When he saw the whole house being wiped out, Zhai Ping's mind buzzed.

After all, although he suffered a sneak attack from the demonic cultivators, Zhai Ping did not think that Wu Xumen would suffer any major damage.

There is a large mountain gate formation for protection, and there are also senior uncles and senior brothers staying to guard the sect.

Presumably we should be able to wait until he calls for rescue.

But the final result was that there was no longer a living person in Wuxumen.

Zhai Ping wanted to cry but had no tears.

But now that he saw the hope of revenge, Zhai Ping finally shed tears.

Xu Fei held a green sword and looked down at the blood-slaying demon trapped in the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

The Thunder Magnetic Element Method was successfully activated and blocked the Blood Slaughter Demon, which undoubtedly proved that the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation he created had withstood the test.

As the concentration of the Thunder Magnetic Elemental Method in the formation gradually increased, the demonic energy of the Blood Demon Slaughter continued to be consumed.

The blood demon slayer can only continuously stimulate the demonic energy to provide protection for itself.

Caught in a constant state of moderate intensity consumption.

This result is also in line with Xu Fei's previous assumptions.

It can be said that Wanmu Formation almost perfectly achieved all of Xu Fei's goals.

And as time passed, the intensity of the Thunder Magnetic Element Method continued to increase.

The consumption of blood-slaying demons will also increase.

Time passed moment by moment, and in a blink of an eye, it was the end of the second hour, and it was about to be the ugly hour.

At this time, the intensity of the Thunder Magnetic Element Technique in the Ten Thousand Wood Formation also reached its strongest point.

Xu Fei had to postpone the gathering of heaven and earth's inspiration and earth energy to avoid damaging the foundation of Wanmu Formation.

On the contrary, the formation collapsed without any attack.

After all, the Thunder Magnetic Element Technique is quite powerful. Even if Xu Fei pays attention, he still cannot avoid their influence on the formation tree.

The Blood Demon Slaughterer, who had been repeatedly drained of his demonic energy by the Thunder Magnetic Elemental Technique, finally couldn't bear it anymore under the pressure of such a powerful and restrained Thunder Magnetic Elemental Technique. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped the door of his head, spitting out a large amount of blood essence and replenishing his blood. Get into the demonic energy that protects you.

To resist the wear and tear of the Thunder Magnetic Element Method.

It feels like a mouse falling into a frying pan.

And this is when the fire at the bottom of the pot is the hottest.

It's just that its cultivation level is obviously higher than that of its opponent, and as a deceitful demon cultivator, it possesses all kinds of strange magic skills and tricks. As long as it can get out, the opponent can only flee.

But because he was trapped by this disgusting formation, his demonic energy was constantly being consumed.

The blood-slayer demon's mood became more and more irritable and violent.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore and decided to fight to the death!

The blood-slaying demon exploded and then regrouped with a blood-colored glass bead the size of an egg as the core.

He became a bloody man more than ten feet tall!

Now there is flesh and blood as a support.

The consumption effect of Thunder Magnetic Elemental Method on Blood Demon Slayer has been reduced by more than half.

"Roar!!!" After the Blood Slaughter Demon manifested its true form of flesh and blood, it raised its head and roared loudly at the sky.

More than a hundred large formation trees that were closer to it collapsed directly.

The next moment, the Blood Demon Slaughter rushed towards the edge of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

Plan to leave Wanmu Formation first.

Although his blood demon true form is very powerful, it cannot withstand the constant consumption of the Thunder Magnetic Elemental Technique.

One step leads to a hundred feet.

Two miles in three steps.

In the blink of an eye, the blood demon's true form rushed out of the Wanmu Thunder Formation for more than thirty miles.

It was more than a hundred feet farther than the farthest distance it had ever reached before.

It's just that at this moment, the blood demon's true body is filled with lightning.

Flesh and blood explode!

However, these are not the flesh and blood of the Blood Demon Slayer, but the flesh and blood of many disciples, relatives and friends of the Wu Xu Sect.

