After all, refining this green spirit jade is not difficult, so in order to make Elder Zhou's 50,000 spirit stone labor fee not appear to be such a big mistake, Xu Fei has to think a little more.

Qing Ling Jade can be sorted out and refined using different jade materials, and its effects will be different.

Refined using jade materials such as cold jade, the resulting green jade will have miraculous properties in calming the mind and determining its quality.

Using jade materials such as warm jade for refining, the spiritual intelligence can be sorted out more peacefully, and the monks can save a little effort when absorbing and refining it, which sounds ordinary. But in fact, it can increase the monk's cultivation speed by countless amounts.

The use of other types of jade materials such as jasper and gold jade also has its own magical effects.

The other thing is the styling aspect.

The shapes of mythical beasts and strange beasts here are quite wonderful.

By using the dragon and phoenix shapes in spells, you can borrow part of the power of dragons and phoenixes.

The power of the spell is greatly increased.

If the mastery of the spell is profound enough, even if the same mana is used to activate it, the power of the form-borrowing spell can be doubled or even more.

Switching to statues, statues, etc., there are also some effects.

In other words, if Xu Fei only refined the Qing Ling Jade in the original image of the jade material this time, although the effect would be impressive due to Xu Fei's superb weapon refining skills, if it were carved into the shape of dragon, phoenix, unicorn and other mythical beasts, The image can make the effect of the Qing Ling Jade that is about to be refined even better.

However, you also need to pay attention to this. Because of the carving image, the material should not be cut too much.

After all, the amount of jade material used to refine Qingling Jade will also have an impact on the effect of the finished Qingling Jade.

Therefore, Xu Fei had to use the fist-sized piece of warm jade prepared by Elder Zhou to create a suitable shape, and he could not cut too much jade material just because of the shape.

The scale still requires some thought.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei simply went to Patriarch Youwei, asked some questions, and then found some ordinary jade materials to practice.

On the fifth day, Xu Fei finally started refining.

Jade materials are classified by color, including green jade, white jade, sapphire, black jade, etc.

According to the classification of jade material, there are roughly warm jade, cold jade, jasper, gold jade, etc.

Therefore, the piece of warm jade prepared by Elder Zhou does not refer to a specific type of jade material, but a type of jade material with a warm and moist nature.

This also made Xu Fei very careful when refining.

After all, this piece of warm jade is of high quality and expensive.

Fortunately, after half a day's work, Xu Fei refined a vivid Qingling Jade that looked like a unicorn.

The blue spirit jade that used to be the size of a fist is now a base about half an inch thick at the bottom, and above it is a carving of a unicorn about two inches high, green and white in color.

The little unicorn stood on the pedestal, looking up into the distance.

Quite a bit mighty.

Without Xu Fei's urging, the Qilin Qingling Jade began to regulate the surrounding spirits.

Calm down the dryness and confusion of various ideas.

And if you use the Qilin Qingling Jade as the hub to arrange the formation.

The scope of the impact will be larger.

It is enough to be called an heirloom treasure.

After refining the Qing Ling Jade, Xu Fei checked it again and found no problems.

Send the Qingling Jade to Elder Zhou.

Seeing the Qing Ling Jade refined by Xu Fei, Elder Zhou was filled with joy and couldn't put it down.

With this baby, the future of the children in the family will be smoother!

The elixir is gone after you take it, but the Qing Ling Jade with good effect can be passed down forever.

Children and grandchildren will benefit from it endlessly.

"Thank you very much, Elder Xu, thank you very much." Elder Zhou thanked him repeatedly.

The other party not only refined the Qing Ling Jade well, but also enhanced its shape.

The effect was a bit better than he expected.

How this made him unhappy.

Xu Fei smiled modestly.

"As long as Elder Zhou is satisfied," Xu Fei said.

After refining the magic weapon, Elder Zhou proposed to treat Xu Fei to a banquet as a thank you.

Xu Fei agreed after thinking about it.

In the evening, Xu Fei took his 1533rd son Xu Mingyan, who took over the management of secular affairs from the 1463rd son Xu Mingli, who was over sixty years old, to the appointment.

Xu Mingyan is not a monk. He is thirty years old and can probably manage the family affairs for more than thirty years.

But for Xu Fei, this little time may be just a retreat.

Compared with ordinary people, monks no matter how weak their cultivation is.

But in terms of lifespan, it is also beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Had a banquet.

The father and son strolled home.

Xu Mingyan has a short beard, wears brocade clothes, and is quite dignified.

On the contrary, the appearance of Xu Fei 20 Xu next to him, dressed in gray robes, looked more like a follower.

"Dad, Brother Mingli wants to leave Fairy City." Xu Mingyan said after thinking for a moment.

From the age of twenty-two, Xu Mingli followed his other brother to learn to manage the Xu family's household affairs. Until he resigned a few years ago, he had been busy with the Xu family for forty years.

Xu Fei stopped when he heard this, and nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay." Agreed.

Xu Mingli has three sons and three daughters, 29 grandchildren, and currently only three great-grandchildren.

But with so many children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren put together, there is not even a single innate Taoist root.

Therefore, Xu Mingli planned to live elsewhere in Linglong Immortal Sect.

At that time, with the savings over the years, I can buy a house and land, so that my children and grandchildren can have a relaxed living environment.

After all, Xu Fei's care only extends to his children and will not extend to his grandchildren, let alone great-grandchildren.

After agreeing, Xu Fei's expression turned out to be somewhat melancholy.

Because of this difference, he, as a father, and his son, Mingli, may never see each other.

Even if he thinks about it and goes to visit, how many times can he do it?

In the past, when the Xu family didn't have much property, Xu Fei could still arrange some property for his children.

But now, after seven hundred years of vicissitudes, the Xu family's industry has almost reached a limit.

Even Xu Fei could only support some gold and silver spiritual stones when his children separated and left.

The next day.

Xu Fei came to Xu Mingli.

This son, who was handsome and elegant when he was young, and who was graceful and dignified after he became an emperor, has grown old.

Most of his hair has turned gray, and even though he is still in good spirits, he still has some twilight.

"Greetings to father." Xu Mingli bowed and said.

"No need, no need." Xu Fei said.

Then he came to the living room and sat down.

Xu Mingli sat down carefully on one side. Even though he was about to leave Immortal City, he still respected Xu Fei as his father.

"I heard Mingyan say you plan to leave Immortal City?" Xu Fei said.

"Yes, it is not easy to live in the fairy city, and there are no monks among my son's descendants, so I am going to the Chengji Inn in the Orange Territory." Xu Mingli said.

Hearing his son's plan, Xu Fei nodded.

There is a branch left by his eldest son Zhang Xian in the Chengji Inn in Chengyu.

With his support, he opened an alchemy shop and a qi shop.

The situation is pretty good, and some care can be taken.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei took out a jade box and handed it to his son Xu Mingli.

"I won't send you off then." Xu Fei said.

"Thank you, father. You are busy and hardworking, so I don't dare bother you with these little things." Xu Mingli said after carefully taking the jade box. (End of chapter)

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