Xu Fei looked at the Blood Slaughter Demon calmly and had no intention of talking to him.

After all, this demon has caused countless massacres.

Since he had the opportunity to kill him, Xu Fei wouldn't be polite.

So there is no point in talking nonsense.

Moreover, the other party will still speak even if he is struck by lightning, either because he wants to shake his heart with words, or because he has other motives.

Don't even bother with it.

The blood demon slayer frowned upon seeing this.

The reason why it spoke was simply to get some information out of Xu Fei.

Even if the other party uses words to deceive, you can still find useful information in them.

But unexpectedly, Xu Fei simply stopped talking to it.

This also makes the Blood Demon Slayer more cautious.

I guess in my heart that the formation trapping it at this moment may be very difficult to deal with.

After all, if there is no strong support, how can the other party dare to be so tough?

Thinking of this, the Blood Demon Slaughter looked down at the giant trees at the base of the formation.

In normal times, let alone these big trees of more than 300 feet, how could they take it seriously if they were spiritual treasure trees of more than 300 feet?

But now these big trees that were urged out to form the formation actually trapped it alive.

If this formation cannot be broken, then the Blood Demon Slayer can already foresee his own future.

It must be consumed to death.

However, the more dangerous it was, the calmer the blood demon slayer's mood became, and even a smile appeared on Xie Yi's face.

Because for situations like this, it’s very enjoyable!

Enjoying danger and bathing in death are the pleasures that blood-slaying demons use to replace eating and having sex after losing their bodies.

The next moment, the blood-slaying demon exploded.

It turned into streaks of blood and rushed towards the big trees that served as the base of the formation.

"哐~~~" "哐~~" "哐~~"

Big trees were destroyed by thousands of blood-slaying demons.

Although it was supported by earth energy and quickly swaggered and grew again, the efficiency of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation in attracting spiritual energy and earth energy was indeed greatly reduced.

Seeing lightning strike down in one breath, the gathering speed slowed down.

Two breaths together, three breaths together!

Even the thunder and lightning that shone brightly and was powerful just now was half as powerful.

In the blink of an eye, the Wanmu Formation was destroyed by the Blood Demon Killer, losing three or four points of its power.

With such strength, it is no wonder that this demon has been able to dominate for thousands of years and has not yet been killed.

But Xu Fei just turned the green sword in his hand.

I don't see any rush.

And as the green sword in Xu Fei's hand turned half a circle, the thunderclouds gathered by the Ten Thousand Wood Formation suddenly stopped.

Although the sky and the earth have not returned to clarity, the thunder has gradually died down.

This put a smile on the face of the blood slaying demon. Thousands of blood lights were divided into one place and flew away for more than ten miles in an instant, preparing to rush out of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

The power of this formation is not small, making it feel quite stressed.

It's just that as it leaves the 'center of the circle', the power of the elemental magnet gradually increases.

Until it was more than ten miles away from the edge of the Wanmu Formation, the Blood Demon Slaughter had to stop again.

Although it can continue to move forward, it may be 'crushed' by the power of metamagnetism.

After all, the Blood Slaughter Demon has no flesh and blood body, but is just a collection of Yin Qi and demonic Qi.

Therefore, the power of magnetism to restrain it is more powerful and intuitive than that of thunder and lightning.

Once it is 'crushed', although the Blood Demon Slayer will not die directly, the strength of the shattered clone will be greatly reduced.

When a thunder and lightning comes down, the clone whose strength has been greatly reduced may not be able to withstand it.

The situation is even more embarrassing.

Therefore, the Blood Demon Slayer had to return to the 'center of the circle' again.

Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes slightly.

This Ten Thousand Trees Lightning Formation is one of the results of his more than seven hundred years of intensive research.

Specially used to restrain evil cultivators and demonic cultivators.

If it was cracked like this, it can only be said that he was too perfunctory before and underestimated the sly and demonic cultivators.

After the Blood Demon Slaughter returned to the center of the circle, he looked at the formation base tree that was gradually growing below him, making up for the parts that were damaged by it, so that the power of the formation gradually increased and returned to the old view.

His face darkened.

Just now it divided into thousands of blood lights, consumed a lot of demonic energy, and even split two clones into pieces by lightning.

Half of his strength was used up in just a few moments.

It was more depleted than if it had been struck by lightning for half an hour.

But still can't break this formation.

It makes all its consumption useless.

Gradually, the destroyed formation tree recovered again with the support of earth energy.

The thunder energy slowly regrouped.

However, due to inheriting the previous thunderclouds, the thunder and lightning gathered half as fast as before.

In the blink of an eye, thunder and lightning crashed down again, slashing the blood and slaying the demon.

Seeing this, the Blood Demon Slaughter simply activated black smoke and demonic energy, which filled his body and hid his figure.

Let the thunder and lightning strike.

He looked like he was planning to spend time with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry and also sat cross-legged on the small shrimp boat to recover his mana.

In fact, if the Wanmu Formation hadn't gathered thunder energy, Xu Fei would never have dared to draw outside inspiration to restore his mana while the demon cultivator was by his side.

After all, if you are not careful, you will absorb spiritual ideas that have been contaminated by demonic cultivators.

Although it will not turn into a demon cultivator, having demonic energy in the body is still quite troublesome for the monks.

In short, this situation accounts for half of the difficulty of demon cultivators.

When monks fight against it, they need to be wary of spiritual energy contaminated by demonic energy and dare not restore their mana.

Fortunately, thunder and lightning are extremely sensitive to demonic energy and have a purifying effect.

In addition, Xu Fei was careful, so he didn't have to worry too much.

Although the Blood Demon Slaughter sent out a ball of black smoke and demonic energy to hide, he was also concerned about the situation outside.

After discovering that Xu Fei was drawing inspiration from the outside world to restore his mana, he was about to play tricks on him.

But don't wait until the inspiration it has contaminated is released.

"Crack~" a sound.

It was purified by the thunder energy transformed by the gathered spiritual energy of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

Thunder and lightning are the most sensitive to demonic energy.

In the presence of thunder and lightning, it is almost impossible to hide the demonic energy.

Xu Fei, who was recovering his mana, found out. He opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the Blood Demon Slayer, then closed his eyes again.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

The sun sets.

Yang Qi converges and Yin Qi rises.

The blood-slaying demon located in the demonic sphere opened his eyes.

The reason why it looked like it was competing with Xu Fei was because it was waiting for this moment!

At night, as a Yin Vein Cultivator, its strength increases by 30%!

So it is waiting for night, and what is the yellow-mouthed child opposite waiting for?

The Blood Demon Slaughter grinned, revealing his pale white teeth.

Then he closed his eyes again.

Now is not the time.

Although the sun is setting now and the Yang Qi has converged, there are still some remnants after all.

Therefore, as a crafty cultivator, its strength has not reached its strongest yet.

When midnight comes, it will let the other person know what cruelty is!

"Senior, this demon is a strange demon, and its strength will increase at night." Zhai Ping on the side said with a worried look on his face.

After all, there were faint signs of breaking the formation when the Blood Slaughter Demon attacked the formation several times before.

At night it becomes stronger and may be more difficult to subdue. (End of chapter)

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