As a means specially created by Xu Fei to restrain the evil cultivators and evil cultivators.

Although the Wanmu Thunder Formation is simple, it can trigger various changes after Xu Fei cooperates.

The Thunder Magnetic Element Method is still one of the original functions of the Ten Thousand Wood Formation itself, but the Earth Magnetic Element Method can only be activated by Xu Fei.

However, the mana consumption is not very serious.

With just over 10,000 pots of mana, it is enough to sustain the Earth Magnet Elemental Method for one night at its current intensity.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei began to recover his mana despite the big demon Blood Slaughter Demon being by his side.

After all, if you encounter a demonic cultivator, it is best not to draw inspiration from the outside world to restore your own mana. This is one of the common sense in dealing with demonic cultivators.

Fortunately, there were no problems after Xu Fei recovered his mana due to thunder energy purification.

The real body of the blood demon, which was more than ten feet tall, was squeezed and shattered by the earth magnetic elemental method.

However, the blood-slaying demon still refused to give up and was refined, constantly urging other demonic powers to resist.

Just with the slow squeezing of the earth magnetic element method.

In the end, the Blood Demon Slayer could only shrink, shrink, and shrink again unwillingly.

In the end, there was only an egg-sized blood-colored translucent glass bead that exuded blood and demonic aura.

Xu Fei looked at the glass bead, thoughtfully in his heart.

The thing in front of you may be one of the most precious treasures of the blood demon cultivator, the 'Blood God Bead'.

This bead is obtained by destroying the monk's flesh, blood, magical power, and soul through demonic power.

The interior is vast enough to accommodate mountains and seas.

It can even be used to store flesh, mana, soul, etc. that cannot be swallowed up by demonic cultivators.

At the same time, it is also the most difficult magical weapon for blood magic cultivators.

After all, if one is accidentally caught in this bead, even if it is not as inevitable as falling into the Ten Thousand Wood Formation, there will be no way to escape.

But there is no spiritual power in the blood god bead, and all that can be seen is flesh, mana, and soul contaminated by the evil spirit.

It doesn't take long at all. No matter how steadfast the Taoist heart is, the monk will either kill himself, be assimilated into the demonic energy, flesh and blood, or degenerate into a demonic cultivator.

There are almost no exceptions.

Even Xu Fei thought that if he were to receive the Blood God Pearl in front of him, he would only have a 60-70% chance of escaping.

From this we can see how domineering this thing is.

It's no wonder that when Xu Fei opened the formation before, Blood Slaughter Demon didn't pay much attention to it at first.

After all, it has been around for countless years and has encountered countless high-ranking people.

Facing a penniless guy like Xu Fei, it is inevitable to be arrogant.

Therefore, Xu Fei's ability to deal with the blood-slaying demon so easily now has something to do with his initial contempt.

And with the appearance of the Blood God Bead to ward off disasters for the Blood Demon Slayer, the pressure of the Earth Magnetic Elemental Technique is less effective.

After all, this Blood God Bead is under the control of the Blood Demon Slaughter, and is protected by blood energy and demonic energy, so it can hardly be oppressed.

Simply put, the force-bearing area is too small.

Even if the earth magnetic element method has a pressure that is heavier than that of a mountain, it will not be very effective on such a small bead.

Of course, it was impossible for the Blood Slaughter Demon to control the Blood God Pearl to escape from the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

After all, although the pressure of the Earth Magnetic Elemental Method cannot have a very good effect on the Blood God Bead, its solidity and stability cannot be broken through by the Blood God Bead.

Faced with the irresistible earth magnetic elemental method, the blood-slaying demon fell silent.

Xu Fei didn't push too much.

Manipulating the Earth Magnetic Elemental Technique is quite labor-intensive.

If you are eager for success and want to refine this demon, it is possible that the opponent will find an opportunity to escape from the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

So it’s better to take it slow and steady.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not activate any more spells.

And time passed slowly.

Gradually, the sky becomes white.

