Xu Fei has been practicing for hundreds of years and rarely encounters danger.

But that doesn't mean there aren't dangers here.

There are vicious demon clans, cruel demonic cultivators, weird and cunning cultivators, and so on.

Not to mention some cultivators who, for the sake of their own cultivation, abandon their humanity and morality and rob and kill.

All kinds of trouble.

This is also the fundamental reason why Xu Fei almost never went out when his cultivation level was low.

After all, the previous episode was just to accompany Yingwei back to her parents' home, and she encountered a monster as difficult as the Blood Slaughter Demon.

Although some of this was due to Xu Fei's "active" provocation, it could also be seen that it was not safe here.

And Du Ziteng's cultivation level was already quite good.

He has a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots, and he was born in the Du family with an extraordinary family background.

But if you say you are being robbed, you are being robbed.

So even if Xu Fei's magic power is acceptable today, he will be stronger after combining various skills.

But still remain cautious.

It took almost more than a moment to follow Peak Master Du Lao.

The two arrived at a mountain forest.

After falling into the mountain forest, Xu Feicai unexpectedly discovered that this place turned out to be an abandoned ancient city.

"This city is called Yicheng. It was originally a city built by the demon clan." Peak Master Du Lao explained.

As a high-level practitioner who has been practicing for many years, Master Du Laofeng has extensive knowledge.

Although Peak Master Du Lao did not explain why this place was deserted, he could roughly guess the reason from the surrounding purple area that became the Linglong Immortal Sect.

It's just that people retreat into the woods.

It's not about right or wrong, it's just about survival.

After all, Xu Fei's descendants have reached more than 10 million in just seven hundred years.

Even though the territory here is vast, it is still not enough for human beings to thrive.

So we can only expand outward slowly.

After falling into the forest, Xu Fei looked around and stopped in the front left direction.

The next moment, a huge python slowly crawled out.

Judging from his stature, he is almost twenty feet long, his head is like a millstone, and the thickest part of his body is probably more than half a foot long.

The weight may be between 3,000 and 5,000 kilograms.

It can be called a giant python.

However, Xu Fei's expression remained calm.

Peak Master Du on the other side didn't even look at it, but still looked at the surrounding situation.

After all, in front of Xu Fei and Peak Master Du, this giant python was no different from a flying insect.

As long as it dares to get closer, whether it is Xu Fei or Du Lao Peak Master, it will be killed with a thought.

Maybe he realized that the two people in front of him were not easy to mess with.

After the giant python took a look, he turned around and left.

Xu Fei ignored the giant python and turned to look at the ruins of the demon city in front of him.

Although most of the buildings collapsed, some survived.

The style of this part of the building is very rough.

Some houses are even more than ten feet high.

It should be prepared for some larger-bodied monsters.

In addition, most stone houses are engraved with various patterns and symbols on their exteriors.

I don't know what it means.

After a while, Xu Fei followed Master Du to find the place where Du Ziteng and his party had rested and camped.

Du Ziteng and the others did not live in the stone houses that remained in the ruins.

Instead, set up camp in a place with a clear view.

There are seven tents in total.

In the center of the camp, there was a stone stove with some ashes.

Even the iron pot on top was not removed.

But now the pot lid is thrown aside, and only half of the water is left in the pot.

In addition, some of the various spices beside the iron pot were knocked over, while others were still placed there quietly.

Obviously, Du Ziteng and his party encountered the Desire Demon suddenly and had no time to pack up these things.

After briefly checking for a moment, Peak Master Du took Xu Fei and chased them in the direction where Du Ziteng and his party might have escaped.

That is to say, we have traveled more than ten miles.

There is an open space about ten feet wide where the trees were burned by the flames.

Although there are many trees on the edge of the open space, it can be imagined that there should have been many trees, weeds and fallen leaves in the open space, but now there are not many ashes in the open space.

And there were a few trees right on the edge of the clearing.

They were very strange, half of them were burned, and half of them were left.

Some are no longer viable and will wither. And some seem to be able to continue to grow depending on the situation.

Quite peculiar.

Peak Master Du Lao couldn't help but sigh after seeing this open space.

"This is where Zi Teng's body was found." Peak Master Du said.

Xu Fei looked at the ashes clearing again, silent.

The strange open space here was obviously caused by Du Ziteng's struggle to resist the desire sacrifice demon.

But in the end, he still couldn't escape.

Next, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du were looking around for possible clues.

In fact, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du were not the only ones chasing the Demon of Desire this time.

Although Du Ziteng is not the kind of genius who can make the Du family from a master of three peaks to a master of four peaks, and become more prosperous, he is also a relatively talented junior in the Du family.

In particular, Du Ziteng is quite experienced in dealing with people and dealing with people.

Among the descendants of the Du family, they are considered to be the backbone generation.

Therefore, after Du Lao Peak Master was robbed, he directly abandoned his feelings and asked several other peak masters to take action.

A total of three teams of people, light and dark, tracked and searched for the demon of sacrifice.

Strive to kill him and avenge his descendants.

In addition, Du Ziteng was robbed while performing a sect mission, so Linglong Immortal Sect also had many dispatches.

In short, to outsiders, there may be nothing unusual about the Purple Territory, but in fact there is an undercurrent surging beneath the surface.

However, Xu Fei was not very optimistic about such an action.

After all, if the Demon of Desire had any brains, he wouldn't have stayed in the Purple Realm.

The vastness of the outer world is the best hiding place for demon cultivators.

However, although the various strange magical skills practiced by demon cultivators make them very outstanding in combat power, they will also suffer backlash from the magical skills.

The brain is mostly abnormal.

Maybe if he wants to sacrifice the beast to the devil, he will continue to hide in the purple realm.

This is also the reason why Lord Du Laofeng will search carefully in the forest where the demon once appeared.

Soon, half a month flew by.

Although some circumstances were found, such as the ruins of the Demon City, which had most likely been a hiding place for demon cultivators, and there were traces of many demon cultivators practicing demonic arts and living there, it was not of much help in searching for traces of the demon cultivator.

After spending half a month, Master Du Laofeng decided not to continue the search.

Take Xu Fei to another place.

Going round and round, more than two months have flown by in the blink of an eye.

During this period, I learned about the traces of the desire sacrifice demon several times.

Some are in the outer realm, and sometimes they are in the purple realm or blue realm.

But when Xu Fei and Du Laofeng came to find them, they had already fled.

Quite alert.

Obviously the other party also understood that they would be retaliated against after killing the descendants of the Du family.

Of course, this may also be the other party's basic operation as a demon cultivator.

After all, demon cultivators who are not vigilant enough may have been refined into demons long ago.

But Xu Fei was not upset about this.

In addition to his normal practice time every day, he also thinks about the coordinated use of his various skills.

Nothing is wasted. (End of chapter)

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