"Elder Xu, I plan to go to the outside world to see." Peak Master Du said to Xu Fei after coming out of the Linglong Immortal Sect's station in a post house.

The Demon of Desire is worthy of being a great demon that can escape from the pursuit of Huanmeng Valley and has been running rampant for thousands of years.

Not only his whereabouts are erratic, but he also creates suspicions.

Others over there were also tracking the Demon of Desire. They thought they had found the Demon of Desire, but in the end they found out that it was actually a stand-in used by the demon to confuse their vision.

Very difficult to deal with.

Peak Master Du Lao was also furious and prepared to go to the outer realm to search for traces of the Desire Demon.

"I will accompany you." Xu Fei said after thinking.

There are monks from all walks of life in the outer realm, and demons are mixed among them.

There are still a few more risks than within the nine major sects.

But on the one hand, Du Ziteng died at the hands of the Demon of Desire, and Xu Fei had been helped by him before, so he naturally needed to help now. On the other hand, Xu Fei was still a little curious about what was going on in the outer realm.

"Thank you." Master Du Laofeng bowed his hands.

Take the lead in flying towards the outer domain.

Xu Fei followed closely behind.

The Purple Territory is already the westernmost territory of the Linglong Immortal Sect, and it is not adjacent to other sects. Therefore, after leaving the Purple Territory, it is the Outer Territory.

So within a moment, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du were in the outer realm.

However, Xu Fei looked a little surprised when he saw from the air that there were still many towns after leaving the Purple Territory.

After all, when Xu Fei thought about it, there were demon cultivators, treacherous cultivators, and tribulation cultivators in the outer realm, so there must be fighting and chaos everywhere.

How is it possible that ordinary people are still thriving?

But from the sky, they seemed to be no different from the situation within the nine major sects.

"These people in the Outer Territory either have a bad life in the Immortal Sect, or have committed crimes, or are their descendants." Du Laofeng explained that Xu Fei paid attention to the villages, towns and cities in the Outer Territory.

Xu Fei was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Maybe in the future, there will be descendants of his Xu family living in this foreign land?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

Xu Fei and Peak Master Du flew back and forth, and in the blink of an eye they were tens of thousands of miles apart.

"This is Jinju City." Peak Master Du Lao introduced.

Xu Fei nodded.

He had heard of the name Jinju City.

It is said that it was within the Purple Territory before, but later migrated several times.

However, many monks from the Linglong Immortal Sect who come to travel outside the realm will pass through Jinju City.

When they got closer, Peak Master Du took Xu Fei and landed at a certain distance from the city gate.

"Most cities in outer areas prohibit monks from flying around to prevent surprise attacks." Peak Master Du Lao said.

Xu Fei's expression changed when he heard this.

You can't help but escape within the Immortal Sect.

Other sects, cities, etc. basically have no rules in this regard.

Obviously, although the environment in the outer domain looks similar to that in the Immortal Sect, there are actually many differences.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not rely on his cultivation to break the rules and follow the people entering and leaving Jinju City along with Master Du Laofeng into the city.

The walls of Jinju City are not high.

It is only about three feet long, and its thickness is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top.

The bottom is about a foot, and the top looks like it might be over half a foot.

It is built with large bluestone strips that are taller than a person.

As for entering and exiting the city, there is no such thing as city entry tax.

Even the few monks guarding the door didn't do much checking.

Then he allowed Xu Fei and Master Du to enter the city.

After entering the city, Xu Fei looked at the lively street scene and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

There are row upon row of buildings of various styles, and monsters, humans, and evil cultivators can come and go freely.

Because he couldn't fly away, he couldn't see the various layouts in the city.

But just looking from a distance, Xu Fei roughly knew that the city was more than three hundred miles away.

Reproduce millions of people.

This is already considered a large city for Outland.

After all, at present, it seems that the outer realm is no different from the inner realm of Xianmen, but after all, it is a little less stable.

After a while, Master Du took Xu Fei to an inn.

Eastbound Inn.

This inn is a huge building covering an area of ​​more than 100 feet. At first glance, it is estimated that it may have about 200 floors.

The building body is painted with clear wind, white clouds, spiritual treasure trees and other scenery.

Somewhat impressive.

Entering the inn, a waiter came up to greet you.

Master Du Laofeng took out a jade token and handed it to the waiter.

"I want to see Yin Zhang in charge." Peak Master Du Lao said.

After the waiter took the jade token and confirmed it, he quickly bowed and asked Master Du Lao and Xu Fei to take a small shrimp skin boat to a room on the 31st floor.

Then he quickly went to ask Yin Zhang to take care of things.

"This steward is a descendant of my Du family. He committed a crime before and couldn't stay in the sect, so he came to live in the outside world." Peak Master Du said.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

After all, the ancestor of the Du family in Lanyu was almost immediately admitted to the Linglong Immortal Sect as soon as it was founded.

So far, the years have passed, and the population is prosperous and the descendants are prosperous.

It can even be said that among the nine major sects, there may be descendants of the Du family all over the outer lands.

After a while, a man in his late teens and early twenties, wearing a light blue robe, came to the door.

After seeing Master Du Laofeng, he quickly bowed.

"Mr. Du," the man in blue robe said.

After all, he gave up his surname, so it was difficult to call Master Du Lao Peak his ancestor.

Moreover, people in the outside world have many eyes, and the situation is confusing.

Hiding your identity can save you some trouble.

Peak Master Du Lao nodded and let the man enter the room.

Then he closed the door with a wave of his hand.

"Yin Zhang, Zi Teng at home was killed by the Demon of Desire. I wonder if you know the whereabouts of this beast?" Peak Master Du Lao said after casually setting up a soundproof formation.

Hearing the words of Peak Master Du, the blue-robed man looked surprised.

Although he is no longer in the Du family, he naturally knows about the outstanding figures among the Du family's descendants.

Although Du Ziteng's name is a bit strange, he has good strength and a good temperament, and he has no complaints about working hard for the family.

Unexpectedly, the message he heard from the other party was the news of his death.

"It is said that the lair of the Demon of Desire is near Tianya City, which is more than 370,000 miles north." Yin Zhang thought for a moment and said.

After receiving the message of the Demon of Desire, Peak Master Du narrowed his eyes.

He immediately wanted to go to Tianya City to avenge his descendants.

However, after thinking about it, Peak Master Du Lao could endure it for the time being.

He took out a storage bag and handed it to Yin Zhang.

"No way. Although I no longer use the surname Du, I am still a member of the Du family. At this moment, I am providing some information for the revenge of my clan. I dare not accept the benefits." Yin Zhang said quickly.

"Take it, you have worked hard in the outer realm, and you always need some money on hand to defend yourself." Peak Master Du Lao said.

Yin Zhang was a little hesitant when he heard this, and after finally thinking about it, he took the storage bag and bowed to express his thanks.

After Send Yin Zhang left, Master Du Laofeng turned to look at Xu Fei.

"Elder Xiao Xu, I intend to inform several other companions of this news, and then we will go to Tianya City together." Peak Master Du Lao said. (End of chapter)

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