Its daybreak.

Xu Fei saw the change in his gestures and waved the green sword in his hand.

The earth magnetic elemental method quietly receded.

Being able to integrate the power of magnetic energy with thunder energy and earth magic, and using thunder magnetic energy and earth magnetic energy, is also related to the earth energy that is not contaminated with Yang energy at night.

If it were daytime, it would still be a bit difficult for Xu Fei to use the Thunder Magnetic Element Method and the Earth Magnetic Element Method even with the help of formations.

Feel the external pressure dissipate.

The Blood Demon Slayer transforms from demonic and bloody energy into his true form.

A young man wearing bloody clothes and a strange face.

It glanced at Xu Fei, then looked at the sun rising slowly on the horizon.

He guessed in his mind that the magical spells such as the Thunder Magnetic Elemental Method activated by Xu Fei might only be used at night.

And this also made a flash of enlightenment flash in the blood-slaying demon's heart.

If it wants to escape from this formation, I'm afraid it can only catch the opponent's inability to use those powerful spells such as the Thunder Magnetic Element Technique during the day.

Thinking of this, the Blood Demon Slaughter transformed into the Blood Demon's true form again.

The real body of the more than ten feet tall Blood Demon appeared again.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he saw this, but made no extra moves.

Seeing Xu Fei's contempt for it, the Blood Demon's true form roared loudly again, and then suddenly rushed towards the edge of the formation.

It's a pity that it's daytime now, and without the blood demon's true form enhanced by night, he had to stop halfway.

And with the huge size of the Blood Demon's true body, it would take a lot of energy to resist the pressure of just the level of Yuanmai force.

The Blood Demon's true form had to retreat to the 'polka dot'.

Such a result made the Blood Slaughter Demon very depressed.

Turn around and continue destroying the formation base tree.

In this regard, Xu Fei just activated the power of Yuan Magnetic and dispersed it into the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

From the inside to the outside, from weak to strong.

As soon as the Blood Demon's true form destroyed hundreds of formation-based trees, its actions were affected by the power of Yuan Magnetism, and the destruction efficiency was inevitably greatly reduced.

Often, before it can destroy the second formation base tree, the previous destroyed formation base tree has already swaggered and grown again.

All the actions of the Blood Demon Real Body were in vain.

Although the Ten Thousand Wood Formation does not have the power to directly kill the Blood Slayer Demon.

But it can also trap the crafty cultivators and demonic cultivators tightly in the formation, preventing them from escaping.

A moment of destruction.

The blood demon's true form finally dispersed again.

After more than half an hour of madness, the Blood Demon Slaughter consumed more than 30% of his demonic energy.

After the blood-slaying demons stopped destroying, the Ten Thousand Wood Formation began to change on its own, and began to convert most of the gathered spiritual energy into thunder energy.

The thunderclouds gathered again and bombarded the blood-slaying demon.

Thunder fell one after another.

Although the method of consuming blood and slaying demons with thunder and lightning is used again and again, it seems somewhat cliched and not as beautiful and changeable as the transformation of fire and metal methods. However, the more functions the formation has, the higher the requirements for the formation eyes and formation base. The higher.

The easier it is to be broken.

And although the lightning strikes is not new, the effect is good.

Just a bolt of thunder and lightning was enough to cause a lot of black demonic energy to spread out from the body of this blood-slaying demon whose cultivation level was much higher than that of Xu Fei.

A lot of magic power was consumed.

Therefore, as a formation specially used to restrain the evil cultivators and evil cultivators, the Ten Thousand Wood Formation using only thunder energy is almost the most suitable and cost-effective.

As a strange demon, the Blood Slaughter Demon cannot break through the Ten Thousand Wood Formation even when its strength surges at night.

During the day, the strength is reduced, and it becomes more difficult to escape from the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

This situation made the few remaining disciples of Zhai Ping and Wu Xumen who were watching excited.

The sect's great revenge can be avenged. (End of chapter)

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