Xu Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard a hint of resentment in his son's sensible words.

As the ancestor of the Xu family, he was not qualified.

After all, Xu Fei didn't provide much help to his descendants.

Even though there were many monks among the descendants of the Xu family, Xu Fei did not provide spiritual stones, magic weapons, pills, or guidance on practice like the ancestors of other families.

Not much love and care.

Just focus on your own practice.

Xu Mingli looked at his father's wry smile and couldn't help but regret what he had just said.

After all, he was already so old, and he knew in his heart that his father had already done what a father and ancestor could do.

Any more requirements would undoubtedly be harsh.

It's just that... my father is already the top performer in the Immortal Sect!

If you want to make arrangements for the descendants of the Xu family.

Then almost every descendant can have a good life.

There is no need for him, an old man in his sixties, to leave his hometown.

In addition, when the children divide the family and have separate families, although the father will give a lot of property, as Xu Mingli knows, many of the brothers and sisters who have used up the property from the separation will live in poverty. .

"Father, I..." Xu Mingxiang wanted to say something more, but his words stalled for a moment.

Xu Fei chuckled and signaled Xu Mingli not to say anything further.

He naturally understands his son's thoughts.

This is like the son of a trillionaire, but because he cannot afford the consumption in big cities, he has to leave the big cities and go to make a living elsewhere.

Pretty much the same truth.

As a 'trillionaire', Xu Fei can make good arrangements for the children of the Xu family if his fingers are loosened.

Even as long as Xu Fei relaxes his restraints on his descendants, the descendants of the Xu family will not have to work so hard.

After all, apart from Chuanjie Hall's strict management of Immortal City, other places under its control are not so stuck.

If you go a little bit out of line, no one will care.

Just to what extent will the descendants of the Xu family degenerate after loosening their restraints?

And how to arrange it for future generations is also an unsolvable proposition.

In previous lives, the founding kings of all dynasties could not give their descendants a proper arrangement.

Even though Xu Fei, as a monk, has a long lifespan and great strength, he does not have any amazing ingenuity that can solve this eternal problem.

Therefore, we can only make some restrictions to prevent widespread corruption among future generations.

Manpower is sometimes poor. Even if he has good cultivation, Xu Fei is still not out of the category of human beings.

As for some descendants, they feel resentful and feel that since they can't help them live a good life, why did they give birth to them?

If he had such thoughts, then why would Xu Fei bother to care about them?

If you give life to your children and help them survive the period when they cannot survive independently, then you have fulfilled your basic responsibilities as a parent.

Parents who love their children will do more.

Pay attention to children's growth, children's marriage, children's birth, etc.

But that is already an additional responsibility on top of the basic responsibilities.

And whether the children of monks or ordinary children, Xu Fei will provide them with a good environment to learn and grow.

But when it comes to children, Xu Fei will no longer be of any help.

After all, Xu Fei has so many grandchildren that it is really impossible to take care of them all.

If he had to shoulder this responsibility, Xu Fei would have a heavy burden and delay his own cultivation.

The separation from her son Xu Mingli was not pleasant.

After chatting for a few words, Xu Fei left.

Xu Mingli was not in a good mood as he sent his father away.

Although he had many expectations about the separation from his father, what happened now was undoubtedly worse.

After seeing his father off, Xu Mingli returned to the living room and opened the jade box given by his father just now.

Half of the jade box contains medium-grade spiritual stones, worth about a thousand spiritual stones.

The other half contains many elixirs for detoxification, healing, and disease.

Looking at the booklet beside him, his father wrote down the usage and purpose of these elixirs.

Xu Mingli finally couldn't help but shed tears.

Xu Fei left his son Xu Mingli's residence and returned home.

After some mediation, my depressed mood eased a lot.

After all, after more than sixty years together, Xu Fei still loves his young son quite a bit.

A few days later.

Xu Mingli and his family left by boat.

In the distance, Xu Mingli seemed to see his father's figure.


Time is like running water.

In the blink of an eye, it’s another forty years.

Xu Fei closed the book and walked out of the library in the main hall of Yangwu Taoist Hall.

Thanks to the previous seven hundred years of hard training, and the collection of humane fine works in the main hall, there are not many collections of earthly and wonderful series.

Xu Fei looked through all the collections here again.

However, although it took much less time than the previous seven hundred years, the improvement in strength this time was extremely effective.

Xu Fei felt that compared with the past, his strength had increased by at least 50%!

And if you add the forty years of practice and the refining of more than fifty Baixi Baoxing Pills, you will gain more than 10,000 pots of mana.

So now he has 80,000 pots of mana, which may be twice as powerful as he was forty years ago.

Of course, these are just Xu Fei's own estimates after all, and they may not be accurate.

When he walked out of the library, Xu Fei looked at the falling snowflakes in the sky.

The mood is peaceful.

"Elder Xu, please use an umbrella." A deacon from the main hall said diligently.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and rejected the other party's kindness.

"Walking in the snow is also a beautiful thing." Xu Fei said.

"Hehe, we don't have Elder Xu's elegance." Deacon said with a smile.

Xu Fei nodded and did not run away. He walked slowly towards his home.

Back home, Yingwei asked her servants to bring clean clothes.

Wait for Xu Fei to change into clothes covered with snowflakes.

"Why are you so cheerful today?" Yingwei said.

"I've seen both the Humanity and Dimiao collections in the main hall," Xu Fei said.

Yingwei looked happy when she heard this.

Over the years, Xu Fei has spent a lot of time in the library every day.

Now that I have finally finished reading it, I will surely be able to spend time with these wives and concubines in the future.

"How about we go boating tomorrow?" Xu Fei said with great interest.

Although the monks flew into the sky and escaped from the earth, rowing was undoubtedly an elegant thing.

Especially the women and some underage children were invited to have a leisurely time on the water together and have a lot of fun.

Elegant and happy.

After hearing Xu Fei's arrangement, Yingwei was naturally quite supportive.

Although it has been snowing heavily these past few days, when you go boating at this time, you will see the white snow, the sky and the earth pink and jade, and a different scenery.

And you can also rent those boats that are equipped with isolation formations, so you can enjoy the scenery without worrying about the cold.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements?" Yingwei said.

"Well, prepare some meat and vegetables, and I will cook a barbecue for you tomorrow." Xu Fei said.

Although there are many types of noodles that can be eaten when the family is out, barbecue is undoubtedly a lively and delicious choice.

Especially the barbecue grilled by Xu Fei's masterful hands.

That makes me drool just thinking about it.

Even Yingwei's eyes lit up.

"Okay!" Yingwei agreed quickly. (End of chapter)

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