second one in a short period of time. In addition, the founder also wants to make the Four Seas Gourd he refined this time a little closer to a top-notch magical weapon. .

After practicing for more than 10,000 years, as the master of Heavenly Weapon Peak and other various identities, there are not many things that Patriarch Youwei can still be obsessed with.

Xu Fei left Yuwei Patriarch's place.

He also probably sensed that Patriarch Youwei did not seriously refine the Ten Thousand Years Gourd just because the refining failed and he could not explain it to Master Du Lao.

There may be other ideas.

Even so, Xu Fei couldn't say much.

As for showing his current true level and providing assistance to the founder.

Xu Fei thought about it but did not choose to do so.

The level he is showing now is enough to be a genius, but if he continues to show off, he will become a monster.

On the contrary, it is not beautiful.

Return home.

A few moments later a visitor came to visit.

The children of Xu Fei, who was in charge of reception, didn't dare to be good at it, so they reported it.

Xu Fei was a little surprised.

Came to a living room in person.

A wealthy middle-aged man in his forties.

Seeing Xu Fei, he knelt down and bowed down.

"Young Yang Mao, I have met Elder Xu." said the rich middle-aged man.

They are the descendants of Yang Xun who was responsible for the actual management of the alchemy shop opened by Xu Fei in Lanling Mountain.

Now that I'm here to pay my respects, he probably took over the management of the alchemy shop from his father-in-law.

After these years of development, Lanling Mountain Danpu can bring Xu Fei almost 200,000 spiritual stones in revenue every year.

Therefore, the Yang family naturally has dignity in front of Xu Fei.

"Get up, how is Yang Xun's health?" Xu Fei asked.

"Hehe, Grandpa Zu's body is very strong." Yang Mao said.

Xu Fei nodded.

A servant brought refreshments.

But after a few simple greetings, Xu Fei was ready to leave and asked his son to come over and entertain him.

If Yang Xun came over, Xu Fei would naturally not do this after hundreds of years of friendship.

I definitely want to have a banquet with him.

But when his descendants came over, everything became simpler.

Seeing Xu Fei's intention, Yang Mao quickly said: "Elder Xu, grandpa asked me to give you a gift."

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this.

What is that old boy Yang Xun doing?

When Yang Mao saw this, he didn't talk nonsense, and quickly brought a green woolen sedan in.

"Come down." Yang Mao said.

Then the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted up by the woman who was following.

The situation in the sedan chair is also revealed.

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl with animal ears.

Wearing a beige skirt, she looked around uneasily. When he saw Xu Fei, he originally wanted to get off the sedan but retracted.

The pair of animal ears on the top of its head are covered with yellow hair, so it is difficult to tell the type. After all, dog ears, cat ears, fox ears, etc. all have similar types.

But paired with the girl's elegant appearance, everything comes alive.

Even with Xu Fei's harshness, he could still give the beast-eared girl in front of him a high score of 90+.

In addition, this beast-eared girl has dozens of pots of magic power in her body, so she is still a real banshee.

"Elder Xu, this banshee is a gift from my grandfather. I hope you like it," Yang Mao said.

Xu Fei looked at Yang Mao when he heard this.

This banshee was definitely not sent by Yang Xun.

After all, after hundreds of years of exchanges, the other party couldn't pull off such tricks, Xu Fei still knew this.

So this should be the work of Yang Xun's descendants.

It is quite courageous to take the opportunity of meeting him to send a banshee over.

"Well, but what's your request?" Xu Fei said.

Except for some of the wives and concubines he had taken in before, Xu Fei generally ignored the impure women whose cultivation level was lower than 90% as their cultivation level got higher and higher.

However, the banshee in front of him happened to be quite attractive to Xu Fei.

So don't mind giving some benefits.

"No, I wonder if you can provide us with 10% more of Lanling Mountain's elixir?" Yang Mao said quickly without hesitation.

If he just talks nonsense, Elder Xu's temper is not very good, and he may just send the guests away.

After hearing Yang Mao's request, Xu Fei made a mental calculation.

"Yes." After agreeing, he turned and left.

As for the beast-eared girl in front of her, Ye Yuanmei and the girls have her own arrangements.

No need for Xu Fei to worry.

At night, Xu Fei returned to the bedroom.

The bedroom was once again decorated as a red and festive wedding room.

Several candles with dragons and phoenixes burning quietly.

When Xu Fei saw the figure sitting on the bedside wearing a hijab, he chuckled lightly, stepped forward and lifted the hijab with the scale beam hanging on the bed curtain.

The girl with animal ears was exposed. She was now wearing a bright red wedding dress. After washing and dressing up, her originally elegant appearance became more refined.

But now he is quite panicked.

"What's your name?" Xu Fei said.

"Moya." The beast-eared girl blinked and said.

"Grub your teeth?" Because the beast-eared girl's accent was not quite accurate, Xu Fei inevitably misheard.

The demon clan is different from the human clan in that they are not educated, so their names come from whatever is convenient.

When you see green grass, your name is Green Grass; when you see the sun, your name is Sun.

Therefore, it is not impossible to call Mo Ya such a strange name.

Of course, not all demon clans are like this.

Some monsters who are deeply influenced by the human race will also use the human race's etiquette texts.

"No, it's not molar, it's molar~" the beast-eared girl corrected.

Xu Fei was happy when he heard this.

"Okay, Maya, I understand." After saying that, Xu Fei stepped forward.

Under the frightened and panicked look of the banshee Maya, she got down to business.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +180’

For the first time, ten times the proficiency value will be rewarded. With physical cultivation, even a banshee will receive double rewards.

Therefore, the relationship with Maya gave Xu Fei a lot of proficiency points.

After having fun with Maya, the cute little beast girl, Xu Fei's originally irritable and depressed mood became much better.

Xu Fei's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, he is proficient in various skills, and he is surrounded by plump, tall, charming, pure, elegant and other beauties. Logically speaking, he should be in a good mood.

But after hearing about the fate of his descendant Xu Huayuan, although Xu Fei didn't feel anything at the time, Xu Fei was still greatly affected by what happened to him.

I feel that as an ancestor, I am really incompetent.

But facing a base of tens of millions of descendants, Xu Fei had no idea how to deal with it.

I regret that I gave birth to too many children.

If you can't protect them, why give birth to them?

All kinds of regrets like this gnawed at Xu Fei's heart.

But today, with Xiao Maya's comfort, Xu Fei felt a certain amount of relief.

After relief, you will naturally have the confidence to look at the problem from another perspective.

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Although he is an ancestor, how much can he control?

As long as it can ensure that the Xu family has a roughly fair environment, that's all.

Of course, absolute fairness is impossible.

However, children and grandchildren can get certain help when they are in trouble and poverty, and they can be punished when they do evil. In this way, it is enough to maintain a reasonable range of help and restraint.

Thinking too much is just making yourself more irritated.

After understanding this, Xu Fei suddenly felt that the world was wide.

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