Because when it was first activated, the formation base tree was grown by Xu Fei's mana.

But after the formation is successfully set up, the formation is connected with the spirit and the earth's energy. The spirit is turned to the power of thunder and magnetism, and it is the earth's energy that maintains the big tree at the base of the formation.

Moreover, although these thousands of formation-based trees appear to be one or two miles apart above the ground, the roots of the trees are actually connected to each other underground.

There is nothing wrong with saying that these formation base trees are integrated into one.

The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that after the formation base tree is destroyed, the power of the formation will indeed be reduced.

If the opponent has super destructive power and destroys all the base trees of the entire Ten Thousand Wood Formation at once, then the power of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation can be greatly weakened.

It might be possible to escape.

However, Xu Fei still has a patch on this issue, he just needs to mobilize his mana again.

The blood-clothed monster rushed left and right in the Wanmu Thunder Formation.

Even the formation tree that it passes by will immediately disintegrate into spiritual machines.

It can be seen that his magic power is strange and powerful.

After this moment of observation, Xu Fei also made some assumptions about this strange demon.

There is a high probability that what he practices is blood magic.

Greedy on energy, flesh and blood to enhance one's own merits.

Very strange.

Looking at him a few feet away from the formation base tree, he turned into blood and flew past, destroying several formation base trees in a row. This also shows the tyranny of the opponent's magic skills.

At least Xu Fei couldn't do anything as brutal as the other party.

This made Xu Fei's eyes move slightly.

On the other side, Zhai Ping and the surviving members of the Wuxu Sect who followed Xu Fei looked at how the once lively and peaceful sect had now become like this, without even seeing any strangers.


Even if they knew that the demonic cultivators were extremely cruel, millions of their disciples and relatives lost all their energy and spirit and died overnight, turning into mummies.

Or let them feel like they were struck by five thunders.

Some cried loudly, while others gritted their teeth and looked at the blood-clothed monster in the distance, wishing they could eat its flesh and sleep on its skin.

"Senior, I'm afraid this demon is the infamous Blood Slaughter Demon!" Zhai Ping came to Xu Fei and said.

Through this moment of observation, Zhai Ping roughly determined the identity of the demon who slaughtered his fellow sect members.

Blood-slaying demons?

Hearing this name, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but be surprised.

Because he has heard of this devil's name.

He is a big demon with a terrible reputation in the outside world.

Linglong Immortal Sect, Shuzhi Pavilion, Tianxin Dao, Tiande Sect, Lingwai Sect, Lingying Sect, Zhenxiao Sect, Miaohua Sect, and Huanmenggu.

The nine sects are adjacent to each other, watching and helping each other.

As for the areas outside the nine major sects, over time it was called the Outer Territory.

Hua Tianxiu, the master of Tianyun Peak who had previously commissioned Tianyun Peak to refine the Divine Light for the Patriarch, had mentioned Daze as a large swamp in the outer realm.

Many of them are dangerous, but there are also many spiritual treasures.

Therefore, when many high-ranking officials go out to travel and hunt for treasures, they will use Daze as their destination.

The blood-slaying demon in front of me is a famous strange demon that is wandering in the outside world.

Many traveling masters from the nine major sects have suffered from its poisonous hands.

I just don’t know why, but he actually appeared in the hinterland of Lingwaimen today.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei turned his gaze and looked at the blood-clothed monster.

In this short period of time, he had suffered almost five hundred lightning strikes, consuming one percent of his cultivation.

In other words, it will be consumed in about five hours.

But the premise is that the other party has no hidden methods.

But Xu Fei looked at the mummies lying across the Wu Xumen area. They were all living people before, some were monks and some were ordinary people.

At this moment, all the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit have been captured.

Even though this demon was notorious, Xu Fei did not believe that it could refine so much essence, flesh, blood, soul, etc. in a short period of time.

There must be no magic weapon storage.

So if nothing unexpected happens, this demon refining will most likely take a lot of time.

However, the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation is not afraid of consumption.

It can even be said that as long as the formation is set up, Xu Fei basically does not need to intervene unless some special circumstances arise.

The blood-clothed monster was struck by thunder in the Ten Thousand Wood Formation while rushing back and forth, destroying the big tree at the base of the formation.

Every time he suffered a blow, he could destroy three to five formation trees.

The formation base trees at some locations were unlucky and were even destroyed several times.

Gradually, the blood-clothed monster realized something was wrong.

There is no sign of the other party activating mana at all!

So is it because the other party has some secret method to hide the fluctuations in mana, or is it due to other reasons?

With this doubt, the blood-clothed monster paid more attention when it destroyed the formation's base tree.

Gradually, he discovered that the formation base tree was stimulated and supported by the earth's energy.

This made the Xue Yi Mo Qi's face darken.

After thousands of years of fame, it was deceived by a child with a yellow mouth? !

When he thought of this, the blood-clothed monster suddenly felt endless anger in his heart.

The body swelled with blood and light.

The blood-clothed monster was shocked when he noticed it, and quickly suppressed it carefully.

It used its sinister body to practice the True Blood Transformation Demonic Sutra. Although it gained extremely powerful strength, when it only had 30,000 pots of mana, it devoured a monk with a cultivation level of 50,000 pots, thus establishing a vicious reputation. , but you should also be careful about being affected by your own emotions.

After all, it has no flesh and blood body, and its whole body is composed of yin energy and magic power. Emotions have a particularly great impact on itself.

A person who is accidentally affected by emotions may turn into a crazy and violent monster in a blink of an eye.

Soon Xu Fei discovered that the Blood Slaughter Demon turned into a ball of black smoke and stayed in the distance, enduring the thunder blows and no longer destroying the formation's base tree.

This surprised Xu Fei.

Did you find that the formation base tree is supported by the earth's energy?

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei decided to wait and see.

Although taking additional measures to attack the blood-slaying demon at this time might yield miraculous results, he could not guarantee whether this was a trap set by the other party.

Magic skills are strange.

It is still unclear if there are any changes with his attack that help the Blood Slaughter Demon to escape from the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

After half an hour, half of the blood-slaying demon's strength was wiped away, and then he restrained the black smoke and transformed into a human form again.

At this moment, a bolt of thunder struck down, hitting the door above his head.

Black smoke emitted from the whole body when it was chopped.

The Blood Demon Slayer frowned, but quickly calmed down.

Looking at Xu Fei again, there was neither sadness nor happiness in his eyes.

"Junior is quite cunning," said the Blood Demon Slaughter. Obviously, he was very concerned about Xu Fei's pretentiousness just now.

Then another bolt of lightning struck the Blood Slaughter Demon, causing the image of a master that the Blood Slaughter Demon deliberately wanted to create immediately dissipated.

As long as the Blood Slaughter Demon is still trapped by the Ten Thousand Wood Formation, it will have to face interference from the power of thunder and lightning or elemental magnetism.

Especially thunder and lightning.

Even if the blood-slaying demon's half-finished cultivation had been dispersed, it would be enough to kill all living beings within a hundred miles and become a desperate situation.

But under the cleansing of thunder and lightning, there was no trace of poison. (End of chapter)

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