Two days later, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du went to Tianya City.

Depart in the morning and arrive in the afternoon.

However, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du did not use their original appearance, and both carried out certain disguises.

Xu Fei just changed his appearance, he was still a young man in his twenties.

Peak Master Du Lao changed himself to look younger, about fifty years old.

They are known to the outside world as a pair of uncle and nephew, who went out to explore for some reason and came to Tianya City.

The other two people did not enter the city directly, but stopped temporarily in a lively market around Tianya City.

In order to find out the information about the desire to sacrifice the devil.

Naturally, there are also some types of tracking spells such as capturing breath.

It's just that this desire-sacrifice demon is used to hiding.

The aura left behind is either unusable or used to confuse the audience.

Very difficult to deal with.

After all, this demon is not ordinary. He was originally a member of the Huanmenggu sect, and his various spells are not as lacking as those of casual cultivators.

That's why it's so troublesome to trace its traces.

If it were any other ordinary magic cultivator, after capturing the opponent's breath, Xu Fei would not be able to hide within a thousand miles.

We arrived at Xiaoyaji outside Tianya City.

Xu Fei and Peak Master Du came to a spiritual medicine shop.

He took out some elixirs found in the wild and prepared them for sale.

"Shopkeeper, my nephew and I are here for the first time. Could you please help us explain it so as not to violate any taboos." Master Du Laofeng bowed his hands and bowed.

Since there was no negotiation over the price when selling elixirs, the elixir shop owner was naturally in a good mood when he made a lot of money.

"Our area around Tianya City is fine with other things, but the only thing we can't do is provoke the Yuxian Sect." The medicine shop owner looked around and whispered.

"Oh? Can you tell me about it?" Peak Master Du's expression changed.

"This Yuxian sect practices the life law. If you accidentally offend them, you will be arrested and sucked to death." The medicine shop owner said cautiously.

But when Peak Master Du wanted to ask more questions, the medicine shop owner waved his hand repeatedly, indicating that the two of them could leave.

When the two saw this, they did not continue to entangle and left the elixir shop.

Return to your temporary residence.

"Could this Yuxian Sect be established by the Demon of Desire behind the scenes?" Master Du Laofeng said, stroking his beard.

Xu Fei heard that it might be possible.

After all, those who wish to sacrifice to demons are cultivating the magic power of life.

And because of its intersex relationship, it can draw on yin and yang.

It is much more efficient than ordinary life magic cultivators.

In addition to magic skills, there are also normal dual cultivation methods here.

However, after some understanding, Xu Fei had no intention of practicing.

After all, those dual cultivation methods that are beneficial to both parties require that there be only one partner.

Both parties practice the Tao and Dharma required by men and women.

Through intercourse, you can harmonize yin and yang and replenish yourself.

But if there are too many objects for dual cultivation, the mana gained will gradually become mixed.

In addition, there are many other restrictions.

For Xu Fei, who relies on spreading branches and leaves to obtain proficiency points, practicing this method is harmful but useless.

"Then let's explore the Yuxian Sect first?" Peak Master Du asked again.

"Okay." Xu Fei agreed.

There are not many clues at the moment, so starting from the Yuxian Gate is also a way.

Moreover, the lair of the Demon of Desire is near Tianya City, but there is also a Gate of Desire here.

Xu Fei doesn't quite believe it if there is no relationship between the two.

I simply walked around Xiaoya Ji twice.

Peak Master Du Lao and Xu Fei went to Tianya City.

This city is not big.

It covers an area of ​​more than two hundred miles from east to west and more than fifty miles from north to south.

There are contiguous farmlands and many villages and towns outside the city.

It looks leisurely.

However, Xu Fei discovered some problems when he accidentally saw the people living among them.

Some people seemed listless.

Of course, in a farming society, ordinary people generally live a relatively difficult life.

It seems normal to appear weak from hunger.

But these people are so weak and short of breath that they are about to die at any moment.

Judging from Xu Fei's judgment, they were probably caused by being harvested.

And these listless people include both men and women.

Seeing this, Xu Fei exchanged glances with Master Du Laofeng, and then entered Tianya City.

Not too far into the city, you can see a whole street with red lanterns hung high and tall pavilions with blue bricks and green tiles.

Even in broad daylight, all the female cultivators on the left are scantily clad, and all the male cultivators on the right are dressed in suave or heroic styles.

People walking on the street, regardless of gender, all looked intoxicated.

Obviously, you don’t know what this street is for.

After Xu Fei and Master Du thought for a while, they simply changed streets.

But what I didn't expect was that before walking too far, there was another Hualiu Street.

Obviously, in Tianya City, the business on Hualiu Street is very prosperous.

Fortunately, Tianya City is not limited to the flower and willow industry, there are also some other businesses.

Xu Fei and Peak Master Du found a quiet inn and stayed temporarily.

And after some inquiring.

The general situation of Tianya City was also explored.

Thousands of years ago, this city was still managed by a sect called Shenyi Sect.

But then the leader of the Shenyi Sect suddenly died violently.

The elders and hall masters of the sect either fled or led others to seek refuge with the Yuxian Sect, which later took over Tianya City.

And this Yuxian Sect is not secretive, they only recruit some handsome and beautiful male and female monks.

Teach the unorthodox method of cultivating both life and life.

Turning a originally good city into a city of flowers and willows.

Knowing this information, Xu Fei and Peak Master Du were even more certain that the Yuxian Sect and the Yuxi Demon were probably really related.

So that night he sneaked into the Yuxian Gate.

Caught the master of the Yuxian Sect.

Although the opponent had more than 40,000 pots of mana, both Xu Fei and Master Du were able to subdue him silently.

In particular, the opponent's magic power is very mixed, and may not be as good as a monk with 20,000 pots of pure magic power.

"Who are you?" The leader of the Yuxian Sect is a woman in her thirties.

Extraordinarily coquettish and charming.

Xu Fei casually knocked out the man who had just been operating on her.

Then he looked at the master of the Yuxian Sect.

"Put on your clothes and I'll ask you questions." Peak Master Du said.

The master of the Yuxian Sect felt the magic power that was blocked in his body and could not promote luck at all, so he could only obey the other party's command.

Put on a red gauze dress.

It’s just that after putting it on, it’s better not to wear it.

However, Old Peak Master Du no longer paid attention to this.

"Do you know where the Demon of Desire is?" Peak Master Du said directly.

Hearing the name of the Desire Demon, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the master of the Desire Sect.

Although this surprise only appeared for a moment, and the master of the Yuxian Sect returned to normal in a blink of an eye, he was still caught by Xu Fei and Du Laofeng.

"Senior is joking about the sacrifice of desire to the devil. If senior wants to have a good time, the little girl should accompany him." The master of the Yuxian Sect said.

"Although I don't like to embarrass others, if you have anything to hide, I won't mind searching your soul." Peak Master Du said.

The soul searching spell here is quite dangerous.

After all, if you are not careful, the other party's memory will be invaded, and you may even have mental problems. (End of chapter)

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