Chapter 37, Iron Shirt

The process of buying a house was very smooth.

For the sake of being an old neighbor for many years, the other party only asked for eighteen taels of silver.

The neighbor's house next door is actually not much smaller than the Zhang family's house.

So from this point of view, housing prices in Gaoxian County are acceptable.

In addition, the rent was provided by his father, and Xu Fei did not spend a penny.

I bought a house, found a suitable location and opened a corner door.

Xu Fei and the women also gradually moved there.

This is like having your own home.

After dealing with these things, it was time for Zhou Yue to return home in a blink of an eye.

Because Xu Fei was worried about his father-in-law's inconvenience, he had bought an extra maid to serve him when he was buying lotus flowers. Therefore, Zhou Biaotou's life was more comfortable than before.

When Xu Fei and Zhou Yue came over, Captain Zhou was sitting in the courtyard, drinking wine and eating peanuts.

The days are filled with endless joy.

"Dad." Seeing that her father was doing well, Zhou Yue smiled all over her face.

When Zhou Biaotou heard his daughter's voice, he turned around and his face was filled with happiness.

Not only does his son-in-law have a good family background, but he is also willing to take care of his father-in-law. As for his shortcoming of being a carefree person...

Seeing that his daughter showed no signs of being wronged, he could only ignore it for the time being.

"He Ye, stir-fry two more vegetables at noon, and my uncle and I will have a few drinks." Captain Zhou said with a smile.

"Yes, head escort." The maid who was cleaning the room heard this and came out to respond.

At noon, Xu Fei had a drink with his father-in-law.

Leave in the evening.

After returning home today, according to the rules, the uncle and the bride cannot stay at home overnight.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

After a while, a short, fat black man came to the hospital.

After seeing Xu Fei, he came over.

"Doctor Zhang, I found another martial arts secret book." This fat black man's name is Zheng Hu. After being exempted from the medical fee and medication by Xu Fei, he must repay his gratitude for his kindness.

Later, I found out that Xu Fei liked martial arts, so I found several martial arts secret books.

But there is no one that can be practiced.

Either incomplete or just fabricated.

So this time Zheng Hu said that he had obtained martial arts secrets, but Xu Fei didn't pay much attention.

"Oh? What kind of martial arts?" Xu Fei asked Zheng Hu with interest after writing a prescription for the patient in front of him.

"Iron cloth shirt!" Zheng Hu said proudly.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, Iron cloth shirt?

The name of this martial arts spans the multiverse.

He took the martial arts secret book from Zheng Hu and looked at it for a moment.

Xu Fei gradually became serious.

Because this set of martial arts looks real!

After reading the Iron Cloth Shirt, Xu Fei indeed had the Iron Cloth Shirt skill on his panel.

Iron Shirt【0/5】【0/3】

So this time it turned out to be true? And still practicing hard skills?

Xu Fei's eyes shone, and he was not afraid that Zheng Hu would see that he was very interested in this iron cloth shirt.

"Can you sell me this set of martial arts?" Xu Fei said.

Although Iron Cloth Shirt has become his skill and appears on the panel, Xu Fei has no intention of taking advantage of it.

On the one hand, it's not necessary, and on the other hand, Zheng Hu, a fat black man, repays his kindness. Now that he has finally found a martial arts that is useful to him, Xu Fei also wants to repay him.

"Hey, Doctor Zhang, look at what you said. I didn't even take a few breaths back then. It was you who saved me and also waived my medical fees. Now I'm asking you for money. I'm still a human being. ." Zheng Hu said.

He doesn't have any legitimate affairs, he just hangs out, helping the left family when something happens, and lending a hand to the right family when something happens.

As for Zheng Hu, it wasn't actually a serious illness at first, it was just a serious case of diarrhea.

Hearing what Zheng Hu said, Xu Fei thought for a while and asked the accountant to give him a tael of silver.

It's not that this iron cloth shirt is worth so much money, but Xu Fei is worried that this guy will get into trouble if he has too much money.

"No, no, no, no, I can't have Dr. Zhang." Although Zheng Hu was greedy for a few dollars, he still firmly refused.

Xu Fei forced the money to Zheng Hu.

"If you don't want the money, I won't be able to ask for your martial arts secrets."

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Zheng Hu could only scratch his head and accepted the money.

Zheng Hu left quickly without disturbing Xu Fei too much.

After watching Zheng Hu leave, Xu Fei continued to diagnose and treat patients.

Half a year was enough for Xu Fei to develop his medical skills to a certain extent.

Although the name of a miracle doctor is a bit exaggerated, it is not an exaggeration for Xu Fei, whose medical skill level has reached advanced level 36.

After treating a few more patients, Xu Fei hurried home and continued to check the iron shirt that Zheng Hu had found for him.

As a hard skill, it was also one of Xu Fei's original plans, and he still attached great importance to it.

After reading it twice, Xu Fei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Because this set of Iron Cloth Shirt is not an internal martial art, it is just a way to enhance one's ability to resist attacks through some anti-strike training, so it is not invulnerable at all.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not give up and topped up his level.

If you have a hard skill, practice it first, and learn about it later when you have a better one.

Xu Fei read the cheat book a few more times and couldn't help scratching his chin after filling up the iron cloth shirt that increased the skill level limit by 1 level.

After getting married to Zhou Yue, his luck suddenly improved.

First, he used the internal energy Qinggong Point Cloud Step as Zhou Yue's dowry, and this was another hard skill.


In fact, in the past six months, Xu Fei has also considered joining a Jianghu gang to acquire various martial arts skills faster.

But in the end, after hesitation, he gave up.

He is not as decisive as his elder brother. He just wants to make a career in the world and leave immediately.

Without a certain level of strength, Xu Fei is still reluctant to take risks without at least ensuring his own safety.

But to what extent Xu Fei can take a more active approach to obtain various martial arts skills, Xu Fei himself is not sure.

A hesitant and ink-stained guy.

However, after more than half a year, Xu Fei's current internal strength is no worse than what Fang Wei showed when he fought with Ma Liu.

So in a few more years at most, Xu Fei might be able to reach a level where he feels safe.

At that time, he was only about 20 years old.

So there is no need to rush.

After learning the hard work of iron cloth shirt, Xu Fei found Zhou Yue and asked her to find a stick to hit him with.

Let's see how much damage a level 4 iron shirt can reduce.

Zhou Yue was inevitably surprised when her husband asked her to beat herself, but after hearing that Xu Fei had learned hard kung fu, she did not hesitate anymore.

Holding the stick with 20% force, he hit Xu Fei's arm.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about Xu Fei, he turned the stick with more force and hit Xu Fei's leg.

As the strength increased bit by bit, when Zhou Yue used 50% of his strength, Xu Fei quickly stopped.

Because the 50% force of the stick had already hit him very painfully.

If you apply more force, you may be injured.

This also caused Xu Fei's expectations for Tiebu Shirt to plummet.

Can’t even carry a stick? That's not to mention slashing with swords and stabbing with swords.

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