Chapter 39, Maid

Zheng Hu was brought back to the medical center in a mule cart. Xu Fei treated him and gave him some medicine. After making sure that he was not in danger, he left the medical center.

But after walking out of the hospital, Xu Fei saw a group of people from the Dilong Gang swaggering through the market.

This made Xu Fei frown.

In the past, the public security of the Liang Kingdom could not be said to be people picking up lost items on the road, but these martial arts and martial arts practitioners were not so arrogant.

Six months ago, the county government office was burned down. The Eagle Snake Martial Arts School was confiscated and confiscated at the order of Chief Gao just because it failed to participate in maintaining security and providing support in time.

It can be seen that although these martial arts schools in Liang State monopolized some industries and reaped benefits, they could not compete with the government after all.

Why do these charlatans dare to be so cruel in just half a year?

And the county government’s arrests and police officers don’t even care about it?

There must be something going on here that Xu Fei doesn't know about.

But immediately, Xu Fei shook his head and stopped paying attention to this.

After all, even if his little arms and legs knew why they were like this, what could he do?

Keep working hard at practicing martial arts.

After returning home, Xu Fei began to practice martial arts.

First, he practiced sword skills several times, then boxing skills, and then martial arts such as point cloud step and iron cloth shirt.

But the one I practice the most is Tiger Boxing.

Coupled with the advanced 23-level Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu, Xu Fei can enhance his internal strength every time he practices boxing.

It is precisely because of the accumulation over the past six months that Xu Fei has internal strength that is not weaker than Fang Wei.

But in terms of other martial arts, combat experience, etc., Xu Fei is far inferior to Fang Wei of Wuyoumen.

After practicing Tiger Fist again, Xu Fei paused to replenish his food and water.

Practicing martial arts can strengthen your body, which is undoubtedly a good thing, but it also makes people who practice martial arts have a huge appetite.

In other words, Xu Fei has good medical skills and occasionally prescribes supplements for himself.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be like Zhou Yue now, exhausted from practicing martial arts and unable to make progress.

Speaking of Zhou Yue, Xu Fei has been treating her since they got engaged.

To put it simply, if you practice more and eat less, your body will be in a deficit.

Thanks to Xu Fei's diligent care in the past six months, he has recovered somewhat, and I think he will be able to fully make up for it in another year or so.

By then, there might be another inner strength warrior in the family.

After practicing martial arts, Xu Fei took Zhou Yue to Yahang and bought four more maids.

Zhou Yueling's mother Yuan Niang is a lotus flower, and each person is assigned a maid to serve.

Although He Hua's presence is not strong, after all, she is the maid he has taken into his house, and it doesn't matter if she has a maid to serve her.

This made Lotus's moved eyes burst into tears.

After all, she was just a maid, but she was treated like a concubine.

Doesn't that mean that as long as you have children in the future, you will definitely be promoted to a higher status?

After taking care of the housework, Xu Fei came to the study to read.

As long as there are no other problems that delay Xu Fei's reading, it is basically untouchable.

After all, looking more at the numbers related to each skill can increase the upper limit of the skill level.

And higher-level skills will allow Xu Fei to practice various martial arts like a college student doing homework for an elementary school student.

Chopping melons and veggies highlights the ease.

If it hadn't been for this effect, Xu Fei wouldn't have been able to catch up with the level of inner energy that Fang Wei showed when he fought with Ma Liu in just over half a year of practice.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Diagnosed and treated Zheng Hu again.

"Miracle Doctor Zhang, please excuse me." Zheng Hu looked embarrassed.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and didn't care.

He didn't do anything.

"Don't mess with these martial arts clubs, so be careful in the future."

Yesterday, Zheng Hu provoked the Dilong Gang. In fact, it was not a big deal. It was just that Zheng Hu had dinner with his friends and after drinking a few more drinks, he didn't keep his mouth shut.

As a result, it happened to be overheard by people from the Dilong Gang who came in to eat.

"Yes, yes." Zheng Hu was beaten severely, but he didn't seem to care much.

Apparently they were used to hanging out on the street.

Xu Fei handed over the money that the little leader of the Dilong Gang gave him yesterday to Zheng Hu.

"This is the compensation given by the Dilong Gang who beat you yesterday. If you use it to do a small business, it can be considered a serious thing to do." Xu Fei said.

Zheng Hu waved his hand quickly.

"Doctor Zhang, this is impossible. You saved my life again. How can I ask for this money?|"

Xu Fei thrust the silver into Zheng Hu's hand.

The two taels of silver in his hands were just one more and one less, but it might make Zheng Hu take the right path.

After a few more explanations, Xu Fei came to the front hall of the medical center and began to diagnose and treat patients.

As medical skills gradually emerged.

Xu Fei's fame also began to spread.

That's why the Yiqi pills and Wuwei soup he prepared sell well.

This also shows that Xu Fei's decision to learn medical skills was correct.

At least he and a group of women and maids did not need help from his father for their expenses.

And this undoubtedly increased Xu Fei's 'autonomy' a lot.

Around noon, another doctor came.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then took the mule cart to go.

For a simple ailment, he just felt that he was too rich to go to the hospital like other people, so he called a doctor, and it had to be a famous one like Xu Fei.

Of course, when giving the consultation fee, he was also quite generous.

Just five taels of silver.

If there can be a few such generous patients every month, then Xu Fei may be able to save a large fortune in a few years.

Back home.

But he saw Hehua scolding a maid he just bought yesterday.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked.

"Dongmei's hands and feet are dirty." Hehua said angrily.

On weekdays, Xu Fei would give her some money to buy daily melons, fruits, grains, rice, meat and eggs.

When I went to get the money today, I found that there were more than a dozen copper coins missing.

As the maid next to her, Dongmei is naturally the most suspicious.

After a few more questionings, Hehua still refused to admit it. It was only after Hehua hit her a few times with her family's tricks that she couldn't help but admitted to stealing the money.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

If you buy too many maids at once, there will be some instability.

Today is the time for lotus flowers to be careful, otherwise Xu Fei doesn't think he would be able to discover the loss of more than a dozen copper coins.

"Then let it go." Xu Fei said.

Generally speaking, if a maid steals from someone else's house, no matter how big or small the amount is, she will be beaten to death if found out.

After all, even if someone is beaten to death, since the maid has already been bought by the family, she only needs to pay the government a decent amount of three or five cents.

However, Xu Fei was not so cruel and just sent the opponent away.

"Just go back to Yaxing." Xu Fei said again.

Lest Hehua do something harsh because she is angry with this maid for stealing money.

"Sir, it's too easy for her to just return the tooth shop, isn't it?" He Hua said unwillingly.

"That's it." Xu Fei said.

Although stealing is quite annoying, it is not something that would make him cruelly destroy someone, and he only stole a dozen copper coins.

Sin does not lead to death.

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