It was about 1 o'clock in the morning the next day.

Xu Fei took the lead, and the family left home in a lively manner.

Then he came to the place that he had agreed with Uncle Beauty and met Uncle Beauty and Mo Shuang.

Xu Fei drove the shrimp skin boat and carried everyone to Xiaoqing Lake, which was more than a hundred miles away.

There is a line of ground fire underneath the lake. Although it is not enough to turn the lake into a hot spring, it can still prevent it from freezing in winter.

The snowflakes falling into the lake are scattered one after another and slowly melting.

Paired with the surrounding mountains and forests covered with snow, the scenery is truly impressive.

Therefore, there are not many people visiting Xiaoqing Lake.

"Elder Xu, knowing that you were coming, I quickly left our largest and best boat." A shipowner wearing a red festive cotton jacket trotted over after seeing Xu Fei's family.

Renting out painted boats on Xiaoqing Lake has already become a business.

Xu Fei looked at the boat behind him that was seven to eight feet wide and more than twenty feet long. It had a maroon appearance and looked like a painting boat in a loft on the water. He nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, thank you." Xu Fei said.

The captain's smile became even brighter when he heard Xu Fei's thanks.

The business of renting boats on Xiaoqing Lake is run by his family.

Usually I only use the following stewardship to deal with it.

But when he learned that Elder Xu wanted to rent a boat for a trip, he got up early today.

I didn't even eat breakfast, so I came over to wait.

I was afraid that I would miss this opportunity to show my face in front of Elder Xu.

"Then I wonder if Elder Xu can let the guys from our boat shop sail the boat to serve him?" the boat owner asked again.

"No, I can do it myself." Xu Fei said.

After all, it’s a family outing and fun.

It is inevitably inconvenient to have outsiders present.

"Yes, yes, please." The shipowner didn't dare to disturb him anymore and quickly stepped aside.

Xu Fei nodded his thanks, waited for the whole family to get on the boat, bowed to the owner, and then used his magic power to push the boat towards the lake.

The speed is not fast, like a pedestrian walking slowly.

After all, we are out to play, so naturally we should do whatever makes us feel comfortable.

After entering the boat, the daughters came to the window one after another and admired the beautiful scenery in front of them.

There are no glass or other barriers on the windows.

Instead, a formation is used to isolate only the cold air and does not block the snowflakes or prevent people from stretching out their hands to feel the cold outside the window.

There were a few naughty children who actually reached out to catch the snowflakes.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he saw this, and without stopping, he took out various barbecue items from the storage bag where the meat and vegetables were stored.

Be prepared to cook for a while.

When they saw Xu Fei preparing to cook, several younger children ran over.

Naturally, they knew that their father's cooking skills were very superb.

The meals are delicious and delicious.

The beautiful uncle chatted about trivial matters with Yingwei, Ye Yuanmei and Xu Fei's wives and concubines.

Not long after, Huafang came to a place with a beautiful scenery.

There is a pavilion on the mountain in the distance.

It was originally a good place to play.

Now looking into the distance in the snow, it feels even more leisurely and quiet.

The mood that makes people fluctuate can't help but calm down.

On the boat, Xu Fei's naughty children chased and disturbed him.

The Wenjing daughters were sitting by the window, admiring the beautiful scenery of the lake, mountains and forests, while whispering about interesting things.

Xu Fei felt complicated after seeing it, and felt a little guilty.

After all, in the past few hundred years, although Xu Fei would occasionally hold some family banquets to make things lively, because he was immersed in studying the various collections of Yangwu Taoist Hall and only focused on cultivation, he and his wife, concubines and children lost a lot of family happiness.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei did not forcefully get involved with his daughter and sons.

"Master, do you need help?" Xiao Jingping realized that Xu Fei was the only one here, so he came over.

The small vinegar bottle is born with Taoist roots.

He joined the Immortal Sect at the age of seven. Four months later, he refined a pot of magic power and became a disciple of the Immortal Sect.

Truly a genius.

The Taoist mind is also quite firm and he has been practicing continuously.

By the time he was three hundred years old, his magic power had reached more than four thousand pots.

Although it is nothing compared to the sixty-one peak masters of the Immortal Sect, as well as other elders and other high-level masters, for ordinary monks, it is enough to make people enviable.

Besides, the little vinegar bottle looks pretty good.

Her eyebrows are delicate and her temperament is elegant, just like a white jasmine.

It was also that day that Xu Fei happened to see a small vinegar bottle holding a white umbrella and playing with his companions in the mountains.

Move involuntarily.

Then, regardless of whether it was abrupt or not, he went up and asked her name.

Then someone came to ask about the marriage.

Facing the marriage proposal from Xu Fei, the elder of Tianqi Peak.

Although the little vinegar bottle hesitated a lot, he finally agreed.

And most of Xu Fei's many concubines actually came from this way.

However, not all the women who were attracted by Xu Fei agreed to his proposal of marriage, almost half agreed and half refused.

"Put the charcoal on the fire." The memory flashed by, and Xu Fei chuckled when he saw the little vinegar bottle coming to help.

The little vinegar bottle nodded after hearing this and packed up the barbecue skillfully.

Stir up a flame and ignite the charcoal in the stove.

With the help of a small vinegar bottle, Xu Fei started to take action.

Seeing how busy this place was, several women stopped watching and came to help.

After all, it’s not easy for one or two people to prepare meals for more than a hundred people.

Although Xu Fei can use his magic power to barbecue and prepare dishes like juggling, it is not suitable after all.

With the help of several other concubines.

The barbecue will be ready soon.

The whole boat is filled with fragrance.

Let the children cast their expectant eyes one after another.

This also made Xu Fei satisfied that he had mastered his cooking skills.

With this hand, it is not difficult to get closer to the greedy children.

Platters of grilled meats, vegetables, etc. are served on the table.

"Thank you, Dad." The children said in unison.

"Eat it." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Xu Fei usually didn't show much love to these little guys, which made Xu Fei feel quite indebted.

After all, they are still young and it is the time when they need care and care.

Everyone was having a lively meal, and Xu Fei was busy and happy.

Then Xu Fei unexpectedly noticed someone falling on the bow of the ship.

After sensing someone coming for a moment, he was even more surprised.

After wiping his hands, Xu Fei went out.

"Old Peak Master." Xu Fei bowed his hands to the visitor.

The person who came was none other than Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, one of the three peak masters of the Du Clan in the Blue Domain.

"Haha, you smell the fragrance from so far away, don't you mind if the old man stutters?" Du Yanhui said with a smile.

"Old Peak Master is a rare visitor, please hurry up and invite me." Xu Fei said.

Du Yanhui smiled again and entered the boat with Xu Fei.

The old peak master did not go to get together with Xu Fei's wife, concubines and children.

I found a place to sit alone.

Yingwei quickly brought drinks, barbecued meat and vegetables, etc.

"Thank you." Peak Master Du nodded and saluted.

If she were not Xu Fei's wife, a female cultivator with average cultivation like Yingwei, Master Du Laofeng would not need to pay any attention to her.

Xu Fei was busy for a while and then came to sit down next to Peak Master Du.

I took out a few jars of home-brewed wine and ate and drank with Master Du Lao. (End of chapter)

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