The blood-slaughtered demon absorbed it into the demonic supreme treasure, the Blood God Bead, which it refined.

Now it is used to activate the magic power: Blood Demon True Body.

"Roar~~" The real body of the Blood Demon roared in pain again.

When it was in its original form as a blood-slaying demon, it had already chosen to retreat.

But after manifesting the true form of the Blood Demon, the Blood Demon didn't intend to withdraw.

Because this blood demon's true form is already its strongest means, if it cannot break out of the formation, it means that it will be consumed by the formation.

So even though he was wrapped in the Thunder Magnetic Element, squeezed with infinite force, and even his body was attacked by the Thunder Magnetic Element, the Blood Demon's real body took another step forward.

Seeing that the blood-slaying demon was about to escape, Zhai Ping and the five disciples of the Five Xu Sect were dumbfounded.

Many disciples chose to turn around and run away.

In a blink of an eye, only Zhai Ping and a few people were left in the field.

Zhai Ping hurriedly came to Xu Fei's side.

"Senior, is there anything we can do?" Zhai Ping said.

Escape and survive.

But if he escapes, how will the blood feud of millions of Gosumen be avenged? !

When Xu Fei heard this, he turned to look at Zhai Ping.

His expression remained calm.

This made Zhai Ping stunned, and an incredible idea came to his mind.

That means seniors still have ways to deal with it!

"Fellow Taoist, just watch quietly." Xu Fei said calmly.

"Yes." Zhai Ping said trying to calm down.

Then return to your fellow disciples.

Xu Fei's expression did not change at all as he watched the Blood Demon Demon's true form manifest.

After all, the Ten Thousand Wood Formation was carefully created by him to fight against the evil cultivators and evil cultivators.

It can even be regarded as one of his current methods to keep the bottom of the box.

How could it be broken so easily.

The real body of the Blood Demon walked step by step towards the outside of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

Although slow, the steps are firm.

One step, two steps.

In the end, the Blood Demon's true form was less than two miles away from the Wanmu Formation.

Looking at the way to survive so close at hand, the parts of the Blood Demon's true form seemed to be smiling.

Then take another step forward.

What surprised the Blood Demon's true form was that its step was like a mortal kicking a stone wall.

Then the Blood Demon's real body realized belatedly that the thunder and magnetic elemental method that originally entangled it had disappeared.

The blood demon's true form was full of surprise, and he stretched out his hand to touch in front of him.

Finally, it discovered that there was an invisible wall in front of it.

The power of Yuan Magnetic harmonizes the earth's energy and combines with the power of earth elements to form the Earth Magnetic Yuan Method.

It is not like the thunder magnetic element method, which has extremely powerful killing and consumption.

But the only advantage is its sturdiness.

The next moment, the soil magnet element method began to shrink.

The Blood Demon's true form had to retreat backwards.


The real body of the Blood Demon let out an angry roar, and kept slapping his hands towards the barrier formed by the Earth's Magnetic Elemental Method.

But it is a pity that the earth magnetic elemental method does not move at all.

The magic power of the earth element is the strongest, and after being fused with the power of Yuan Magnetic, it is so solid that almost nothing can break it.

Even Mu Dao, who restrains earth magic, will not have very good results after being affected by the power of Yuan Magnetism.

In the end, the Blood Demon's true body was squeezed by the Earth Magnetic Elemental Law and could only stand in a narrow area of ​​less than two feet.

And this area is gradually shrinking.

Gradually, the huge body of the Blood Demon's true body could no longer maintain its strength and collapsed into flesh and blood.

Once these flesh and blood have experienced demonic energy and fall into the outside world, they will become extremely poisonous and evil.

It is even possible for the Blood Slayer Demon to escape with the help of these flesh and blood.

However, these decomposed flesh and blood were purified by the thunder energy formed from the power of Yuan Magnet, and did not cause any pollution.

The Ten Thousand Wood Array has almost all the functions of siege, purification, consumption, etc. (End of chapter)

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