Chapter 38, Dilong Gang

Although he was quite dissatisfied with the anti-injury effect of the iron cloth shirt, Xu Fei could only practice it for the time being.

But perhaps because Xu Fei is already an internal warrior, the level limit of Iron Cloth Shirt has increased rapidly.

After being beaten several times by Zhou Yue, I practiced with the iron cloth shirt again, received a few more blows, and continued practicing.

The level limit of Iron Cloth Shirt was raised to level 8 in an instant.

According to this momentum, I'm afraid it will take three or a few days to advance.

This made Xu Fei somewhat hopeful.

During dinner, looking at Ling Niang who was already pregnant, Xu Fei helped her diagnose and treat her.

Everything was normal, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Because of her pregnancy, Ling Niang became rounder again, and her figure became plumper.

After seeing Ling Niang, Xu Fei took Yuan Niang's pulse and it was also normal.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei turned to look at Lotus.

After all, who would have thought that proficiency would not be given to a woman after she became pregnant.

There was no other way, so Xu Fei had no choice but to risk being scolded by his parents and buy another maid.

"Are you still busy?" Xu Fei said.

Although he has roughly determined that the proficiency gained after having sex with a woman is related to the woman's appearance and whether it is the first time, Xu Fei has not thought about finding some beautiful women.

After all, women who are too beautiful often have some troubles.

Xu Fei now has thin arms and legs, so he still has to be more cautious.

"You're too busy to come here." Hehua said quickly.

After all, although Lingniang Yuanniang is pregnant, she is not completely being served and will still do what she can.

After hearing this, Xu Fei thought about it for a moment and decided to buy a few more maids.

In the future, several women will have children and will inevitably be busy. Having a maid to share trivial matters will undoubtedly reduce the burden on the women.

But this time they can no longer be treated as maidservants, but can only be treated as ordinary maidservants.

Since his medical skills gradually emerged, Xu Fei also came up with two prescriptions, a Yiqi Pill, which can replenish the body's weak body, and a Wuwei Decoction, which can beautify the skin.

After the sale of Master's medical clinic, the net profit will be divided in half by the medical clinic and Xu Fei.

Xu Fei can earn more than ten taels of silver in a month.

So you don’t have to worry about being unable to meet your family’s expenses.

In the evening, Xu Fei came to the study and continued to read the medical skills and secret books related to his various skills.

The upper limit of the level of each skill on the panel is related to his cognition, so reading more books will always gain something.

Xu Fei's medical skills, now fully advanced to level 36, were slowly improved in this way.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Soon a family came to see him for treatment.

Riding on a mule cart, Xu Fei came to this house.

The person who came to see him this time was a wealthy family named Lu.

The family owns several hundred acres of land and runs a restaurant.

The one who got sick was the third young lady of the Lu family.

After feeling the pulse of Miss Lu San through the gauze, Xu Fei frowned in a rare way.

Because this patient's disease seems simple and can be cured after just two doses of medicine, but in fact it is quite dangerous.

Even the medicine she drank before would worsen her condition.

Seeing Xu Fei's hesitation.

The master of the Lu family felt tight in his heart. He had always loved his third daughter.

That's why Xu Fei, who has become famous recently, was specially invited after his daughter's chronic illness broke out.

"Doctor Zhang, how is my daughter?" Mr. Lu asked worriedly.

"Your love's condition is a bit complicated. I can't make a decision for a while. Let me go back and discuss it with the master." Xu Fei said.

Although he can prescribe a prescription now to cure Miss Lu San's disease, going back to discuss it with the master can also make him less conspicuous.

Hearing that Xu Fei wanted to go back to discuss with Dr. Zhao, Mr. Lu couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Xu Fei took a mule cart back to find his master and reported Miss Lu San's condition.

Doctor Zhao couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

He was basically helpless about this difficult and complicated disease.

However, during these times, Doctor Zhao was used to his apprentice pulling his tiger skin.

The master and apprentice took a mule cart to the Lu family again.

Dr. Zhao made a diagnosis and treatment, and Xu Fei discussed with the master for a while before deciding on a prescription.

After combining the patient's condition and the prescription prescribed by his apprentice, Dr. Zhao couldn't help but have some enlightenment.

I see.

With the consultation fee of ten taels of silver, Xu Fei and his master left the Lu family.

Xu Fei picked up one of the two silver ingots and handed it to the master.


Doctor Zhao shook his head and chuckled.

"This patient is all your fault, just keep it."

Seeing this, Xu Fei hesitated for a moment, but didn't give in anymore.

Back at the hospital, Xu Fei was ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, a man in his thirties rushed over.

"Doctor Zhang, please save Zheng Hu." The man looked anxious.

Xu Fei was a little surprised.

"what happened?"

"You gave Zheng Hu a tael of silver, and he invited us brothers to have a nice meal, but he didn't want to offend the Dilong Gang." The man said.

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this.

Dilong Gang.

Originally, there were four martial arts schools in Gao County: Haowu Hall, Dadao Club, Eagle and Snake Martial Arts Hall, and Tiger Boxing Hall.

However, the county government office was burned down half a year ago, and the Eagle Snake Martial Arts School only wanted to protect itself. After being informed by the county's top police officer, the house was immediately ransacked and banned.

The gambling stalls and flower houses left behind by the Eagle Snake Martial Arts School are inevitably coveted.

This Dilong Gang is an outsider who plans to take over these businesses.

Da Dao Hui only paid attention to escorts and ignored them.

Tiger Boxing Gym has an ambiguous attitude and has no intention of competing.

Only Haowu Tang started fighting with the Dilong Gang.

It is said that the fight was quite fierce.

During that time, many injured members of the two gangs came to the medical center for treatment.

Because of this, Xu Fei still had some contact with people from the Dilong Gang.

The overall feeling is not easy to deal with.

It's just that Xu Fei doesn't intend to leave him alone.

First follow the man to find Zheng Hu.

The place where the accident happened was in a restaurant. The signboard was dark and the name of the restaurant could not be seen clearly.

Zheng Hu was lying in the restaurant, with a lot of food and drink spilled on his body, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

There were several members of the Dilong Gang eating and drinking on the side, and no one dared to mess with them.

When Xu Fei saw the people in front of him, he stepped forward and bowed.

"I don't know what my friend did wrong to offend a few people, but now you guys are beating him up, can you let me take him away?" Xu Fei said.

Save people first and then talk. As for whether to seek justice for Zheng Hu...

Let’s talk about it later.

The few people eating and drinking didn't pay much attention at first, but one of them recognized Xu Fei's identity after seeing him.

"It turns out to be Divine Doctor Zhang. Please forgive us for being rude. Let's use this ingot of silver to treat this brother's injury." The little leader of the Dilong Gang took out about one ingot and two taels of silver from the bag on his waist and put it on the table. .

Then he handed Xu Fei his hands and led the people away.

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. If the people from these Jianghu gangs were determined not to let him go, then he wouldn't have much else to do.

After all, Xu Fei would not risk his life just to save Zheng Hu.

Go and help Zheng Hu diagnose and treat him.

Although the fat black man was severely beaten and unconscious, his life was not in danger.

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